Reality Steve



  • Bachelor in Paradise 6

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode 5 Recap, Remaining BIP Schedule, Demi’s Storyline, & the “He Said, She Said” Podcast with Ashley Spivey – Episode 21

    Photo Credit: ABC

    You realize after tonight, we’re halfway through BIP? I’ll get to the schedule in a second, but just know that there’s still 3 more rose ceremonies to cover, and they’re basically only gonna cover 2 rose ceremonies in the first 6 episodes. So yeah, as we get towards the end, those will speed up a bit since the people who come on late are pretty irrelevant and don’t add to the narrative of the main couples of the season. The Blake stuff took up so much time, then dragging this Demi stuff out, I mean, last night rose ceremony #2 of the season didn’t end until 55 minutes into the show. Only one new person came on last night, and that was Caitlin. Tonight, only … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #143 – Interview with Author & Media Literacy Advocater, Jennifer L. Pozner


    For years I have talked about the behind the scenes tricks and manipulations production does that the average fan who watches the “Bachelor” and “Bachelorette” franchise doesn’t have a clue about. I’ve given examples over the years, but kept it pretty surface level. This week’s podcast guest, Jennifer Pozner, is someone who’s done extensive research on this topic and written a book about it, as we dive into it in over a 90 minute conversation today. It’s pretty amazing what can be done to be honest, and Jennifer even makes you start critically thinking what you’re actually watching when you sit down on Monday nights to tune into this show. It’s a very long and detailed conversation that I guarantee will make you think about … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Paradise Episode 4 Mini Recap, Hannah/DWTS

    Photo Credit: ABC

    We know that Paradise is changing, and I’m not sure it’s for the better. This was always the show that didn’t take itself as seriously as the “Bachelor” or “Bachelorette,” it was light hearted, it made fun of itself, and was just an easier watch. A fun summer show. With how much social media is exploding and how it’s framing storylines for Paradise, it’s just not the same show it once was. I tweeted this out last night, but I’m beginning to think BIP doesn’t know what it wants to be. A fun summer show? Well, we’ve all watched these first 4 episodes. Is anything about this season a fun summer show? I’d say no. The original concept of this show was put all the … Continue reading

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