Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    Podcast #116 – Interview with Kristen Baldwin from “Entertainment Weekly”


    Diving into some “Bachelor” talk this week with TV critic at “Entertainment Weekly,” Kristen Baldwin. Been almost a full year since Kristen’s been on so figured I’d have her on midway through Colton’s season to discuss everything we’ve seen up to this point and what’s to come. And you’ve been warned now, you’ll be warned in the open of the podcast and again right before I start talking to Kristen, we will be talking spoilers this episode. So be prepared. If you don’t wanna know what’s happening this season in the next few episodes, then this may not be the podcast for you. Just saying. Kristen visited the set on night 1 and interviewed some of the head honchos with the show, so we talk … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, Finale Schedule, Temptation Island, & Cassie’s Ex Speaks Out

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I forgot to mention this yesterday, but the outpouring of love for the Craig podcast has been unbelievable. A lot of you have written me personally, and I shared them with Craig because he needed to hear it. Craig told me he appreciates all the support, and he had a lot of people come out of the woodwork to him and express their sentiments towards his story, not to mention people who’ve opened up to him and are willing to get help now. I knew it’d be a powerful story, not only because of the way Craig has dealt with it, but because how open he was in describing just exactly what he went through. To admit it’s not an easy road and every day … Continue reading

  • Temptation Island

    “Temptation Island” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 4 Recap

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    If the ultimate goal of going on a show like Temptation Island is to perhaps discover new and exciting things about yourself, Kaci and Evan should be shoo-ins for the first Self-Awareness medals. I’d like to recommend to production that these prizes be given out at the end of each Bonfire of Doom, as I truly believe a shiny consolation prize might help soothe someone’s ravaged insides after she’s, say, forced to watch footage of the love of her life canoodling with a stranger. Kaci’s medal (I’m gonna go ahead and say she deserves the gold, and that’s only partly because her soul will soon be crushed into smithereens and at least gold will make those smithereens look pretty) should be awarded for having the … Continue reading

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