As mentioned last week on Twitter, the BIP reunion taping that was held last week, will air on Tuesday night, Sept. 17th, the night after the DWTS premiere. We know this show tapes their reunion shows every season. Whether it’s BIP, the MTA, or the WTA, they’re always taped. However, this is the first time I can remember them waiting three weeks to air it. Usually the MTA and WTA are taped about 10 days before they air. But BIP was taped Aug. 27th and isn’t airing til Sept. 17th. Now, a lot can happen in that time, and seemingly there is stuff I’m hearing about at least one couple that might not even be together by the time that airs. I mean, we’ll see them leave that reunion as a couple, but in real time? I’m not so sure. I need to find out more about what’s going on with Tayshia and JPJ, but it certainly doesn’t look good. At the reunion, they showed her showing up at his doorstep and them coming out and saying they’re a couple. Whatever that means. Lets be honest here. Tayshia has zero interest in dating a guy 3,000 miles from her that she already dumped on the show which you’ll see next week. I think what they filmed at the reunion taping was her trying to save a little face. Unless JPJ is moving to CA and I don’t know about this, there is zero chance these two ever last as a couple. And that seems to be the sentiment of people who’ve reached out to me. Nobody really buys them together.
The more I think about the Peter for “Bachelor” announcement made at the reunion taping last week, the more two things in particular come to mind. First, with the fact that Mike told Lauren Zima a couple weeks ago he hadn’t even been approached about the “Bachelor” gig, the more I’m thinking like, who else did they even consider and have they pretty much known it was gonna be Peter ever since the ATFR? I knew it was strange that the parents of the final 3 guy got to sit in the audience, we got them interviewed by Chris, and they showed how broken up they were by Hannah dumping their son. That’s never happened on the show before with the final 3 person. Ever. Yes, I realize his parents live a stones throw from the mansion and it’s not like they flew them in or anything, but still, knowing now that Peter IS the “Bachelor,” makes you think if they really, truly ever considered anyone else. If you didn’t even ask Mike, and we know Tyler’s been on a whirlwind dating tour with Gigi since the second he left Hannah’s apartment, who else did they even talk to? Guess we’ll never know, but it’s becoming more obvious to me they’ve known Peter was their guy for a while now.
The other thing I find kinda comical in the Peter announcement at the reunion taping is the fact that plenty of media outlets were there. ET, EOnline, US Weekly, People, etc. They all have reporters there. And not one of them since last Tuesday has even reported the fact it’s Peter. That shows you how much ass kissing is going on with those outlets and the show. Like, they’re not even saying “we’re hearing it’s Peter” or “rumor has it a Bachelor announcement was made at the reunion taping.” Nothing. Silence. Crickets. I know those sites aren’t technically supposed to spoil anything because the show will get pissed at them, but I just find it hilarious that I can post it the next day, yet these outlets which claim to cover all things Bachelor Nation haven’t said peep for a week. And no, it’s not because they’re not sure. It’s because they’re too scared of ABC’s wrath. But to not even hint at it? You know what kinda coverage you’ll get from the show from outlets that are in bed with them, and then what coverage you get here. Night and day.
And speaking of the “Bachelor,” as I tweeted out a few days ago, I’m currently putting together the bios for some of the women on Peter’s season, and if you’re expecting anything different than say, oh I don’t know, the previous 23 seasons, you’re in for a rude awakening. This show can say whatever they want, and they can put out there that they’re “going back to their roots” and looking for less social media influencers and what not, but that’s all rhetoric. Granted, I only have about 8 or 9 right now, but they all kinda look like all their past casts. Not a bad thing, because there are some really attractive women on Peter’s season. But make no mistake, these are still women who you can tell were recruited, or sent in from an agency, etc. That’s the way these shows work nowadays. When I start releasing these women closer to filming beginning, you’ll see what I mean.
As you know, I’ll be in Vegas this weekend starting Thursday for my annual first NFL weekend trip. Here’s the deal: anyone that’s in town visiting, if you give me a heads up and you stop by the Venetian, I’ll buy you a drink. I’ll pretty much be camped at the sportsbook Saturday & Sunday, but before that, if you’re in town for anything and you can make it over, a drink is on me. Just email and let me know if you’ll be in town and can make it over. If you can’t, no big deal. Just wanted to extend that out to anyone who may just happen to be in town this weekend that hasn’t made it out for one of the parties I’ve thrown.
And today we’ve got Episode #22 of the “He Said, She Said” podcast with Ashley Spivey. It’s one of my favorites, because this couple (Shelby and Malik) are kick ass. They’re an interracial married couple and Shelby has essentially been disowned from her family the minute she started dating Malik. You gotta listen to this story. They’ve made it through, but damn does it suck to hear what they’ve had to deal with from her parents.
You can listen to today’s podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:
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Music written by Kate Bass
On Episode #22, Ashley and I first begin by talking about the 90210 reboot, something I’ve been very impressed with. I set my expectations low, and they’ve surpassed them. Then one of our favorite calls ever, as a married interracial couple Shelby and Malik join us to talk about how Shelby’s parents have basically disowned her once she started her relationship with a black man. It’s incredibly disheartening to hear, but these two have handled it about as well as you could possibly imagine. Loved hearing their story (7:39). Original theme music provided by Kate Bass and the song is titled “Blink.”
“Bachelor in Paradise” reunion spoilers on Page 2…