Hi Steve
What the heck happened to the possesionista?? I read that her site was shut down. I loved reading her blogs…
Comment: From what I remember her posting on Facebook, she just isn’t doing it anymore because it was taking up too much of her time, and she just wants to be a mom to her kids. Can’t fault her for that.
What do we think of Blake and holly? Do you actually think they’ll last? Why on earth would she marry him – he’s the worlds biggest tool! My least favorite bachelor character hands down. I would never trust a man like that- especially because it’s not only sad he went on bachelor pad to begin with (showing such maturity) but he literally played another girl on the show (the fact he said whoring himself out)
What are your candid thoughts? Sometimes I hear weirdly these marriages work out…. but the odds for divorce in this case I feel are likely. He’s super condescending to her as well as everyone else.
Comment: This email was sent yesterday. Just kinda random that a couple who hasn’t been on TV in over 5 years someone would care about. I haven’t given them any thought since they left the “Bachelor Pad 2” finale engaged. I know nothing about their life.
Hi Steve!
I wasn’t going to ask this since it’s probably just my error but you mentioned being low in reader emails so…
Was Wills reading a book in the kitchen at the very beginning of the show? I thought they weren’t allowed to bring books? I think Sharleen said in a podcast that they will occasionally allow it and make exceptions for people. But it’s not something where you can sit in your room all day and read. They definitely don’t want you doing that.
I’m glad you said you don’t understand the timeline of the whole Tia/Colton thing because neither do I. Tia’s season started airing JanuArie 1st and they’re saying their “relationship” was before the show aired but IN January? So confused. The People article didn’t help at all since it was exactly what Tia said on the show. And what the heck was up with Colton saying in an ITM “I’m grateful she’s here” (referring to Tia)? Could he be any more obvious that he’s not there for Becca? There are still holes in that story that I don’t think we’ll ever get the real answers to. Something isn’t adding up.
P. S. Maybe consider bringing a microphone or something to the party next year. I watched the video of the trivia contest and felt so bad for you trying to shout over those ladies. ?
Comment: It’s probably why when you listen to tomorrow’s podcast, you’ll hear my voice is kinda gone. Having to talk loud at the party, then the next night at the club having loud conversations didn’t help either. It’s a bit of a struggle I tell ya’. Recording today with Dalton and you’ll hear my voice is a tad fried.
I know Caroline was supposed to be on BIP but her social media activity says she’s not, as well as her herself tweeting she isn’t going. Any idea why?
Comment: I’m not sure. Maybe she’s going on later, but if she’s not, I definitely don’t think it was her choosing. I’m pretty sure she wanted to do it. Why wouldn’t she? All her friends are.
Hey Steve,
How do you stay organized with information, timeline, vital details?
I’m picturing something like A police task force room full of pictures, sticky notes and maps!
it must be time consuming to keep it all organized and in chronological order if you have to update as you get new information
Have a great day,
Comment: Nope. Nothing like Carrie on “Homeland.” Just a Microsoft document where I write everything down during filming when it happens.
Hey Steve!
As a fan of the Bachelor and Survivor, I love the Survivor podcasts every once in awhile! It is fun to here their prospective on the show and all the behind the scenes info.
Hulu has all the Survivor seasons as does Amazon Prime if you ever need something to watch on plane or at home! I recently started watching old seasons and it has been really interesting to see how much has changed. I like the older players better. Did you feel the current season of players seemed a little more like “actors”? I just didn’t get the “realness” vibe from them if that makes sense.
Anyway, if you have time-go watch some old seasons! It is fun.
Thanks for the bachelor AND survivor podcasts!
Comment: I think everyone who goes on the show now is usually a huge fan and has studied past characters, almost to an obsession. And some even try to emulate the game play of past contestants. It’s an interesting dynamic. Some people will see that as acting, some won’t. I don’t necessarily look at it that way to be honest. I like it regardless because I think they do a great casting job every season.
Hey Steve, been reading your site for years but didn’t start listening to the podcasts until recently–not sure what took me so long as now I am totally hooked and listen to them at the gym every morning and on my drive to/from work. I’m going to be bummed once I’ve gone through all of them and only have one a week to listen to! It’s awesome to hear what past contestants have to say, and you seem to have a knack for getting people to open up by giving them a safe and non-judgmental space to share their story. I listened to your interview with Michelle Money yesterday (and after listening felt so inspired!) and am now about halfway through listening to her interview you. I love getting to know more about you! Anyways, my questions:
After listening to James Taylor’s interview last week, I’m curious to know if he backed everything up he said on his interview with you and lived up to what he was saying? While listening to everything he had to say and the realizations he’d had, I found myself identifying with him from an unexpected place. I got sober a little over four years ago, and when he was talking about finding it hard to lay in bed at night and think about the person he had become, it made me remember having similar feelings and deciding to make a change in my life. Obviously a much different situation, but some of the things he said brought me back to that time and how I was feeling then, so I’m curious to know if he’s been able to walk the walk. No, he hasn’t. And that’s disappointing.
My second, and much lighter, question: on these dates where they do something physical during the day, and then have the nighttime portion, where do they all go to shower and change in between? Do they go back to the mansion? And does everyone pack a change of clothes? How long of a break do they get? I imagine some people take much longer to get ready than others (especially when on the Bachelor group dates when it’s a large group of women doing hair and makeup) so are some sitting around for a long time while others primp? Unless the date is extremely close to the mansion (likes Becca’s 1-on-1 with Arie last season), it’s always done in the hotel usually where the dinner date is.
Thanks for continuing to provide entertainment season after season. I watch the show on Tuesday nights with my mom, but still read your recap prior so I know everything that’s going to happen (and of course who wins the season on night one too). She loves that I have all the inside scoop, and I recently told her I email you questions sometimes, which she found hilarious. Tonight I’m going to plant the idea of going to Vegas for your fan appreciation party next year….
Comment: Hey, we’ve already gotten almost 20 people who want on the tentative list for next year, so let me know. It’s tentative only because I don’t know the date of when it’ll be yet, so no one can book anything right now. I probably won’t finalize it til close to 2019 or even in Jan/Feb of 2019. I’m guessing it’ll be around the same weekend as it’s been 3 of the 4 years, which is that first Friday in June, which next year is June 7th. But nothing is set in stone yet. I’m looking at a different hotel for next year, so I have to make sure it has the availability.
Hey Steve,
Every year as I’m watching the bachelor and bachelorette I always wonder HOW THE HECK DO THESE CONTESTANTS FALL OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH for months at a time?! I read your site so I know the filming schedule is typically spring/fall. My questions don’t even concern how they get off of work. I assume most quit their jobs, take a leave of absence, etc. But spring/fall is such a busy time for weddings. All of them are stereotypically at the “marrying age” …. I guess not many are bridesmaids or groomsmen in weddings?
Idk. I just wonder if there has ever been someone who perhaps made it to hometown dates, had to be the best man/maid of honor in a wedding and returned. I guess maquel left for her grandfathers funeral and returned. Any others you can think of that left and came back?
Comment: Not many have left and came back due to prior engagements that I can remember, if any at all. Some people I guess just prioritize the show first. Hard question to answer.
Hi Steve,
Do you think that Becca has caught onto how self absorbed Jordan is? It seems like she has and is just humoring him until the producers let her eliminate him. I think I detected a smirk when she was listening to his nonsense on the group date. I’m sure she’s aware what a character he is and basically is just keeping him around for TV purposes.
Why couldn’t Clay have had his surgery and then continued on with the show? Seems like he’d only miss a couple days of filming. Now of course this stupid show isn’t worth giving up his career, so is there something I’m missing in regards to surgery and recovery? He could’ve come back on. His surgery was done in NY through NFL doctors. I know this because the day it happened, I got a pic of him at the pharmacy picking up the medicine prescribed to him by someone in line that day who just happened to notice him. He certainly could’ve come back if he wanted to. I guess he just didn’t want to because his career was more important.
I thought Jordan’s “chickens can’t fly” line was hilarious until I read your column and saw that David’s injury was much more serious than the show portrayed. Any reason why they shortchanged us on the full extent of the drama which they clearly love?
Comment: I’m nots sure, but they did address the fact he got a concussion and broken nose and was in ICU. But the happy-happy-joy-joy call to Becca really did seem to downplay it.