Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 13 – Rachel

  • Bachelorette Rachel Spoilers

    (SPOILERS): “Bachelorette” Rachel Episode-by-Episode Spoilers Incl an Update to What Happens at the End

    Photo Credit: ABC

    This has been a really weird season to say the least. If you were following along during filming, every date in LA and South Carolina was spoiled publicly. In episode 2, I’d posted pictures of Rachel’s first group date at the Malibu Wine Safaris, then Peter’s group date, and the basketball date was attended by hundreds. Then in tonight’s episode, the Ellen date was made public basically that day, we saw pictures of Rachel and Anthony riding around LA on horseback, then the public was in attendance for the mud wrestling date. The next episode (which won’t be til the 19th since there’s no new episode next week due to Game 5 of the NBA Finals, even if there is a Golden St. sweep) when … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #28 – Interview with Lesley Murphy


    Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes yesterday. Benihana’s was a rousing success, unbelievably enough. My niece and nephew actually liked their food. I think Nicholas has a new favorite restaurant now. He’d never been so of course he’s excited about it. I think if you ask him next week he won’t care, but hey, at least for one night it worked. Anyway, very excited for you all to listen to Podcast #28 today with Lesley Murphy. She appeared on Sean’s season and was eliminated right before hometowns, and we talk about all that stuff, but I think her life post-show has been quite a ride. She’s lived in Argentina, she is just recently out of 4 year relationship, and underwent a double mastectomy within … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Rachel Spoilers

    The “Bachelorette” Rachel Episode 2 Recap, Blake/Whaboom/Ex Love Triangle, Which of Rachel’s Guys Has a Past with a Former Contestant & a Sad “Bachelorette” Death

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Again, a lot to get to today before we hit your recap. I know a lot of you have been asking for the episode-by-episode spoilers. Here’s where I’m at: I literally have two eliminations and two dates that I don’t know and am waiting to get. I’m giving myself another week. So regardless of if I have them by next Monday, I’ll be posting what I have then. At the end of this week’s post, I have your eliminations for the next two week’s along with the dates for next week’s episode, but by next Monday, you’ll have everything laid for you from South Carolina on. I just always like to have everything together in one post and I hate splitting it up. So I … Continue reading

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