Hey Steve,
Long time reader, first time emailer.
First off, I can’t see how people would want Dean to be the Bachelor after how he’s acted. Clearly way too immature to do it. But apparently crazy people don’t see logic. Because some people aren’t objective.
Second, I know it’s been several weeks now since the Bachelorette finale, but I know there are people out there still saying Rachel made a mistake, mainly Peters rabid fan base. Frankly, I didn’t care for either of the final two, but Rachel seems happy so let her be.
I came across Peter’s Instagram and noticed he moved into this new building in Wisconsin for his workout space. I think he lives there too? It just clearly shows how he was NEVER planning on proposing to Rachel cause there was no way he would move like he told her he would. He just got a new building! He wouldn’t up and leave that and move to Dallas. But again, crazy people just don’t see logic.
Are you surprised that, as of right now, Peter isn’t all the interested in being the Bachelor? Or do you think he’ll turn it around?
Comment: I really don’t know where it stands right now. They’re obviously still in negotiations with people. I’m guessing they haven’t given up on him.
Hi Steve!
This just donned on me while reading today’s Reader Emails about the Bachelor couples pecking order….they NEVER mention Desiree and Chris. Like ever.
I know they opted not to have a televised wedding but they are still a successful couple of the show, now with a child as well. Is there some sort of bad blood between the two and the show? I notice she doesn’t even make mention of being “a former Bachelorette” on her social media pages. Strange.
Comment: Good thing I have Desiree on the podcast starting next week. We cover a lot of stuff and I do ask her directly if she feels shunned by the franchise.
Hi! Just curious since we have heard from DeMario, and will hear from Corrine next week….is there any discussion or any chatter about the two producers who filed the complaints? Curious if either of them are still with the franchise seeing as how ABC is probably pretty pissed with them for halting the show
Comment: They’re no longer with the show. But since DeMario and Corinne didn’t have anything bad to say about each other or blame the other, how can nothing be mentioned about why this scandal started in the first place – two rogue producers who never saw anything with their own two eyes filed the complaint. How come no one is talking about this?
Doesn’t Carly have a brother that is part of the Bachelor Franchise? Maybe I missed it but it didn’t look like he was at the wedding they aired last week. Any idea why?
Comment: Yes. His wife was I believe 8 months or so pregnant so couldn’t make the trek down to Paradise. It’s ok. Carly didn’t go to Europe for his wedding because she wanted to find love on BIP 2. So they’re even.
Hi Steve!
I’m a huge fan of yours and thought I would ask you a couple questions. Since talks about the next Bachelor are kind of all over the place do you think they would consider doing another season of the Bachelorette again? I know you think Raven is getting a good edit this season. Do you think she’s someone they might consider? I personally think Kristina also may be a good candidate considering her edit this season of BIP. Let me know what you think!
Comment: No. The “Bachelor” is coming next. And always will. “Bachelor” is the anchor to the franchise, will always film Sept to Nov and air Jan through March. That isn’t changing.
I don’t think so. I really don’t think Raven will get it either. People are so high on other people right now when you haven’t even seen the cast of new girls for the “Bachelor.” Once that’s out and that season is airing, those others become yesterday’s news.
Regarding the next Bachelor, since Peter apparently said no and all, could you see them potentially bringing someone back from Jojo’s season? Maybe Chase McNary or Luke Pell? I know that Luke was very close to being the Bachelor last season and that they also considered Chase. I was just wondering your opinion on where they stood as of now.
Comment: No.
Hey Steve!
Two questions:
1. Everyone thinks it’s weird Sarah went for Adam, because she knew Raven went on a date with him, but why is no one saying anything about the fact that Raven is the one who is now dating the guy that hooked up with her friend?? I love me some Raven, don’t get me wrong, but what the heck? I know there’s no “code” and maybe Raven & Sarah talked it out beforehand but – am I crazy? (Ps- totally agree with you that Raven is the golden girl of the franchise right now!) No, you’re not crazy. But you answered your own question. There really isn’t any code. And when you go on Paradise, it’s almost inevitable you’ll date/hook up with someone who’s hooked up with one of your friends. It’s almost become accepted at this point.
2. Any idea why at the end of a segment, they always tell us EXACTLY what is about to happen in the next segment? It’s getting really annoying. Let us see for ourselves! (NB: I guess it’s hypocritical because I clearly look at spoilers, but I don’t want to see actual footage of what we are about to see!! Seeing the drama unfold is actually the fun part for me…)
Thank you!
Comment: Just part of television. A lot of reality shows do it.
Hi Steve!
First ever email to ya! Love reading your posts; they make these reality shows less excruciating to bear…just a few questions though, if you will.
1) Personally, I don’t think Peter will be next season’s Bachelor…not….a…chance… If he strung Rachel along all that time, only to not propose in the end, all the while, building up his fanbase/interest in his “brand”, what makes us think he won’t do the same thing with ABC? Right now, he’s a hot commodity, he has a devout fan base, and is the subject of the producers desire. He’s exactly where he wants to be, and ABC will be forced to chose someone else, which will make him more popular, and his fans more crazy than they already are. Then, perhaps, in a year or two, when his fame/money starts to wane, all of a sudden, he will be at a point in his life where he’s ‘ready to commit’ to love. I can almost guarantee it. What do you think? Am I on to something? Apparently you didn’t read what I wrote the day after the finale. What happened in the finale isn’t a reason why he wouldn’t get the gig. That can easily be explained away. If he isn’t the “Bachelor” it’s because he didn’t want it, regardless of how ABC tries to spin it.
2) I feel just awful for DeMario and Corrine! I hope though, that they continue to go on and find some peace in their lives; no one deserves the treatment they’ve received from the media! My question though, is what WAS it that caused the producer(s) in question to file a complaint in the first place? Was it what he or she SAW that made him uncomfortable? Was it the WAY the act took place? I mean, I can certainly remember other times during BIP or the Bachelor/ette where a similar claim could have been filed. The beach incident between Claire and Juan Pablo immediately comes to mind, and I’m sure there are more. Any ideas as to why this one was so, well, concerning? Well considering ABC refuses to address this, I guess we’ll never know. From everything I heard and reported, two producers heard but never saw DeMario and Corinne’s hook up, thought it was a bit much, and reported it.
3) Do the cast members who become each seasons “villian” KNOW beforehand that that is the way they will be cast? My guess is no, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the answer was yes. And if so, why would someone join the cast KNOWING how they will be perceived? Would make winning the lead over more difficult, no? I suppose the obvious answer is money, just thought you might have any further insights. I think some do. But people like Olivia? No, before the season started did she think she was gonna be the villain? Of course not. But as filming is going along and you see people’s reactions to you and the questions you’re being asked in the ITM’s, you might be able to see it coming. But by then, it’s too late.
4) Any dirt on Matt and Jasmine at all? It seems that everyone on social media loves him and think he’s such a special human being. And she’s all over the place, at almost every event there is. It just seems like he’s a genuine guy who’s only with her because he wants to stay on the show…at least for now. Doesn’t seem like he’s in to her at all. Whereas she’s just, in my opinion, a hot mess. As an African American woman, she’s makes me nauseous, or at least the edit she’s receiving does. At least Rachel handled herself with a little more grace and decorum. Jasmine, on the other hand, not so much. So I suppose I care more about dirt on Matt if you have any. She’s just…well…there.. We saw their talk last night. Just seems like he was either confused or wasn’t into her. Just didn’t know how to express it.
5) How likely will it be for the network to chose another minority to play the lead Bachelor/Ette? I read somewhere that since they’ve already had an African American lead, it will be interesting to see if they continue that trend. It will definitely prove how devoted they are to changing their formula and may adversely affect if/how individuals from other races watch the show. I, personally, would like to see an Asian lead. What do you think? Do you think they will stay with what ‘works’ in their opinion and focus on a more diverse set of contenders?
Thanks for all you do Steve, and for any answers you provide! I look forward to your posts everyday!
Comment: I don’t think they will do it on back-to-back seasons. But now that they’ve done it for one season, I do think they feel more comfortable doing it in the future. I just don’t think it’ll be next season.
I know it would never ever happen, but I think if we had to look at the totality of Rachel’s men right now without regard to finishing placement, I think that Kenny would make a lovely Bachelor. It would be a season that echoes Emily’s, because of his daughter, but it would also bring some of his authenticity and a new commitment to the process. Plus of course, we really need a black Bachelor and Eric doesn’t seem mature enough. Well, Kenny will be the podcast guest on Sept. 21st and 28th and I ask him that exact question. You’ll get your answer as to whether he’d even want to be it.
I’m also curious about whether Diggy will pique anyone’s attention after BIP. I’m guessing also no. But I always felt like he should have had more air time on Rachel’s season, he’s so attractive and dresses so damn well. He’s also seemingly charming, but of course, I have no evidence to back that up.
Comment: Pique anyone’s interest in terms of being the next “Bachelor?” Not gonna happen.
Hi Steve,
Super random question for you and I could really use some guidance!
I love sports. Love ‘em all. But, I am in a bit of a pickle! I have never participated in an NFL Fantasy pool and my colleagues at work signed me up for one. So… my question for you is, do you have any tips on how to pick an NFL fantasy team? What sort of strategy is there? Any players you think are too risky to choose? Sleeper picks? We’re doing our draft on 06SEP and I have NO idea what to do!
Would love your advice if you have any! Thank you so much in advance!
Comment: There are too many things about your draft I don’t know to give you any solid advice. How many teams? Auction or snake? PPR or non-PPR?
Hi Steve! Hope your week has been great. Here are my questions for this week! There are a lot of them. You know how sometimes you have your “biggest reader emails of the season”? Well this is my “biggest email of the season”.
1) This might have already been answered in last week’s reader emails, since it pertains to one of last week’s episodes of BIP. But what is your opinion on Adam? I thought he was really into Sarah on their date, and knowing he gives Raven his rose, I’m just confused. Had his cake and ate it too out there.
2) You might not know this, or maybe it’s public knowledge, but knowing that you know Sharleen, was she ever approached to be The Bachelorette? I was rematching a bit of JP’s season and she is seriously so classy and beautiful. She would have been up there with Ashley for best Bachelorette in my opinion. I don’t think she was asked, but knowing her the way I do, I don’t think that’s something she would’ve done. I can ask though on our next show if I remember.
3) Had you heard anything about Nick and Vanessa’s break up before it was announced? No.
4) This is an odd one, but have you ever wondered if contestants on the show read your website? Maybe ones who were eliminated early and wanted to see how things end? Or maybe someone that made it far and wanted to know who got the final rose or how things played out? Or even a lead just being curious? You’re a pretty well known name in the Bachelor world, so they have to know about you. They know and they’re aware. A lot of them who have been on the podcast have said as much. However, do they read every single word of every single post? No. But they are paying attention.
5) Has there ever been anyone once you found out who the lead was you were like “Wait what? They’re the bachelor/bachelorette? You’ve got to be joking”? Foe me that was Juan Pablo. Should have been Drew. Definitely not Mr. Personality, but he’s got a good story, and being heartbroken by Des would have been a good arch for him. Oh yeah and I loved Ames on Ashely’s season. Big forehead, but an even bigger heart. Juan Pablo and Nick probably surprised me the most.
6) I know that ABC is really wanting Peter to be Bachelor. And for now, he said no. Although most of the guys that come on are show are idiots, but I think Peter is pretty smart. Do you think he could be playing hardball in an effort to be offered more money, since ABC really has no other option than him? It’s possible. He should hardball them.
7) When you release the cast for an upcoming season, before your sources give you information about how everything plays out, can you predict winners, villains, and potential bachelorettes? I’ve never really tried to since I’d be basing it off nothing.
8) Although I think that the show has become lovable crap because of fame hungry wannabe future social media influencers, I’m one of the few people left who still think that in super rare occasions, this show can produce true love. I.e Ashley and JP (who are severely underrated), and Des and Chris. 2 couples who live lowkey lives, have kids, and just seem really happy (and no stints on Marriage Bootcamp lol) My question is, although now the show is absolute crap, is there somewhere deep inside where you think that maybe, just maybe this show can real love again? Well, Ashley & JP were on Marriage Boot Camp in case you forgot. But to answer your question: No. The show isn’t about love or marriage or finding a spouse. That’s just an added bonus if it happens. They don’t care if these couples stay together. They’re getting paid to make a television show. Anything that happens once that show is over is not really their concern.
9) This is an old question, but do you know if all of the Carly didn’t like Evan at first stuff was fake, or played up? You can’t be in the friend zone and then be in love literally a few days later! I don’t know for sure, but I really don’t think she was into him.
10) How are Kaitlyn and Shawn (if you know)? I don’t know any inside dirt, but they seem to be doing fine. Still together after two years.
And thats it for this week! Sorry I had so many questions. i hope they weren’t stupid questions lol.
Daily reminder that you rock! And so does FNL.
Hi Steve,
I have two questions for you.
1) Is there even a 1% chance Nick would be The Bachelor again? I really hope he isn’t. No.
2) Since Peter doesn’t want to do it, who do you think it will be?
Comment: I don’t know. I still have a feeling it’s gonna be Peter.
Hi Steve – Long time reader, first time writing in.
Just curious – What are your thoughts on Taylor Swifts new single, “Look What You Made Me Do” and the music video?
Also, did you see that Ryan Sutter competed in American Ninja Warrior a few weeks ago?
Comment: A lot of people asked about T Swift since Thursday. Here’s what I think. When I first heard the song, I thought it was weird. Not typical her. Then I listened to it 249856 more times, and now I’m hooked. Catchy ass sh**.
As for the video, I really don’t know what to think and here’s why: because Taylor hasn’t said anything publicly about the song, the video, or the upcoming album. I’m holding out until I hear from her on exactly what her mindset was in all this. Because my immediate reaction is this song and video is completely hypocritical to everything she promoted with “1989.” But maybe I’m missing the point. That’s what I’m holding off judgement until I hear her motivation behind this.
Yes, I did see Ryan on ANW. He held his own. That sh** ain’t easy.