Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” Incl Tomorrow’s Podcast Guest, and Josh Speaks on Andi & Nick

    Photo Credit: ET Online

    Before we get to talking about podcast stuff and the latest flying out of Josh Murray’s mouth, a good response yesterday to “Cash me ousside how bout dah” girl. Good meaning everyone is pretty in shock over this girl and her antics. I can’t get enough of it. Like, I spent a lot of time yesterday going back over old interviews she did that I missed. You know, after she went on Dr. Phil in September, he sent her away to a “rehab” place. Not one of those Dr. Drew type places, but one up in the mountains where she was basically given a horse that she had to take care of to learn responsibilities. I guess you’re only supposed to do a month or … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 21 - Nick

    The “Bachelor” Nick Episode 8 Recap Incl “Women Tell All,” Scheduling Quirk for Next Week & Josh and Amanda News

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I must let you all in on a little secret now. This past weekend for whatever reason I became extremely sick. No, not a fever or anything like that. Didn’t have the flu. Or the mumps. Or strep throat. Or anything of that nature. It started back in September, but didn’t really hit its peak til it caught on around December when it was flying all around the place. And when I say flying all around the place, I’m talking about the internet. Usually something goes viral immediately after it happens, but this one took a while. I don’t know why, I don’t know how, and I’m still trying to figure out what took it so long to catch on. I’m sure you’re all familiar … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #13 with Special Guest Clare Crawley Along with “Dr. Reality Steve” Emails


    When I first decided I wanted to do the podcasts, my goal was to get as many former contestants as I could and get them to open up about their season. Maybe give a little insight to things you didn’t see, weren’t shown, and each person’s individual thoughts on what they were going through. I’ve realized by doing these first few (with Clare only being the 4th former contestant I’ve interviewed), there is so much more every podcast we can dive into. Like, I have a rough outline of what I want to talk about, but then after I start listening to these people, they take me in directions I didn’t think it was going. And I thank all of them for that. Today’s podcast … Continue reading

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