Reality Steve

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  • Podcasts

    The “Bachelorette” Gabby/Rachel – Episode 7 Recap, Jesse’s Big “Surprise” at the MTA, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Keeping this in one paragraph: I’m a moron. I know my doctor told me before surgery I was looking at probably 12 weeks before I was walking again. But for whatever reason, my mind didn’t process that. I processed it as 12 weeks before I could walk without assistance. Maybe it was wishful thinking. Had my first doctors appointment yesterday. Everything looks great. It’s healing correctly. They removed the splint and now I’m in a boot. Again for whatever reason, I equated being in a boot to walking. Probably because last time I was in a boot 20 years ago for torn ankle ligaments, I was walking in it almost immediately. Yeah, not quite this time around. Still not allowed to put any pressure on … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #300 – Interview with Kristen Baldwin, TV Critic at


    We’ve made it! 300 podcasts. That’s just crazy to me. When I started the Thursday podcast in Dec. of 2016, I never had any idea how long it was gonna last. Hell, I didn’t even know what kind of podcast it’d be other than covering the show. Was I just gonna recap the episodes? Do interviews? Something else? Then about a month in I decided I wanted to make it an interview podcast. And here we are, 300 podcasts later. And that 300 number is JUST the Thursday podcast. That doesn’t include months of the “He Said, She Said” podcast with at first Sharleen, and then Ashley Spivey, and now with the Daily Roundup. Crazy to think the Thursday podcast is coming up on completely … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” the “Bachelorette” TV Schedule, “Bachelor Party” Podcast, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I’ve upgraded my life. My scooter life that is. From last Friday to yesterday, I had a fairly basic scooter I got off Amazon. It was $150 and did what it was built for. It got me around the house, which is the only place I’ve been since surgery a week ago. I haven’t left my house. However, it was pretty wobbly, and I’ve stumbled a couple times. Just didn’t feel safe enough on it, so I doled out $400 and got myself one with all terrain wheels and shocks. Got it put together yesterday and it’s SO much better than the original one. Today I plan on going outside for the first time and honestly just kinda scooting around the neighborhood just to be … Continue reading

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