Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” “Men Tell All” Spoilers, DeMario & Britney Spears, and A Spoiler Slip Up

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So tomorrow we dip out of the Bachelor Nation for our podcast guest as Jenny McCarthy will be joining me for podcast #36. And yes, already I had at least 5 people ask me about the vaccination stuff. No, it was never brought up, nor was it ever going to be. I’m not doing an expose on her. This wasn’t an interview to challenge her on her stance about something like that. I try to keep my interviews a little more light hearted. The fact that Jenny even agreed to do it was a bonus for me, so I’m not going to have her on and start badgering her. I hope you can see Jenny as more than that. It’s a fun interview, Jenny has … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 13 - Rachel

    The “Bachelorette” Episode 9 Recap, “Men Tell All” News, Dean is Team Peter

    Photo Credit: ABC

    The weekend is over, I am back from Vegas after a surprisingly successful trip, and I come back to numerous emails asking me about “Men Tell All” spoilers. I will have your “Men Tell All” spoilers posted in tomorrow’s column. As you saw last night in the tease, Lee will be there to confront Kenny. Also, DeMario is there as well. There’s not a whole hell of a lot of major stuff that goes down at the MTA. The only significant thing, and I tweeted this out last night, is that Eric was not a part of the taping. Because he wasn’t eliminated last night, it made no sense for him to be there since that’d give it away. Yes, he showed up at the … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #35 – Interview with Ben Flajnik & Episode 2 of the “He Said, She Said” Podcast with Sharleen Joynt


    Very excited to have on this week’s podcast guest, Bachelor #16 Ben Flajnik. To say he had an interesting season (and post-season for that matter), would be an understatement. Know that going into this, I’m fully aware I probably could’ve done a 2 hour podcast alone just on his relationship with Courtney. But I didn’t want to make it all about that. And this also wasn’t a, “Hey Ben, Courtney said this about you with she came on the podcast, what’s your response” type of interview. We absolutely address their relationship post show in regards to what happened, how he felt when the show was airing and a couple parts of her book. I appreciate Ben’s candor on the subject. It’s not about who’s right … Continue reading

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