Some thoughts on last night’s “Bachelorette” episode. We will be back in full recap mode next week for Hometowns.
-The watch that Rachel “bought” Bryan at the Breitling store (no, she didn’t actually buy him anything. The show did that on trade) is damn nice watch. Bryan essentially hasn’t taken it off since filming. Go look at his IG. He’s wearing that watch in a ton of pictures. Now, is that some concrete evidence she’s with him? Not to me it isn’t, because regardless of if I was still with that girl or not, I’d wear that watch every day too. But it sure is ironic.
-So let me get this straight, Bryan’s last relationship didn’t work because he took her to a wedding in Colombia and his mother didn’t approve of her? Is there a reason why we never were told WHY the mother and his ex weren’t ready to “compromise?” On what? Kinda seems like a big part to leave out to the audience. Whatever the case, Rachel made sure her and Bryan got a lot of face sucking in this episode. They’re good at that.
-Talk about an anti-climactic episode. So there’s 6 guys left. Rachel tells the guys (hey, isn’t this Chris Harrison’s job? Did he get a week off from Switzerland or something?) there will be no rose ceremony, three 1-on-1 dates, and a 3-on-1 group date. Roses will be up for grabs every date. We know the three 1-on-1’s were Dean, Peter, and Bryan. Soooooo, THREE guys got their second 1-on-1’s and Matt and Adam never got one all season. And we were supposed to believe even for a half second that either of these guys had a chance at getting a hometown date? Really?
-Yes, whatever happened with Dean last night is pretty much completely irrelevant knowing now of his DLo/Kristina love triangle. And as much as I’d like to kill the guy for that bizarre conversation with Rachel on their date, I mean, it was so heavily edited. You could tell that right? We see conversations every season that are spliced up, but that one was painfully spliced. Basically, it’s to set up Dean’s disaster of a hometown date next week. I had no idea Dean’s “eccentric” dad was basically a wizard now. Someone did a search on Dean’s dad and came up with this. Oh boy. No wonder Dean was dreading Rachel meeting her family. He ain’t lyin’. I have a feeling that’s going to be cringeworthy.
-Peter’s never dated a black woman before. So now that that’s out of the way, he tells us about his most recent break up. Either Peter is a great storyteller and knows how to ham it up for a camera, or, he has the most dramatic breakups in the history of the world that are ripped straight from a movie. He was packing up his stuff, driving away, looking in the rearview mirror as she was crying? Like, that’s real life? Or something straight out of a Rom-Com? Something tells me that story was highly embellished. The thing I want to know is, which ex at home was this that Peter was referring to? There’s a few.
-The 3-on-1 date, like I said, was pretty comical if you looked at it in its purest form. Two guys on the date had never had a 1-on-1 all season. Eric had one before, is a likable guy, and it was a forgone conclusion he was getting a hometown even if you didn’t know the spoilers to the season. I mean, maybe Matt and Rachel did have something between them, but when we basically never saw a conversation between them all season, how are we supposed to take that goodbye of her crying? That’s the producers fault.
-The preview for the rest of the season is kinda anti-climactic as well (is that the third time I’ve used that word today?) considering we all know Rachel’s engaged because she admitted it before the season started. Not that we would’ve thought otherwise since 18 of the last 19 seasons have ended in an engagement, but still. They can build up the drama all they want, and they can make it seem like Rachel’s family isn’t all that thrilled with Bryan but, well, they better get used to him. Then again, we saw this play out on Ashley’s season where her sister literally acted like she hated JP, then by the time of the ATFR, everything was good. So I don’t pay much attention to what the previews show, but just know it’s coming. Rachel’s family isn’t too keen on Bryan and let it be known to her. Obviously wasn’t a major deal in the end.
Next week, we’ve got our hometowns. Yippee!!!!! The season is almost over. “Men Tell All” tapes next weekend as well. Get your “Reader Emails” in today to be posted tomorrow along with any “Dr. Reality Steve” emails you might have for Thursday.
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