Reality Steve

Search results for "the bachelor"

  • Podcasts

    The “Bachelorette” Gabby/Rachel – Episode 7 Recap, Jesse’s Big “Surprise” at the MTA, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Keeping this in one paragraph: I’m a moron. I know my doctor told me before surgery I was looking at probably 12 weeks before I was walking again. But for whatever reason, my mind didn’t process that. I processed it as 12 weeks before I could walk without assistance. Maybe it was wishful thinking. Had my first doctors appointment yesterday. Everything looks great. It’s healing correctly. They removed the splint and now I’m in a boot. Again for whatever reason, I equated being in a boot to walking. Probably because last time I was in a boot 20 years ago for torn ankle ligaments, I was walking in it almost immediately. Yeah, not quite this time around. Still not allowed to put any pressure on … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” the “Bachelorette” TV Schedule, “Bachelor Party” Podcast, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I’ve upgraded my life. My scooter life that is. From last Friday to yesterday, I had a fairly basic scooter I got off Amazon. It was $150 and did what it was built for. It got me around the house, which is the only place I’ve been since surgery a week ago. I haven’t left my house. However, it was pretty wobbly, and I’ve stumbled a couple times. Just didn’t feel safe enough on it, so I doled out $400 and got myself one with all terrain wheels and shocks. Got it put together yesterday and it’s SO much better than the original one. Today I plan on going outside for the first time and honestly just kinda scooting around the neighborhood just to be … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    The “Bachelorette” Gabby/Rachel – Episode 6 Recap, Next Bachelor Talk, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Boy I tell ya’, as I mentioned on my Daily Roundup yesterday, I don’t wish an Achilles tear on anyone. Now granted, it’s been 5 days since surgery and I haven’t once had to take the pain pills described to me. I’m sitting in any throbbing pain at all. Getting used to a leg being in a splint, I’ve banged it a couple times, even fell off my scooter once and the bad leg hit the ground first. But that’s just an instant pain and goes away after a few seconds. All in all, the recovery has just been boring. Well, that is until I attempted my first shower over the weekend. Yikes. Lets just say I now have a chair in my shower to … Continue reading

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