Hi Steve,
I heard a rumor that Chris Harrison and Andi Dorfman are a couple.
I feel like if this were true, you would have reported it already – but since you’re the only source I trust I can’t resist asking.
Twitter-flirting here and there is pretty weak evidence so i’m wondering if any of your sources have given you more info.
Thanks for all your hard work and loving the podcast.
PS. I watched Ep 1 of this season with a new viewer. They asked me why the driveway was wet. Of course I thought of you. 🙂
Comment: Chris Harrison is not dating Andi Dorfman, nor was he ever.
First of all, so excited Dana will be on the podcast. Love her!!
I randomly came across an article on the show Love In The Wild. I think it only had 2 seasons and 4 couples from the show are married! (There were 5, but they got divorced)
Why do you think a show like that get cancelled after 2 seasons, and the bachelor is ABCs “biggest hit”??
How did The Bachelor even become so big?
Just wondered what you thought of this..
Comment: Because the “Bachelor” has never been about producing married couples. It’s about dramatic television. Unscripted drama so to speak. Say what you will about it, but the “Bachelor” blows all dating shows out of the water in terms of what they can produce on a weekly basis. Those other ones are never going to succeed going up against it and we’ve seen it time and time again. You actually made my point for me in your question. Exactly the reason why “Love in the Wild” failed and the “Bachelor” is succeeding when “Love in the Wild” is producing more marriages. People don’t care to see marriages on TV or else “Love in the Wild” would still be on the air. They want dramatic, train wreck television they can gossip to their friends about. And that’s what the “Bachelor” has accomplished.
hi steve,
any intel on what the contestants actually thought about Nick? I can’t imagine they were all that excited that he was the Bachelor (whatever they may say on camera). do you know of any seasons where the contestants really didn’t care for the lead?
Comment: Every season there are plenty of contestants who don’t care for the lead. This season was no different.
Hey Steve,
First, just a comment about your cankles tweet about Danielle and people’s reaction to it on twitter. I don’t get this hair trigger reaction to accuse someone of body shaming. The girl has fatter than average ankles. It’s not like you’re saying she’s ugly or worth less because of it. It’s just a fact. Why do people get so bent out of shape when someone else’s plainly obvious physical features are pointed out? To me body shaming implies that you’re saying ‘shame on you for having cankles’ or ‘your overall appeal is less because of your cankles’ which is not the case. People are way too sensitive these days…Had no idea people got upset at that tweet. Some women have cankles, some don’t. I’m aware Danielle can’t control that. I was just pointing out what I saw. I think Danielle is very attractive, so I could care less if she has cankles or not. But since we had the cankles thing with Olivia last season but never saw them, I just thought I’d make a reference to it. It was nothing more than that. And yes, people are way too sensitive if they got bent out of shape by a comment like that. Hence the reason you don’t deal with trolls on the internet. Someone will always be bitching about something.
As for Liz, I tried really hard to like her because I have a lot of respect for Jade but I just can’t do it. She’s clearly full of sh*t and the only reason she went on the show was because she knew her past with Nick would get her cast and she wants to leverage that into a career of selling sunglasses and gummy bears. Good on Nick for not having it. This is his shot at ‘fame’, not hers.
I’m personally hoping for Corinne as next Bachelorette. At least we know it’d be entertaining. I’m not quite ready for another country lead and I’m still skeptical about them fully committing to a racially diverse lead.
As always, thanks!
Comment: I’m fine with Liz. As Jade said in the podcast, if you’re gonna slam Liz for going on the show just to be on TV, then you have to slam all of them. Liz isn’t a notch above or below anyone else on the show for going on. They all want to be on TV and see where it leads. Why is Liz taking that much more heat? Doesn’t make sense to me. She shouldn’t have gone on because anyone could’ve seen that ending with Nick coming a mile away, not because of fear she’d be looked at as a famewhore wanting to be on TV.
Hi Steve!
Long time reader but this is my first time writing in! I have a couple of questions and some comments.
1. How far in advance does the lead choose who goes on the one on one dates? Do they have to be planned far out or can he choose the night before based on conversations/events that have happened? The lead doesn’t choose who goes on dates. Producers do.
2. Do you have any idea how much the contestants get paid to promote products? I’ve always been curious. And does it vary depending on number of social media followers? Varies from person to person depending on followers, likes, retweets, etc. Everyone is different.
3. Do you think Nick has a real chance of being on DWTS? Does it depend on how well his season does? Yes, he has a real chance.
4. Any more details on how and why you’ve heard Nick and Vanessa aren’t doing well? Here’s the thing about what I said. Unless they are broken up at the ATFR, no one will believe it anyway. And they’re not going to be. They will be engaged come the March 14th finale, I can pretty much guarantee that. So no more need to expand on what I said, because then once they’re together at the ATFR, I won’t hear the end of it from people saying “You said things weren’t good. Look, they’re so happy!” So I’ll just take it out further and say what I’ve said since the second Nick was announced as the “Bachelor.” He’s not going to marry anyone from this show because that wasn’t his goal going into this thing. It was to promote himself.
Ok now for the comments…I am from Connecticut, as is Shawn B., and a friend of a friend was out with him, his family and Kaitlyn at some bars a couple weeks ago. Apparently Kaitlyn got absolutely smashed, extremely jealous of any woman who tried to talk to Shawn, and had a drunken screaming match with him in the middle of the street. Makes me wonder about those two, especially after you said in your column recently about people believing the happy picture these couples paint on social media. I get leery about “friend of a friend” stories. I appreciate you passing it along, but kinda hard to take it as 100% fact with only a “friend of a friend” as the source of the info. Not saying you’re lying, I’m just saying that people should just take it as it is and make their own decision on whether to believe it.
Sharleen shouted you out in her episode one recap btw! Love her, and that she is an honest fan of yours! I’m glad Sharleen reads my site. Or at least references my site. When I read her stuff, I get the sense that she’s either spoiled and doesn’t want to admit it, or, really doesn’t know the spoilers and writes her columns accordingly.
Did you happen to catch Raven’s comment last night? Paraphrased, she said (in reference to Corinne) that if Nick is going to go after someone who leads so much with her sexuality then no wonder it’s his fourth time..!! I didn’t even catch it at first because her voice is so sweet but danggggg. I think you’re right, Raven is going to give Rachel a run for her bachelorette money. So far tho I think Raven would make for much better TV with comments like that!
Thank you so much for everything you do! Wouldn’t watch the show without your spoilers and inside info to make it interesting!
Comment: I agree. I think Raven has a real good shot. It just all depends on if this is the season the show decides to pull the trigger on a non-white lead.
Hey Reality Steve, I know you have mentioned before that you have read some of Sharleen’s blogs before. I normally agree with a lot of what she writes but I don’t agree with her stating that Nick’s MO is that he doesn’t care what people think about him. I think he is obsessed with what people think. Thoughts?
Comment: You’re referencing Sharleen’s column posted yesterday. I think in the context Sharleen wrote it, she’s right. And that context was she was referencing Nick’s time on Andi and Kaitlyn’s season where, yeah, he didn’t care what the other guys thought and did his own thing (i.e. – stealing time when he already had a rose, interrupting convo’s etc). Yes, on those seasons he didn’t care. Overall now that the public has very much formed an opinion about the guy, it bothers him like no other when he gets any negative publicity at all. So much so that…forget it.
Do you think last nights episode is setting precedent for the rest of the season? Are they preparing the viewers to be uninvested in his relationships with the women by focusing on the drama between the girls? Having to watch Liz continually say “we had sex at Jade and Tanner’s wedding” instead of seeing Nick’s date with Danielle M or even watching Corinne drunk ramble instead of seeing Nick’s conversations with the other women was pretty disappointing. I’m all about the drama, I understand drama gets ratings but some people like seeing him develop relationships with the women and invest in the future relationship that will probably fail. I like seeing the bachelor “fall in love” and then take bets on how long it will be till they break up.
Comment: Then you’re watching the wrong show. They don’t care about love stories. There is going to be drama, cattiness, and fights every single season. It’s never going to change. If all 30 girls liked each other and were nice, it’d be the most boring show ever.
Love that reader emails are back up, and loving the podcasts!
My first questions is about Christen. I’m reading your spoilers, I saw she gets a rose on the group date in episode 2, but then she’s eliminated 5 short days later in the next “episode”. Does something happen with her, or does Nick just give her that rose for telling on Liz? Just thought it kind of weird for him to give a rose to someone if he really “liked” them and then be eliminated that fast. Maybe he did give it to her for being honest about Liz. But she definitely goes home at the third rose ceremony.
Second, I don’t know if you saw but recently Ashley I and Jared were on ScreenJunkies and talked about the Bachelor. It seemed by what they were saying that neither were really interested in doing another show (like paradise). I actually enjoyed that they were a little more candid saying things like the emotions were real (like the sadness- Ashley I crying) and that the adoration of the lead was had a lot to do with the setting, there was another story line they could’ve gone with in paradise, the bachelor/ette is on a pedestal, contestants aren’t just thinking about finding love and are looking to be the next bachelor/ette, things along those lines. Definitely not the producer puppet and huge franchise advocate that we see with people like Nick in interviews. They weren’t saying anything bad about it, but we’re just a lot more realistic than someone like him. Not that either of the 2 of them aren’t interested in fame/capitalizing on it for the moment, but what do you see for them in the future?
Comment: Yes. That was posted in yesterday’s column. Page 1.
I know the producers are hugely influential in getting Nick to give Corrine his rose, and I’m also sure they had the photographer pick her as the winner in the photography thing. Whatever.
But still…Nick grabbing the chick’s boobs, letting her interrupt repeatedly, and then rewarding that drunken sluttiness with a rose in front of all those other women…wow.
Put it in neon lights: Nick Viall is a complete horndog who doesn’t give a squirt of pee about any of these women. Even women not smart enough to see through the BS of this show should be able to see what a gigantic, irreversible insult his behavior is.
Holy cow. I went into watching this season thinking that Nick wanted to redeem himself. He even says that explicitly in the show’s promos, the staged conversation with Sean/Ben/Chris, etc. I mean wow dude, you’re really blowing it. Little Nick clearly runs the show there…
I actually think he doesn’t get it, doesn’t see it. I think he does seem to genuinely care about his public image, but lacks the self-awareness to actually pull it off.
Comment: Bring on the whipped cream bikini!
Hey Steve,
I’m a long time reader from Sydney. Thanks for your spoilers, I don’t watch without them.
Is it just me who thinks every time Nick asks one of the girls a question he seems drunk/bored and couldn’t give two hoots what the answer is?
for example “oh you’re a psychologist tell me more about that?” (insert eyes glazing over)
I saw this same thing over and over again with the girls during episode 2. Wake me up when he gets some personality/communication skills will ya?
Comment: I haven’t paid attention that much to his reactions other than I thought on the limo entrances he seemed bored. Or not very expressive. But maybe you’re on to something. Oh boy. Hope Nick isn’t reading this. You will have poked the bear with that one. Another criticism of him. Run!
Hi Steve,
I don’t know if you ever addressed this but from what I have seen, a lot of women who Nick has slept with in the Bachelor franchise have all dumped him immediately afterwards. Andi turned him down after “making love”, Katelyn turned him down at the end and even Liz would not even give him her phone number after sleeping with him. Does that mean the Nick struggles in the bedroom? Why would all these women wam, bam, then run? It’s definitely been mentioned. I mean, how can it not when you’re dumped twice on national television right after the overnight dates where we know he had sex with both of them. Andi he admitted, and Kaitlyn they made a storyline out of.
Secondly what could a 36 year old have in common with a 24 year old like Corrine? Well she is 25 now, 24 when they filmed. The more I think of it. When Nick was 30, Corrine was barely 18 years old. Its just odd that someone his age would willingly pursue a girl with her maturity level. Yes she is beautiful, sexy, funny and makes for good TV, but that’s it. Could she just be a filler, and Nick was asked to string her along for ratings?
Thanks Steve!! Keep up the good work!!
Comment: I’m sure that played a role in it. Of course he was never going to pick her. We can all see that.
Hey Steve! FYI…Love the podcasts,such a better format than the video chats.Thanks for continuing to provide entertaining commentary and spoilers for this shit show every season…Yay for Steve!
As we head into episode three,it is clear that certain women are already early favorites more than others.Take a look at The Bachelor hashtag on Twitter and read the comments section on the Bachelor Facebook page from some of those crazies.About Rachel being a contender for the Bachelorette…I don’t see it happening.Raven and Danielle M. are clearly going to be favorites who will easily outshine Rachel as the season progresses.My friends and I are in the target demo for the Bachelor (18-35) and out of the 25 of us that watch this show (for pure entertainment purposes) and read your blog,none of us have any interest in Rachel.She is not polarizing on screen and I don’t see her possessing the “it” factor that past Bachelorettes have had.Raven and Danielle have that going for them.This show is about making money and I don’t think ABC will take a chance on a Bachelorette that does not have that “it” factor and a major following by the time the season ends.I suspect Rachel will garner neither.JoJo was a great choice for Bachelorette and Raven has the same vibe going for her.How could they follow JoJo’s season with a season of Rachel?It would almost be awkwardly underwhelming.I think Raven will absolutely get the gig.Thoughts? I mean, you’re entitled to your opinion and that’s what you and your friends feel about Rachel as the next “Bachelorette.” Doesn’t mean everyone holds the same sentiment. She has a great shot at being the next “Bachelorette.” As does Raven. We’ll see.
What are some things that you have heard about the women on this season so far?Anything scandalous or surprising that you are able to share/hint at? Outside of the whipped cream bikini at the episode 2 cocktail party, everything I know I put in the episode-by-episode spoilers, which was then pretty much parroted by US Weekly’s story today that I linked to on page 1.
How long do you give Nick and Vanessa?I say they will be over shortly after the finale airs.I think they will have the lowest probability of working out out of any Bachelor/Bachelorette couples in recent years.It is highly unlikely that Nick,who seems extremely hungry for D list notoriety,is going to give up his L.A. fame chasing to move to Canada and marry Vanessa.
Comment: Well it’s not not gonna work out because Nick won’t move to Canada. That was never gonna happen. It’s not gonna work out because Nick never went on this show to find a wife and get married. He went on to bolster his career.
Dear Reality Steve,
Why are you so mad at Christen? Yeah, clearly she’s the kind of person who loves having information, but Nick was obviously leading the conversations to find out if anyone knew about him and Liz. Then he pushed her to tell him explicitly what she knew. No, she didn’t need to go all vaguebook with the other girls while Liz and Nick were talking, but if Corrine was the one who knew she would have driven a tank through the building and announced it over the PA system. I’m certainly not mad at Christen. I don’t get mad over anything these people do. But I think she could’ve shown a little more restraint considering she specifically told Liz she wouldn’t say anything to anyone.
Separately, Christen looks like a bizzaro, mid-2000s, Kourtney Kardashian. She should do appearances with Ashley I and the producers need to find a Khloe for the next Bachelor to complete the set. Kind of. I can see it a little now that you mention it.
Did you notice Corrine’s reference to “characters” in the middle of her mini freak out over Taylor interrupting her? I kind of can’t believe they let that slip through.
Love your recaps, can’t wait till next week!
Comment: No, I missed that one.
Hey Steve,
Let me start by saying you have an awesome voice for radio! I just started catching up on the podcasts and love your voice! Can definitely see why you were in radio previously.
Nick and Liz – that’s calling the kettle black. Seriously? Dude you had sex with kaitlyn before final 3 and this is your 4th time on the show. I feel bad for Liz bc she totally got thrown under the bus for really nothing. At least Nick owned it and told the girls about that night. I actually liked her “break up” with Nick, but agree that it was totally awkward. It gets more and more obvious each season when they do stuff. Especially since UnReal came out (can’t wait for season 3!). Liz should’ve never gone on the show to begin with, but once she was there, she didn’t articulate things as well as she could have, and it was just awkward for everyone around. Good thing it only lasted two episodes. I think people were already tired of it.
Corrine – you said it all in yesterday’s column. She’s not dumb, she’s stupid – I seriously don’t know how these people can look their family in the face and still have an dignity left. “Daddy would be proud”….really? If so than it’s no wonder how she acts. And apparently the Olympios family is loving the attention Corinne is getting and isn’t embarrassed at all. Ridiculous.
I remember you usually doing a column on contestant celebrity look-a-likes. Did you do that for this season? No, I didn’t other than make a few references here and there. Like Danielle is a spitting image of Tea Leoni.
On to other things – designated survivor. Have you watched it? Thoughts comparing to 24?? Yes. I actually give my thoughts on “Designated Survivor” at the end of podcast #3, including the “24” comparisons.
Have you watched this is us? Any new shows you recommend?
Comment: Yes, “This Is Us” is the only new show of the season that I’m watching and it’s excellent. Almost impossible not to like that show.
Well, I also watch the “Wall” and essentially get anxiety attacks as the ball bounces down towards the money. I can’t possibly be the only one, right?
Do you think Nick actually asked for Liz’s number? Or did producers make them say that so he didn’t look like a jerk. I just can’t see her saying no … lol
Comment: Liz said numerous times on the show he asked for her number and she said no. Jade confirmed Nick asked for her number and Liz said no. I have no reason to believe they’re lying. If it was a totally fabricated story, my guess is Jade would’ve taken to social media to defend her friend saying Nick never asked and Liz never said no. But both her and Liz confirmed it numerous times, so I’m sure it happened.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.
