Reality Steve



  • The Bachelor 22 - Arie

    The “Bachelor” Arie Finale Part 1 Thoughts, Becca Speaks Out, Former Contestants Weigh In, & “Bachelorette” Announcement Tonight

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well that was certainly a lot to take in, no? Holy sh**. Even though you’ve known what was coming for weeks now, it still didn’t make it any easier to watch. When most of the contestants who’ve been on this show, ones that have signed contracts themselves and know what’s in them, are even calling out the show last night, you know something wasn’t right. You know, it’s weird. There’s so much to cover, yet, I feel that continually talking about everything I’ve talked about all season is nothing new to everyone. Sure, I have some thoughts on last night, but there’s no need to drag on here. I wanna show you some of the reaction of “Bachelor Nation” last night to answer some of … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #67 – Interview with Comedian Sarah Colonna & Episode 9 of the “He Said, She Said” Podcast with Sharleen Joynt


    A couple weeks ago, I was alerted on Twitter to the fact that comedian Sarah Colonna was a “Bachelor” fan and also a fan of the site, so I decided now was a good time to bring her on. You know my love for stand up comedy if you’ve been following me for any amount of time, so I will always jump at the chance to talk to comedians because of how much I respect their craft. We cover Sarah’s career from moving to LA after being in Arkansas her whole life to make it in the business, her rise in stand up, writing two books, getting hired by Chelsea Handler, all the way to how she met her current husband (Seattle Seahawks punter John … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” & US Weekly Doing What They Do Best

    Photo Credit: ABC

    We’re at that point in the season where, because of relationships they have with the franchise, tabloids will start posting their “inside” knowledge of the season. This happens every season, you all know I point it out every time it happens, and US Weekly did it again. I can’t reiterate enough this has nothing to do with sour grapes. My traffic this season because of Arie’s shenanigans rivals any other season, if not bigger. I’m not losing readers whatsoever. This comes down to common courtesy and credibility. For example, I had no idea that Jordan Rodgers was gonna be on JoJo’s season until US Weekly reported it. And when they did, I gave them full credit. Linked to the story, said he wasn’t someone I’d … Continue reading

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