Reality Steve



  • The Bachelor 21 - Nick

    The “Bachelor” Nick Episode 5 Recap Incl The Reality Steve Fan Appreciation Party Details Are Set


    The 3rd Annual Reality Steve Fan Appreciation Party is officially set. It will take place Friday, June 9th at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. As much as I tried to change venues this year, Mandalay still offered me the best deal, so we’re going back again. Those who aren’t familiar, this is open to anyone who wants to come, but I do have about a 60-65 person limit in that room. So it’s first come first serve. If you want to attend, but are coming in from out-of-state, your guarantee to be on the confirmed list is to email me your flight itinerary. I assume people wouldn’t flake if they purchase a flight. If you are driving or live close and you want in, email … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #9 with Kacie Gaston (formerly Kacie B.) & a “Dr. Reality Steve” Call & Emails


    Long time readers of this column might understand a little bit more about what I’m going to say than say if you started reading this site 364 days ago. Today is a pretty memorable anniversary, as exactly one year ago today, my sweet Maddie passed away. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about her. I haven’t talked about it much since it happened because it’s just still too hard for me. She was the only dog I’ve ever owned, I haven’t gotten a new one, I get asked all the time if I’m going to and my answer remains the same, “I don’t know. I just know I’m not ready yet.” One thing that I have not done in the … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” incl the Arkansas TV Station Releases a Statement & Corinne in Middle School

    Photo Credit: ABC

    A lot of goodness came from yesterday’s column with all the dirt that was out there. From the Arkansas TV station, to Corinne’s mom the blabbermouth, to the Amanda/Wells weekend hookup…it’s like the list was never ending. However, with any good news/dirt there’s always a downside that comes with it. Unfortunately, some of the internet trolls got loose yesterday and ran rampant not just on this site, but many other social media outlets there spewing hatred towards Raven. If you missed it, good. Not worth your time. But thank you to the person who tweeted at and alerted me it had reached my site, so that came to an end really quick. Say whatever you want about me, you hate my writing, you hate my … Continue reading

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