Reality Steve



  • Bachelor in Paradise 6

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode 7 Recap, Reunion Taping Today, & Peter as the “Bachelor”

    Photo Credit: ABC

    It’s the best time of the year. No, not Paradise. No, not the “Bachelor” announcement coming soon. I’m talking about football season. I’m sure a lot of you college fans are fired up for the first weekend of a pretty full schedule of games, as am I. As much as I loved Week 0 for how profitable it was, this weekend is the real first weekend of college football. Which also means that next week is my annual guys trip to Vegas for first NFL weekend. If I’m doing my math correctly, it’s now 22 of the last 24 years we’ve done it. It was my one big trip every year that I most looked forward to back in the late 90s and early 2000’s. … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #144 – Interview with Kate Casey of the “Reality Life” Podcast


    Fun times today talking with Kate Casey of the “Reality Life” podcast as we break down what happened on the “Bachelorette” this season, we talk “Bachelor in Paradise” and the craziness that has happened since episode 1, we talk about “The Hills” reboot, and we do a Final 10 getting Kate’s answers to questions I have about some of the biggest names in reality TV. I like talking to Kate because she’s engaging. I think you may hear during the course of this podcast Kate ask me more questions than I ask her. It’s fun that way. I always love questions from guests who want to know more about things they aren’t completely sure of. Amy Kaufman does that too. I’m always up for answering … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” BIP Episode 6 Thoughts, & DWTS Cast Announced

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well, it’s official now as the DWTS cast was released this morning. You know what’s funny? Every season we hear producers of that show touting the fact they’re gonna have this unbelievable cast, and every season it’s basically the same type of people. Athletes, someone from a Disney show and/or child actor, a few reality show people, a pop singer, then throw a few older contestants in there, and also someone usually from the political world who is usually out early. Same thing, different season. Tell me how this season’s cast (which is rumored to being DWTS’ last season) is ANY different from any previous seasons? Athletes? Check. Former child actor? Check. Reality TV contestant? Check. Pop singer? Check. Older nostalgic contestant? … Continue reading

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