The “Bachelor” Peter – Episode 5 Recap, “Bachelorette” Talk, Cosmo’s Statement on Victoria F., & More
Ok everyone, stop. Just stop. I know the Super Bowl just passed and the fawning over Jimmy G for the “Bachelor” revved up once again, but can we use our brains just for a minute here? I feel like I say this every single season, yet every single season, some good looking male athlete becomes the new Flavor of the Month, and everyone seems to think ABC is gonna put him as the “Bachelor.” I’ll say it once again (even though I’m sure it’ll be forgotten), but no professional athlete who’s currently still playing will ever be the “Bachelor.” Ever. Not happening. Why? Because of all 4 major sports (NBA, NFL, MLB, and NHL) are all in season while the “Bachelor” is filming. We know … Continue reading