With my birthday coming up this Friday, I’ve got some major news for you. This year I’m going big. Like, real big. I’ve never been a big birthday guy ever, but this year I’m like “F-it. Lets do the damn thing” (Ok, maybe I didn’t say it that way, but you get my point). After years of basically doing nothing on my birthday outside of my 40th, this year, it’s gettin’ turnt up. Lit. Raisin’ the roof, I tell ya’. Why? Because me and the family are going out to dinner at arguably one of the finest establishments in the area. You may have heard of it, but if not, I’ll give you a hint. It’s initials are “O-f***ing-G.” That’s right. Dinner at Olive Garden this Friday night and I couldn’t be more excited. I want the hat, I want them singing to me, and I want a free scoop of ice cream. Did I tell you I was a host at Olive Garden back in college for a summer? Well, I was and I owned it. I used to force the servers to tell me when they had a table that had a birthday because I wanted to come over and sing the song. It was “Hospitaliano” back then and I killed. Anyway, just thought you’d like to know what a baller I am when it comes to my birthday. I go all out, people.
Get your “Reader Emails” and “Dr. Reality Steve” emails in for this week as both are a little low right now. Tomorrow I’m going to give you the first story about one of Hannah’s guys this season, as told by a couple women he used to date. They contacted me, wanted to share their story, so I will let them and you will have it in full tomorrow with pictures and receipts. Both stories are well documented and quite descriptive. Like I said in the beginning of the season, these aren’t any criminal activities, or domestic violence cases or anything like that. But how about dudes just act like normal humans and stop playing women like this one? Is that too much to ask? I think maybe someone will read it and either A) be a guy and realize they probably shouldn’t act that way towards someone they’re dating or B) be a woman and read these women’s accounts tomorrow and realize they might be tolerating too much in their current relationship. So that’ll be coming tomorrow.
When I first released the episode-by-episode spoilers, I put the air date next to each episode of every Monday for 11 weeks starting May 13th and going through the finale on July 22nd. I said that should be the schedule unless there’s an NBA Finals game on a Monday. Well, the NBA released their Finals schedule, and Monday, June 10th is Game 5. So I don’t think there will be a sweep this season by either team, so there’s most likely going to be a Game 5 on June 10th. Just know that at some point later on this season, they will have to do two episodes on back-to-back nights to get to the July 22nd finale if there’s no sweep and Game 5 runs as expected on Monday the 10th replacing the “Bachelorette.” Also, I think this will be the third consecutive year that my Fan Appreciation Party airs the night of Game 4 of the NBA Finals, which is June 7th this year. What great timing I have.
Lets address the Tyler G. “elimination” last night. Man, could they have swept that under the rug any more than they did? Honestly, I’m not even sure if they told Hannah the actual reason he was removed from the show. Her reaction of, “I found out Tyler G had to leave…I’m disappointed…but I’m moving on” sure sounds like someone who might’ve been told he had a “family emergency” or something. Because I doubt the accusations brought against him by exes, who spoke with production, would elicit a “I’m disappointed” response from someone like Hannah. So who knows exactly what she was told. If she wasn’t then, I’m sure she knows now and probably is glad he was sent home when he was. I’m guessing the show did it this way since the women they spoke to weren’t willing come forward on record. But it was enough where they felt it’d be easiest to remove him from the show and use whatever reason they felt like. Have we ever had a person taken off the show in a manner like that before where it’s literally given one sentence to? I don’t think we have. Just weird all around, but probably for the better.
Last time I talked about BIP, I mentioned all the names of people I was hearing was on it that WEREN’T Colton’s women or Hannah’s guys. Today, I’m going to give you a list of people who I’m pretty sure will be on the ORIGINAL CAST of Paradise from what I’m hearing. This is in no way definitive, but I can guarantee you all these people will definitely be on the show. But with original cast, sometimes it gets tricky. This is what I’m hearing for the start of the show:
Hannah Godwin (Colton’s season)
Caelynn Miller-Keyes (Colton)
Tayshia Adams (Colton)
Nicole Lopez-Alvar (Colton)
Onyeka Ehie (Colton)
Demi Burnett (Colton)
Sydney Lotuaco (Colton)
Kristina Schulman (Nick’s season)
Bibiana Julian (Arie’s season)
Blake Horstmann (Becca’s season)
Dylan Barbour (Hannah’s season)
Connor Saeli (Hannah)
Cam Ayala (Hannah)
John Paul Jones (Hannah)
Kevin Fortenberry (Hannah)
Box Joe Barsano/Old Matt Donald (Hannah) (My guess is one of them will be original cast, and the other will be joining later)
There will obviously be more guys on the original cast, but those are the ones I’m hearing as of now. The list is ever changing, so I just ask again to please not email with “What about this person” or “I thought so-and-so was doing it.” This is just who I’m hearing original cast will be. Over 30 people will show up in Paradise at some point this season. This is basically only half the cast. There’s plenty more to come, but expect most, if not all of these to be the ones who start the show.
Also, I’m hearing filming begins around June 6th or so. So expect contestants to start flying to Mexico next Monday or Tuesday. Filming usually lasts around 18 days. That’s how long it’s been for the previous 5 seasons, except for season 4 when they had the shut down. I believe that only ended up being about 12 days total of filming.
Recap begins on Page 2…