Loved the podcast. Do you have a link to the video of Ellen surprising Deanna and telling her she’s the next bachelorette? Thank you!
Comment: I went and looked for it and can’t find it. Looks like this link was supposed to have the video in it, but there’s no video there.
Hey Steve!
I feel as if I’m the ONLY person in Bachelor Nation who doesn’t believe Peter is genuinely physically attracted to Rachel, and he’s certainly not as obvious as Bryan, but who is, right? lol She’s almost always the aggressor with Peter when it comes to busting moves. I get that guys have different styles of courting. And fanatical #TeamPeter people believe he’s just a low-key gentleman, unlike “sleazy” Bryan. When I see all the hot underwear modeling pics of Peter, I don’t get the “shy gentleman” vibe, though he comes off low-key with his edit. I know you can’t read minds, but what are your thoughts? I feel Peter has a type and Rachel, as great as she is, ain’t it. But she’s his type enough to aim for the final four and get in the running to be the next Bachelor. I’m probably way more skeptical than usual here. Your thoughts?
Comment: I’ve said since I got the info that Bryan was the winner that Peter is the most logical choice for next “Bachelor,” so no, I don’t think you’re all that far off on this.
I think it’s interesting that some people watching this season who have seen both spoilers are still so convinced that Peter is the one Rachel chooses. In my opinion, the edit for Bryan and Peter definitely points to Bryan being the final one because Peter is clearly getting the better edit and there’s no question this show cares more about the next lead than the final couple of the current season. I’d say they are setting Peter up quite well considering the number of people I see who seem to think he’s God’s greatest gift to the world. The inevitable hate that is coming when Bryan is chosen, though, makes me feel sorry for Rachel and Bryan. I know it happens every season, but it seems like Peter fans are by far the majority this season. I guess they’re going to have to find a way to join the rest of us living here in reality. Oh well.
Have you heard any details about Carly and Evan’s wedding or how it will air? No, other than we’ll see it during BIP. I mean, it’s a wedding. How different can it be than any of the other weddings they’ve aired? I wouldn’t say much.
Lastly, I know you say Nick just wants to be famous, but if that’s the case I guess I’m confused why we don’t see more of this? Yes, he lives in LA and did DWTS (an opportunity few people would turn down IMO), but he certainly doesn’t seem to attend many events or put himself out there much. I assume with the Bachelor “fame” he could’ve done a lot more riding that wave than he appeared to do. Even now, I see other people a lot lower on the totem pole of this franchise attending way more stuff than he does. He actually seems pretty MIA most of the time. What am I missing?
Comment: Who says he isn’t trying and maybe there’s just nothing for him right now?
Reality Steve,
Do you ever think of covering “Big Brother”? It’s a pretty dumbed down reality show, but I was just curious!
Comment: I once had someone who recapped it for the site since I’ve never watched 5 minutes of that show, but it got too time consuming with 3 episodes a week.
Dear Steve,
Thanks for always giving the fans the inside scoop of the bachelor and bachelorette. It is so much more enjoyable because of your column! I have a few questions.
1) Based on everything you have heard regarding BIP 4 so far, do you think that it is possible for them to have three engagements again? I’d be stunned if we had three engagements. But I definitely think we’ll get at least one.
2) What have you heard about Rachel and Bryan’s relationship post-show if anything at all? Not a whole hell of a lot other than they’re still together.
3) Since Rachel’s season was full of diversity in the men they casted, do you expect all seasons from this point on to be diversified in terms of the contestants casted? All seasons? No.
4) Since BIP stopped filming in the middle of production, will there be less episodes airing on television or will it still be the same amount of episodes as last season? Yes, that’s what I’m hearing. It was supposed to premiere Aug 8th, the day after Rachel’s finale, and air every Monday and Tuesday. I heard or maybe it was announced the premiere won’t be til Aug. 14th now. So automatically that’s one less episode, but I’m not sure yet how many in total there will be.
5) I know that I have asked you previously about if Rachel could potentially be casted on DWTS in the Fall. I was wondering if you thought that they would put Bryan dwts as well and make them compete against each other since he would probably be a great dancer given his Latin roots?
Thank you
Comment: Considering they’ve never done that with a Bachelor franchise couple, I don’t see why they’d start now.
Hi Steve, A question for your next column. I have listened to about 1/3 of your podcasts – Tenley, Kiptyn, DeAnna included. It seems all those I have listened to have said they were signed up for The Bachelor/The Bachelorette “by a friend”. I have lots of friends, but I can’t imagine signing any of them up for a reality show on my own. I mean, at some point the person had to sign a contract and agree to it,, so why do they always focus on the “my friend made me do it” aspect? Do you think some of the contestants are embarrassed to admit they actually WANTED to do the show either to find love or become famous or promote their business?
Comment: I don’t think any of them alluded to their friend “making” them do it. But more so they were initially contacted by a producer because a friend submitted them. Yes, they still have to agree to do everything past that initial contact and it’s on them. Everyone who has agreed to be on this show within the last 4-5 years is well aware of the opportunities that can possibly come along with it. Whether it be in the dating world, or the business world, they all know what going on this show can do for their career potentially. And that’s why they agree to do it. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.
Hi Steve,
Hope you’re having a nice 4th of July! There was a rumor going around that Peter had dumped a girlfriend to come on the show. Have you heard anything regarding that?
Comment: Does the girl have a name? Where is the rumor coming from? Who’s the original source? Is it coming from a place that has rumors all the time? Do any of their rumors comes true? All I’m saying is do you realize how easy it is for anyone on this planet to just throw something like that out with nothing behind it?
With that said, whatever rumor it is you’re hearing, well, I guess it all depends on what you mean by the word “dumped.” And if by “girlfriend” you mean “girlfriends.” And you’d also have to define “girlfriend” as well. As I’ve said allllllll season long – Peter is no different than the rest of them.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page, or listen to all my podcasts at Apple Podcasts. Talk to you tomorrow.