Reality Steve



  • Temptation Island

    “Temptation Island” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 1 Recap

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    If there are two things the thirteenth installment of The Fast & the Furious franchise taught us this summer, it’s that 1) People really enjoy watching bald men beating the sh*t out of bad guys while stopping mid-punch to say something quippy and 2) There will always be something new and shiny to blow up onscreen – and that includes relationships. Temptation Island doesn’t exactly fall into the Action movie category. Not one literal explosion occurred last season and nobody participated in a high-speed car chase over a rickety bridge like the boys who hail from Fast & Furious Land – soon to be a theme park attraction the moment Disney buys yet another studio! – but a sh*tload of emotional implosions did go down. … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #151 – Interview with Ashley Howland of “Temptation Island”

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    Tonight is the premiere of “Temptation Island” on USA. The first episode has been online for a week now (and it’s included below), but in a switch up from last season where Kaci Campbell joined us every week, this season I’m gonna have one person from the four couples join me every week, which will cover 8 weeks. I was supposed to have another guest this week for the podcast, but things fell through, so for this week, it’s just Ashley. I spend the first 15 minutes discussing what’s going on in Peter’s season for those who aren’t following along on Twitter and IG. Also, I talk a little bit about the Rachel/Raven feud that I’m still continuously asked about on a daily basis. Have … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #150 – Interview with “Temptation Island” Host Mark Walberg


    Oh boy, a lot to get to today after what happened on yesterday’s 1-on-1 date. The first 20 min or so of today’s podcast is a breakdown of everything I know up to this point regarding Victoria Fuller, her 1-on-1 date with Peter yesterday, and her past with Chase Rice, who performed on the date. Then, we bring in “Temptation Island” host Mark Walberg to give us a preview on season 2. A casting special airs tonight on USA (and is also up online at which shows how the couples this season were chosen. You see their interviews in LA meeting with production, and then production meeting to determine who they’re choosing for the show and why. Some good stuff there since these are … Continue reading

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