Reality Steve



  • Bachelor Peter Spoilers

    (EXCLUSIVE) What Happened on Victoria’s Hometown Date Yesterday

    Photo Credit: ABC

    All sorts of weirdness yesterday, I honestly don’t know where to begin. A lot of false information floating around out there regarding what happened based on the things that were sent to me, and I want to clear everything up. Especially after I released the name of the person who Peter was seen talking to once he was done dancing with Victoria. Might wanna listen to this whole story considering, well, she and I have been in contact during this last month. How everything came together was so bizarre because it was so back and forth and last minute. That truly was one of the weirdest days of filming I can ever remember yesterday from this franchise, and really, I still don’t know what to … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Peter Spoilers

    Hometowns Start Filming & (EXCLUSIVE) What You (And Peter) Need To Know About Victoria Fuller

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So it’s been a while since I updated filming status on the website, and I’d say today is as a good of time as any. Why? Well, we’ll get to that in a little bit. But today is hometown date #2 with Victoria Fuller. This past Saturday, Madison Prewett had her hometown with I tweeted and IG’d about all day on Saturday. Wednesday is Hannah Sluss’ hometown in Knoxville, TN then Friday they’ll be in Des Moines, IA for Kelsey Weier’s. That’s your final 4 as Natasha Parker and Kelley Flanagan were eliminated in Peru. As you know, they’ll be heading to Australia after Saturday’s rose ceremony, and from what I’m hearing, they are not going to be in a major city. I’m hearing they’re … Continue reading

  • Temptation Island

    “Temptation Island” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 3 Recap

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    Where last we left him, Rick was sitting beside a smoldering fire watching footage of his girlfriend of four years getting slammed by a man she’s known for four days. So what I’m saying here is that no matter how bad your week has been, Rick’s has probably been worse. But as he watches KB and Ashley writhe around under the covers, he holds it together like a champ. He does not cry. He does not scream. He does not fall to his knees to begin gathering blades of grass and small rocks and twigs that he can fashion into an Ashley voodoo doll. Instead, he informs Mark he’s not sure his relationship can recover from this, and my presumption is that any clinically normal … Continue reading

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