Hi Steve,
I was just wondering if you have any information on whether or not Dean Unglert and Kristina Schulman are back together.
Comment: I have not heard either way. But for her sake, I hope she’s not that stupid.
1. I know this whole Bachelorette gig is probably an overwhelming experience, but Becca doesn’t seem like an idiot. If Colton “dated” Tia and then ditched her to be on the Bachelorette, why would she keep him around? Producers doing? Or because he was one of the more attractive guys she was into? I’d see red flag immediately. I mean, come on… the chances that he and Tia dated? They don’t even live in the same city. I’d question his motives immediately. I agree. Pretty much what I stated yesterday. She didn’t question him hard at all. Did she honestly expect him to say, “Yeah, I still had feelings when I saw her.” Of course not, because she would’ve sent him home right then. She thinks he’s hot so she’s keeping him around. Pretty simple.
2. Read your recap and you mentioned having some dirt on another contestant. News outlets are no doubt going to pick this up and when they do, do you think ABC will address it? Why are they so bad at vetting some of these contestants? Do they not do background checks, check their instagrams or twitters, reach out to former employers to eliminate any potential PR disasters? I can’t answer why ABC sucks as bad as they do recently with their contestants backgrounds. But this sh** with Lincoln should’ve been found on any basic background search assuming they pay an outside company (or maybe even in house) to do it for them. He was charged in 2016. I’m not great with the legal system but I’m guessing that shows up somewhere when doing background on a guy, no?
3. Is Ben going to be the bartender in Paradise like Wells was? is he dating someone or not? No idea what Ben’s role is gonna be down there but he’s definitely going. And as of a few weeks ago he was definitely still seeing Lindsey Duke.
4. When does Paradise finish filming? You mentioned you’d be surprised if Tia & Colton weren’t engaged by the end of it. Any other couples that have emerged?
Comment: Paradise filming has been around 2 ½ weeks for each of the four seasons. Well, last season was about 12 days total after the shut down. When I know more, I’ll post it.
Hi Steve,
Would producers allow leads to have 5 hometown dates instead of 4, if they requested it? Or, are the number of hometown dates and overnights dates set in stone.
Comment: I don’t think anything is particularly set in stone because they can do what they want, but in 36 seasons of the show, I think only Jillian’s season had 5 hometowns vs 4, so I doubt it’ll change.
Hi Steve:
Thanks for doing what you do! Love your column.
Question about Jordan. He’s obviously very different, and you used the word narcissistic in Tuesday’s column which is probably accurate.
1) What are your thoughts of him in the manner that do you think that he is genuinely like that? I like he’s being egged on by a producer, he’s going along with it, and doesn’t have any self-awareness to realize how stupid he looks.
2) Do you actually think he is narcissistic, mental, disturbed, etc? I think his profession pretty much lends itself to him having an ego that’s a tad inflated, for sure. He’s just playing it up to the 100th degree.
3) And obviously because there’s obviously something wrong with him, or do you think he’s playing a character? What do you really feel? What I just said.
4) And regardless, producers had to have noticed something was off about him when they casted him. Do they not care that somebody might be mentally disturbed, or are they just out for ratings? I think I know your answer, but it’s really hard to imagine that somebody like him exists on the planet unless he’s playing a character?
Thanks so much for your thoughts.
Comment: Again, he’s playing his character up.
Hi Steve! I thought you had said that Clay was a consideration for Paradise, but I see he is still in the states right now. I’m SO hoping he is being considered for the next bachelor…do you think that is a possibility? Looks like he turned it down to focus on rehab and getting back in the NFL. Probably a smart move.
Also, I was wondering if Chris Harrison ever dated anyone from the franchise. I don’t follow him, but the last I heard, he was divorced and single. Wondered if you knew! Thanks!
Comment: Selma and AshLee Frazier.
Hi Steve,
Long time reader/podcast listener, first time emailer:). This question is not Bachelorette related so hopefully this is ok…I’m currently on maternity leave with our 2nd baby, which means I have quite a bit of down time on my hands and have become slightly obsessed with 24. I’m a quarter of the way through season 3 and really want to know which season is your favorite since you are a super fan. So far I really can’t pick…1 & 2 were literally cliffhanger city each and every episode and I probably have lost more sleep staying up to watch this show than actually tending to my newborn. I don’t know how you watched the show live and waited every week to find out what happened next!
Love the site and podcast…keep up the great work!
Jack Bauer for President
Comment: Season 5 is pretty much been accepted amongst the “24” diehards as their best season. It’s the season that won Kiefer “Best Actor in a Drama” and won for “Best Directing.” It’s an awesome season from beginning to end. My favorite as well. But I’m biased because I loved all the seasons. Some I’ve just seen more than others, but because of when they came out and where TV was at at the time, there’s just nothing like it before or after. Definitely carved it’s own niche that’s for sure.
Yeah, once you binge watch, it certainly was hard only watching one episode a week. Luckily for you, you’ll never have to deal with that. I’ve ripped through seasons in a weekend before where I would do nothing but eat and watch the show. Those were the days. Glad you’ve become a fan.
Hi Steve,
Any chance you can further explain your comment in the episode 1 recap about Colton not being thrilled with the way things panned out with the season/paradise? Would he have rather stayed with Becca longer? Or was he hoping for the Bachelor gig? After seeing the “confrontation” with Tia, I was more confused yet more underwhelmed than ever. I love Becca this season, but c’mon… everything was so glossed over, and she didn’t even ask Tia if she’s over Colton (clearly not). Bizarre.
Comment: From what I heard, since that day at the spa, Colton and Tia weren’t in touch. But they will be come Paradise.
I’m trying to find out what happens in “A Simple Favor” (book by Paul Feig, movie coming out with Anna Kendrick & Blake Lively this fall) because I just saw the trailer and really want to know!! I’d read the book but I’ve seen that it’s kind of bad from the reviews and can’t get to a library very easily here. I know you only do reality show spoilers but I’ve looked all over for a spoiler online and I can’t find one – would you be able to please please help?
Thank you!!
Comment: Movie spoilers now? Uhhhhhhh….
Hi Steve,
I hope this isn’t too late to make your reader emails for the week. Have you heard if any of the BIP contestants are going on the show with a boyfriend/girlfriend? I noticed Bekah has the same guy in her IG stories a lot, and he called her his girlfriend in a reply to someone on a post of his. I know this could mean nothing and that Bachelor people use this term loosely and don’t like to be exclusive, but I just wondered if you have heard anything about her or anyone else not being single at the start of paradise.
Thanks for your hard work!!
Comment: I was sent that stuff. I know about as much as you do regarding that. The pics seem to insinuate they’re together, but I guess it can’t be that serious if she’s down in Paradise going on dates with others. Guess we’ll see.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page, or listen to all my podcasts at Apple Podcasts. Talk to you tomorrow.