Reality Steve



  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    “Reader Emails” & “Bachelor in Paradise” Episode 2 Recap

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So there might be a change to the schedule from what I mentioned yesterday. There’s a chance that episode 3 of the “He Said, She Said” podcast with myself and Sharleen Joynt will be released tomorrow on Stitcher Premium instead of next week. You’ll know tomorrow morning once I release this week’s podcast with Lace Morris. I think there’s a good chance we can get the HSSS (that’s my short version of the title) podcast in tomorrow. At least I’m hoping to. If not, then next Thursday. But it’s a good one. Two callers, but two very different situations. Plus, we have one positive update from a previous caller and one, well, not so positive update from an episode #2 caller. It happens. But one … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    “Bachelor in Paradise 4” Episode 1 Recap, “Baby Bachelor in Paradise” Episode 2, & Executives Speak on the Franchise

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Another season of “Bachelor in Paradise” is among us. With that brings us fun, excitement, drama, a lot of tears and…oh yeah, the inevitable “Hey, do you have any spoilers for BIP this year” emails and tweets that I got last night. So even though they’ve been up a month and I’ve linked to them numerous times since then, hey, here you go. Your episode-by-episode spoilers for this season of “Bachelor in Paradise,” which you can also find by going to the navigation bar up top, going to “TV Shows,” then “Bachelor in Paradise 4”, etc. In the beginning of doing BIP spoilers, I used to get info on what they actually did on the date, but since the show doesn’t care to … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #38 – Interview with “Real Housewives of Dallas” Brandi Redmond


    I know a lot of you are huge fans of the “Housewives” franchise on Bravo. Unfortunately, I’ve never watched five minutes of any season outside of the Dallas one last year. Well, season 2 of RHOD starts this Monday and I figured what better person to have on the podcast week to talk about it, along with many other things, is the fiery red head from season 1 and friend of mine, Brandi Redmond. Kinda random how Brandi and I met and we get into that right off the bat. We also talk about her time as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, how she got cast in this franchise, the effect season 1 had on her marriage and kids, her relationship with Stephanie Hollman, what we … Continue reading

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