-As we begin, CH in da’ house explaining how this week is gonna go. Everyone sitting down for this one? Ok, good. Because it’s TOTALLY different and unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. I kid. Two group dates and one 1-on-1. You know, pretty much like the 34 seasons previous. So when Chris Harrison deposits his check at the bank, he basically walks in with a ski mask and a gun right? He has to at this point. First group date card is up and Kesha, Jay-Quellan, the other blonde Lauren, Betty Boop, Raven 2.0, Marikh (still no nickname for her), Bibibibibibibi, and Hoarse (my new name for Krystal) are on the date card saying, “It’s all about the ring.” Get it? The show is ultimately about a ring and their date is gonna be in a ring. Heeeeeee-larious.
-This date is called GLOB, the Gorgeous Ladies of the Bachelor. CH introduces Arie at 6’2” 185 lbs and a kissing bandit. I’m not sure if any of you are aware of this, but Arie likes to kiss women. A lot of them. All the time. 15 girls left on this show after tonight, which was about 10 days after filming began. From what they’ve shown, he’s made out with 11 of the 15, even though all the girls talking say they’d all made out with him. Well, we’ve seen 11 so, it’s not hard to think that maybe they just haven’t shown us him with Ashley, Maquel, Jacqueline, and Marikh. But hey, what do I know? I think we can add “Kissing Bandit” and “Pillow Lips” to our weekly “Bachelor” Bingo game. Seems appropriate.
-A couple GLOW girls from the 80’s join the group to teach them how to wrestle. I’m pretty sure none of these girls, ok Raven’s Twin and Bibibibibibibibibi, have never watched wrestling before since they took offense to how they were being coached by people who, you know, actually wrestled for a living. Like Betty Boop said later on, wrestling is all about theater. I guarantee those wrestlers were speaking to them like that to get them to open up, show some personality, show some fight, etc. I guess Not Raven and BB Gun didn’t see it that way and ran offstage upset and crying. Raven’s twin also didn’t like the fact that the pro pulled her ponytail in a non-sexual way. Granted, the whole point to show that was to make sure to get their “redemption” story in the end as The Artist Formerly Known as Raven ended up “winning,” and was the only girl who you ever heard the audience chanting for. Remember I told you that the day after the date happened? However, they left a couple things from this date on the editing room floor that was reported back when this happened.
-Kenny made his appearance, and one of the things he said when he got in the ring was something to the effect of, “I’m here for all the Peter fans.” So that’s now two times this season Peter’s name was referenced during filming, but was never shown during the episode. With Kenny last night, then Jay-Quellan on her limo entrance in the first episode said “I’m supposed to meet Peter here.” Not sure what’s going on with that, but worth pointing out. The matches weren’t very good and we maybe saw :10 seconds of each one. Although, the Marikh/Lauren B. match was rather sexual as I mentioned. The Gold Digger. The caressing of each other. The pulling money out of her butt. There are certain places where that “fight” might be only be shown on Skinemax after 1am. But of course, Tia & Bibi’s match was saved for last, crowd chanted Tia’s name, and that was that. Yet, once the cocktail party started, we saw Tia walk in with a belt that she’d “won,” even though we never saw it. A horrible edit job on this date. So disjointed and half of it wasn’t making sense. One final thought: Kenny should be embarrassed he put Arie over. I mean, THIS Kenny King couldn’t beat a jabroni jobber like Arie? Your boys are laughing at you, K.
-It’s cocktail party time, and you’ll never guess who steals Arie first? That’s right, you guessed it: Maquel. Kidding. It’s Hoarse and she’s got some things to tell him, but mostly just wants the audience to listen to her nails-on-a-chalkboard sickly voice that’s essentially driving everyone in a America up a wall at this point. Look, I know she can’t control how she sounded when she was sick, but girrrrrrl, what y’all tryin’ to do? She asks him after they make out how aggressive she should be when she is back with the other girls. Arie basically gives her the go-ahead to keep acting exactly like she’s acting, which in turn, makes all the others plus most of the viewing audience despise her. It’s pretty clear to me (especially after Hoarse said on her IG video last week she doesn’t have a TV) that she definitely got produced the sh** out of. It’s ultimately on her, but whoever was her producer (and I’m going out on a limb and guessing it might’ve been the same one who produced Olivia) did a hell of a job of asking her the exact perfect questions to get the responses that she was giving, essentially bragging about her relationship with Arie and how it was so much better than the other girls. EXACTLY how Olivia came across in her ITM’s, it’s eerie.
-Just so we’re all clear here. When Hoarse is sitting by herself in an ITM basically boasting about how great her connection is with Arie, it’s not like all the sudden she said, “Hey, turn the camera on, I want to talk about Arie and I non stop.” She’s being fed leading questions that make her answer in a way that sounds like that. But of course, we don’t hear the questions, we just get her going on and on and on and on about her relationship with Arie. I’m sure they asked her plenty of other things for hours. But what did we get to see? Those :10-15 second blurbs that make her sound arrogant, pretentious, and downright obnoxious. But that’s what they do. It’s on her. She said it. But lets also give credit to the person behind the camera feeding her knowing exactly what she was gonna get out of her. It’s a pretty interesting dynamic, something that Ashley Spivey talked about on the last podcast. So as much as you wanna jump down Hoarse’s throat (and while you’re down there, spray some Chloraseptic), just remember how she’s getting to that point of saying those things.
-Like, I’ll make fun of Krystal losing her voice. I’ll point out the fact about how what she’s saying is coming off to her fellow cast members and to the viewing audience. That’s fair game. You go on this show, you open yourself up to being poked fun at and what not. It’s part of the game. You don’t want to deal with it, don’t go on the show. However, decided to peek over at Krystal’s IG last night to see some of the reactions to her. You think I’M mean? HO-LY SHIT. How sick of an individual do you have to be?
Honestly, people like that should have their social media accounts revoked – at the least. Get a f***ing life. Really? Calm down for Christ sakes. How about you join the rest of us in reality? I’m dead serious, people like that should never be allowed on social media again. Period. Somehow suspend all their accounts and never let them post again. And if they continue to create other accounts and harass people, they can get a fine and/or some stiffer penalty. But will it happen? Of course not. Sucks. Poke fun at what she says and does on the show, but taking it to that level is some serious psychotic harassment. But what do you do? As long as social media is around, looks like this will continue to happen. It’s 11:10 pm CST right now. I’m gonna go in and delete every single one of those comments and report them (you know you can do that, right?) It’s the least I can do. So when you check this morning, they won’t be there so that’s why I took screen shots. You can thank me for them being gone. Not the first time I’ve deleted sh*t like that on IG pages of people I’ve never spoken to, and won’t be the last. Gotta help in some way.
Obviously I can’t do it for everyone that has nasty comments posted on their IG. I’m sure much more famous people than her are flooded all day every day with hate filled speech like that. We can’t all just sit on our phones all day long and delete and report harassing comments on people’s IG accounts. But if you ever feel the need to, you should. I do it on occasion when I see stuff. All it takes is about :05 seconds of your time and 6 easy steps…
Step 1: Identify the comment you want to delete. (For purposes of explaining how to do it, I didn’t choose a particular offensive one but I’d already deleted the others so I chose the one posted by “dancemoms6h7” saying “your worst than Corinne.” Nice spelling by the way).
Step 2: Swipe left on that comment and this will show up:
Step 3: Click on the stop sign icon with the exclamation point in the center of it then “Abusive Content.”
Step 4: Click on “This comment shouldn’t be on Instagram.”
Step 5: Click on “Hate speech or symbol.”
Step 6: Comment is now gone. Took :05 seconds.
There. So if you’re ever bored and you see garbage like that, help out in any way you can and just get rid of it yourself. I’m sure these contestants don’t want to spend all day every day deleting comments, but like I said, it’s the least any of us can do to help.
-Bekah ended up getting the group date rose because, well, I guess she told Arie that her longest relationship was 2 ½ to 3 years. Oh sweet. So basically in high school. Yeah, ain’t working. Obviously we know her age is a big “secret” on this show, but it’s kinda obvious watching these two that Arie is strictly physical with her. I’m sure she intrigues him, I’m sure she keeps him on his toes, and she’s trying to play hard to get, but ultimately, there was zero chance he was ever going to pick her in end just because life experience. She’s not there. I’m sure she knew that, but hey, why not enjoy the free vacation in the process? Yippeeeeee!!!!!