Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” & Quick WTA Recap

    Photo Credit: ABC

    On a normal week of “Reader Emails,” I usually post anywhere between 30-35 emails. That’s usually where it ends up being. Some weeks a little more, some a little less. If I were to have posted every email I’ve got in the last 24 hours, this week’s “Reader Emails” would’ve easily been over 250 emails. There was no way I was gonna do that many emails. There was a lot of the same stuff repeated in them, so I tried to make each email separate. There’s a few repeaters, but trust me, if I would’ve posted everything, it would’ve been the same 3 topics over and over: Cassie’s dad, Colton and Cassie’s breakup, and Bachelorette Hannah B. I can’t remember the last time I received … Continue reading

  • Temptation Island

    “Temptation Island” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 8 Recap

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    I feel the need to inform you, dear reader, that the initial wager I so cavalierly threw down about which couples would destruct into heaping piles of sh*t before our very eyes and which couples would survive their time on Temptation Island and go limping off into the sunset has completely fallen to pieces. It’s hard to recall exactly what I said back then (and scrolling through my earlier recaps for clarity just seems like an awful lot of work), but I’m pretty sure I boldly bet that Kaci and Evan would remain solid and faithful and Shari and Javen were doomed. Yeah. I used the word “doomed” to describe those two, though to be fair, that was before I heard them refer to one … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 23 - Colton

    The “Bachelor” Colton – Episode 9 Recap, (EXCLUSIVE) “Bachelorette” Announcement, RIP Luke Perry, & Next Week’s Two-Night Live Finale

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I know this is a “Bachelor” column, but anyone who knows me and what I like, knows that the news coming down yesterday of Luke Perry’s passing had to know what a blow that was to me. In a couple weeks, I’m going to do the podcast with Tara Ariano and Sarah D. Bunting from the “Again With This” podcast to talk all things “Beverly Hills 90210.” They were the ones I recorded with back in January and I accidentally deleted it. Still pissed about that, but we’re re-recording next week, so you should hear that soon. Anyway, I guess we have one more, if not terribly tragic, topic to discuss. Millennials probably can’t comprehend how important Luke Perry was in early to mid 90’s. … Continue reading

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