Well, I had my first successful weekend away from Luka this past weekend. Somewhat. The good thing is the doggy resort said she was great for her first time, and in the times I checked in on her on their doggy cams, she certainly looked like she was having fun. She made a whole bunch of new friends and there was another beagle there that looked exactly like her, which kept getting me confused. With that said, she was at the resort from Wed thru Sat, then my sister picked her up and she stayed at my house with her and my niece on Saturday, then my brother-in-law stayed with her Sunday night before I came back yesterday. What’s weird is I told you every time I come home, Luka is begging and scratching to get out of the crate because it’s like I’ve been gone a year whether it’s been a few hours or 10 minutes. But when I walked in yesterday, she just looked at me. Didn’t make any noises or nothing. Then as I approached the crate to let her out, it’s like she was in fear. I don’t think she recognized me right away and looked a bit in fear. Took a while to set in it was me. Ultimately she was fine, but it was definitely a little weird that she was confused, I think, of who I was after not seeing me for 5 days.
As for Vegas, one of my best weekends ever. Could’ve been even better than that if somehow the Browns/Steelers game doesn’t combine for 6 TD’s in a downpour all game. What a bizarre game. That was for sure a kick to the nuts. Regardless, if you’ve never stayed at the Venetian in Vegas, you should. Different strokes for different folks obviously, and this isn’t any sort of ad for them, I just think for my money, it’s the best hotel on the strip. Great dining, best sportsbook, nicest table dealers – all around, just a fun hotel to be at and that’s why next season for the 5th Annual Fan Appreciation Party, even though the actual party is at the Rio, I’ll be staying at the Venetian, and anyone interested in a room discount it will from that hotel. I’ll know those discounts as we get into 2019, but just know in case you haven’t stayed there, it’ll be a little more expensive than Mandalay Bay just because the rooms are bigger. But trust me, it’s worth it.
Don’t forget Nell Kalter’s “Floribama Shore” episode 10 recap is now up for your reading pleasure. The season is winding down, but Nell is just getting revved up. See what I did there? Also, this is the last week of “Reader Emails” and “Dr. Reality Steve” for the rest of the calendar year, so get in any questions that you have today and tomorrow. Once next week starts, the plan is to bring “Daily Links” back to have reading material while spoiling Colton’s season. Not sure if it’ll be every day, but I’ll try and keep up on it better than I have the past couple off seasons.
Speaking of Colton’s season, as I told you last week, filming begins next Thursday night the 20th. I was told Colton was filming some of his intro package at the Chargers/Chiefs game this past weekend at the Stub Hub Center in Carson, CA. Also, apparently today he will be filming some of his intro package in Colorado at Angelo’s Taverna and the Carboy Winery. As far as the women go, I’ll be releasing some of them next week, so stay tuned for that. Got a lot of them already. Most I’ve ever had to start a season, so I just need some time to put together their basic profiles of age, city, job, college, pictures, and social media accounts. Doesn’t seem like much, but it’s a tad time consuming, especially when I didn’t do any work this past weekend.
And because I didn’t do any work this weekend, I completely blanked on putting together episode 5 of the “He Said, She Said” podcast with Ashley Spivey until about 1:30am last night. Procrastination is fun, isn’t it? Anyway, it’s finally here for you:
In Episode 5, Ashley and I start off by discussing the selection of Colton as the “Bachelor.” Then Mallory in North Carolina calls in to discuss recently having lost her virginity to a guy that ended up ghosting her (9:26). After that, Danielle in Canada comes on to discuss a topic that came up in an episode a few weeks back that I was looking for feedback on, which was how people deal with in-laws when they have kids and both sets of parents want time with their grandkids (34:09). Original theme music provided by Kate Bass and the song is titled “Blink.”
If you want to be a part of a future “He Said, She Said” podcast, be sure to email myself and/or Ashley, let us know your Skype screen name, what time zone you’re in, and when’s the best time you can record, and we’ll work something out. This has been a lot of fun to do and we appreciate all the calls we’ve been getting. We’re both amazed at some of the strength and courage people have to talk about some of the most private and sometimes intense issues people have. We just hope we can help in some way.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page, or listen to all my podcasts at Apple Podcasts. Talk to you tomorrow.