Reality Steve



  • Podcasts

    “Reader Emails,” Nick’s “Apology,” Temptation Island & The Big D, and Big Brother Premieres Tonight!

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So I’m still in recovery mode from this past weekend due to my 30 yr high school reunion. 3 of the 4 nights I was out past 2am, and let me tell you, I don’t do that anymore. Just not in me. Yes, I’m usually up til 1am when I’m home after completing my 2 podcasts every night, but I’m actually home and just relaxing before that. Being out and about socializing this weekend, having a few drinks, and coming back to a hotel early in the morning is something I just don’t do very often. Hell, even when I’m in Vegas I don’t stay out all that late. And if I am, I’m downstairs in my own hotel, not hotel hopping and out partying. … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Charity Spoilers

    (EXCLUSIVE) Your Charity Finale Spoilers

    Photo Credit: ABC

    This is great. Always fun times the day I drop the finale spoilers. Especially today. Why? Because I’m gonna drop them here (and on the Daily Roundup, Twitter, IG feed, and IG stories), then I’m skipping town. On a flight this morning to CA for my 30 yr high school reunion this weekend. So I drop the goods, then I’m outta here, not having to think about this all weekend. Another reason why it’ll be great to bounce once this is all out? Because of the inevitable “Well, you were wrong about this, so how do we know this is right” babble coming from the doubters. I get it. It’s impossible to convince someone the info is right unless I can show proof/evidence. But how … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 20 - Charity

    The “Bachelorette” Charity – Episode 5 Thoughts, Screen Time, Taylor Swift Tickets For Sale, & Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So if you listened to yesterday’s Daily Roundup, you heard that I took my niece to see the Barbie movie. I think maybe my thoughts on it came across a little harsh. I didn’t hate it by any means. I didn’t even dislike it. I just thought it was a little corny and weird and bizarre. However, I also acknowledge, not being someone who played with dolls growing up, not being female, and not having a daughter, also played a role in my thoughts on the movie. It didn’t hit me that I think it will hit some people who fit into any of those three categories. Because before it was released this weekend, the plot details hadn’t really leaked out. Nobody knew what the … Continue reading

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