It’s the best time of the year. No, not Paradise. No, not the “Bachelor” announcement coming soon. I’m talking about football season. I’m sure a lot of you college fans are fired up for the first weekend of a pretty full schedule of games, as am I. As much as I loved Week 0 for how profitable it was, this weekend is the real first weekend of college football. Which also means that next week is my annual guys trip to Vegas for first NFL weekend. If I’m doing my math correctly, it’s now 22 of the last 24 years we’ve done it. It was my one big trip every year that I most looked forward to back in the late 90s and early 2000’s. But I was also fresh out of college, barely making any money, and I was just happy to go anywhere. Things have changed in over 20 years, so this still has become a fun trip for me, but since I added first weekend of March Madness 3 years ago to the schedule, that one might top it. Regardless, super excited for next weekend and I just wish it’d get here. Only 9 more days. I’m impatient. I want it to be only 9 more hours.
Also, most of you are either having your fantasy football drafts this week, or already had them this past weekend. You won’t be hearing much about mine since, well, I doubt any of you care. Just know I’m the defending champion in my league and I never made one trade or had one free agent pick up last year. And I was the 6th seed going into the playoffs. Won 3 weeks in a row, and in the championship game, I had to start Josh F***ing Allen and he ended up going off and basically was the reason I won. Which should tell you something about how much ridiculous luck there is in fantasy football. I was like 7-6 in the regular season, played the first place 13-1 team in the second round of the playoffs, and I beat him easily because his players had an off week. You can have the greatest fantasy team ever, but on any given week, a few can have an off game and you have zero control. So there. That’s my fantasy football lesson for you. I play every year, and I give about 1/100th of the effort towards it than I should.
As I mentioned last week, today they will be taping the BIP reunion, which will air I’m assuming on Sept. 10th. Hopefully I’ll have some info this week on what happened at the taping, and if/when I get it, I’ll let you know. In terms of the couples, I’ve told you over the last few weeks, everything has pretty much stayed the same. All 3 engaged couples are still engaged. Dean and Caelynn are still together and dating, or whatever you want to call it. JPJ and Tayshia are seeing each other. And Connor and Whitney are seeing each other. Whitney actually took Connor to Mexico as her date for Rachel’s wedding this past weekend. Which, speaking of, can someone tell me where Rachel and Bryan are registered so I can get them a gift? The thing everyone keeps sending me is a link to where they teamed up with the and said some of the things they wanted, BUT, I have no idea where to send it, nor do I know if it’s already been bought for them, since that article is not a link to any registry. I always say any final couple from this franchise that gets married I will give a gift to, but everyone I’ve done so far were all registered and it was easy to click and purchase. I can’t find Rachel and Bryan’s link anywhere, so any help would be appreciated.
I think we can expect a Blake/Caelynn talk at this reunion tomorrow. They will definitely focus some time on that since it took up the first few episodes of the season. Maybe Kristina will even go at Caelynn since she clearly doesn’t like her as evidenced by her tweets when those first few episodes were airing. I don’t know what other major drama there could be. I highly doubt they’d bring Christian on the show considering he’s doing interviews now saying he’ll fight Jordan when he sees him. Maybe Clay and Nicole have it out a bit over how their relationship ended. But I expect the major stuff to surround Blake and everything that went down at Stagecoach and what he did post-show airing Caelynn’s texts. I know she’s not happy, but maybe she just wants to move on with Dean and doesn’t want to drag all that up again. We’ll see and I’ll keep you updated on what I hear.
And finally, we’ve seen this numerous times in the past on the “Bachelor” or “Bachelorette,” but another editing screw up happened during the rose ceremony last night. What we saw was Chris giving Katie the last rose of the night over Jen. Well, that was completely shown out of order since after Blake gave Kristina his rose, you can clearly see Katie had already had hers, so no, she didn’t get the final rose of the night:
Another classic editing snafu last night. They showed Chris giving the last rose of the ceremony to Katie over Jen. Too bad Katie already had a rose standing next to Caitlin after Blake had given out his. Oops.
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) August 27, 2019
It’s always funny to see editing botch something so “serious” as this. Like, they build all this tension at the rose ceremony of who Chris is gonna give his rose to, when in reality, it wasn’t even tense out there and he wasn’t saved for last. Womp wooooomp.