Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 14 - Becca

The “Bachelorette” Becca Episode 3 Recap, Fan Appreciation Party Wrap Up, BIP Update, & Possible Trouble For One of Becca’s Guys

Photo Credit: ABC

Another successful Fan Appreciation Party this weekend. Thank you to everyone who came out. I had been harping on the fact that I overbooked, and boy did I ever. We had 93 people total there and frankly it might’ve been a liiiiitle too many. So I apologize to anyone who felt crowded in there, but regardless, it was a lot of fun and I hope everyone had a good time. Shout out to Lauren Bushnell for coming through and delivering 12 bottles of her Dear Rose wine, which was a hit at the party for sure. Our trivia contest winners was the team of Lila Hollin, Lindsay McCullough, Emily Williams, Katie Fischer, and George Toops winning $100, and second place went to Caroline Cook with 30 pts, winning her $50. I’ll have those questions and answers for you tomorrow. I’ve already started brainstorming for next years 5th Annual party, and I’m thinking of going even bigger. I know it’s a year away, but anyone wanting in, by all means let me know now and you’ll be on the tentative list. If I can swing it, I’m going to get an even bigger room so there won’t be any capacity issues I wouldn’t think. I don’t expect anyone to book a flight now for next year, but if you want in and you give me a heads up, you will go on a list that when I do confirm next year’s date, you will have first priority in booking your flight which would confirm your spot. I’ll will keep everyone updated and thanks again for a very fun night.

“Bachelor in Paradise” started filming last week and although the original cast hasn’t all been confirmed yet, we’re probably getting it soon. Even though there are guys on there who are still “on” Becca’s season, when the cast announcement is made, they’ll do what they always do and just say that “more contestants will be revealed shortly,” and then once they’re eliminated from Becca’s season, that’s when the announcement will be made. Like David and Jordan who are both on it will be announced I’m sure after their 2-on-1 elimination episode in a couple weeks. Then guys like Connor, Colton, and Chris later on when they’re eliminated. One date that I can update you on happened on Sunday night with two people I hadn’t posted on the site. Jacqueline from Arie’s season was on a dinner date with Kenny King from Rachel’s season. Expect “People” to release the OG cast fairly shortly. They’ve done it around this time the first four seasons. Don’t see why they wouldn’t do it again. I’m pretty sure Eric Bigger is also part of the original cast. In addition, Ben Higgins is headed down to Mexico, but NOT as a contestant from what I’m hearing. Maybe he’s passing out a date card or something, but I know he’s down there just not as a contestant. See, told you they’d find a way to shoe horn him into the season. He must have a lifetime contract with them or something.

Even though Tia and Colton are both down filming in Paradise right now, she gave an interview to People that ran before last night’s episode explaining the Colton situation. Basically this interview was done before she left, but for timing purposes, they held on to it to run right before the episode airs. It’s essentially what she said on the show last night, but when you read it, you realize they’re absolutely setting up a Tia/Colton relationship for BIP. “The timing wasn’t right,” yet they’ll be single on a beach in Mexico in close quarters, so now the timing will be right. I’d honestly be stunned if Tia and Colton don’t get engaged at the end of BIP. At the least, they leave Mexico as a couple. It’s like producers knew where this was headed all along and that’s why we saw what we did last night, and then with Tia’s reappearance right before the final four rose ceremony to tell Becca she still has feelings for him. Too good of a narrative for them to pass up. As for the timing of everything, it still leaves me questions, ones we will probably never get true answers to. So lets just see how BIP plays out, although I think a lot of us can see exactly where it’s headed.

Got some interesting information sent to me yesterday which involves a very serious matter regarding one of Becca’s guys this season. However, I am still doing some digging on this and want to make sure I have some solid information for you before reporting who and what this concerns. Don’t want to make any allegations without doing my homework. But what was told to me was not good. I started making calls yesterday and haven’t heard back yet, but hopefully I will soon. Lets just say this involves legal trouble with one of Becca’s guys and if true, yet again, falls on ABC once again for not having much of a vetting process when it comes to their contestants. I’m pretty sure this info is legit. I just need to get solid proof somewhere to back up what is being said. I will keep you updated.

Get your “Reader Emails” and “Dr. Reality Steve” emails in for the week. Last week’s “Dr. Reality Steve” carries over to this week, and I believe we have four or five ready to go. More would be appreciated. We’re a tad low on “Reader Emails” so get those in today to be posted tomorrow.



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