Reality Steve



  • The Bachelor 21 - Nick

    “Bachelor” Nick Episode 3 Recap Incl “Beard Hunk” & Rodgers Family Drama

    Photo Credit: E! Online

    The greatest reality show on television played out again this weekend courtesy of the NFL playoffs. Sure Saturday’s games were two stink bombs, but Sunday’s were filled with much needed drama after 6 blowouts preceding them so far in the playoffs. Yes, I may live in Dallas but I’m not a Cowboys fan. I don’t hate them either. I’m just indifferent. I didn’t grow up as a fan, so just because I moved here doesn’t mean I automatically root for them. They had a great season, their future is bright, but I’m fine with the outcome Sunday. I’m also fine with it because it’s only adding to the Rodgers drama off the field. We all know Aaron has been estranged from the family for two … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #7 with Special Guest the “Possessionista” Dana Weiss Along with “Dr. Reality Steve” Emails


    One thing I’ve been reiterating in regards to my podcast since I started was I wanted to open this up to people with differing points of view. Hell, if I had my wish, I’d love to have a caller on every week that isn’t a fan of mine, doesn’t like me, trashes me online, but has never personally emailed me. I think that’d be great. I’m giving anyone who wants the forum to say something to me that they’ve said to their freinds or online where 17 people see it to now say it to my face. Will it happen? Probably not. Because that’s what make them trolls. They’re brave behind a computer, but would never actually confront me with it. Our guest this week … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” and Corinne’s Whipped Cream Bikini

    Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

    Every season during “Bachelor” and “Bachelorette,” the tabloids start having a field day on the contestants, getting on the record quotes from people from their past, or just “sources say” (which are usually the negative quotes) so they can attack their character. We’re only 2 weeks into the season, and already the US Weekly that hit stands today has gone with the “Bachelor Secret Pasts” headline. However, if you actually read the article which I did this morning, there is nothing in there that is new to you in regards to any possible spoilers or any earth shattering news about the women. The girls mentioned in the article are Corinne, Vanessa, Taylor, Rachel, Danielle L., and Jasmine. However, the stuff about Vanessa, Taylor, and Rachel … Continue reading

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