Congrats on getting right!
Has the final couple ever gotten gifts/trips before? I feel like this is new… The show seems to like the two better then other final couples!
Comment: It’s happened before. I’m blanking on who it is. I wanna say Jason and Molly, maybe? But it’s definitely very rare.
I haven’t seen the final episode yet but read somewhere that Becca started questioning her and Blake’s relationship when she noticed Blake had got into his head.
I would question any man that didn’t get in their head in this crazy process. Getting in your head means the ability to see there is other life going on, besides the particular relationship you are in. It does not tell how you are able to solve problems in future. I wouldn’t want my man to solve problems with joking around and belittling your faults. That is exactly what Garrett has been doing and Becca, too, seems to wipe away some issues with not so funny jokes. You don’ t praise yourself when you apologize, for God’s sake!
Frankly, I have started questioning Becca’s selection process. She either has a poor judge of character or, is not looking for intelligence at all in her men. She had two brighter men in the F3 and look whom she chose. Also, her history in picking men shows her taste in them. She is in denial whenever anyone questions her man or her friends (Tia amongst others) and starts defense very quickly. When she finally is done with them, she will let her sister do the laundry work for her. If see sees resemblance of her father in Garrett it must be the outdoorsy thing – I cannot imagine a journalist (her father, I assume) having suffered from lack of words.
The way Garrett articulates – ha, another story. Anyone with me on this? Anyway, I believe Blake is onto better things. Let’s hope he gets some brainiacs in the cast should he be the next Bachelor. I know you are not the fan of Leo but he said in some interview that “there is this depth in Blake – he can talk about anything”. Same applies for Jason, he deserves a gem of a person.
Comment: I think there’s definitely some truth to what you say here. But again, not everyone sees it that way.
Hi Steve,
Is it just me or did Becca do most of the talking during ATFR? Do you think it was because Garrett was nervous about having to address the IG issue? I think we’ve come to see that Garrett isn’t the most eloquent person in the world. Hey, some are, some aren’t. Not his fault. Does it help when you’re on a nationally televised show watched by 6 million people a week and you’re not the greatest wordsmith? Probably not. One thing I will give him credit for though is, outside of Kimmel, all the interviews yesterday grilled him on the IG stuff and he’s answered like he should. He’s saying the right things, which is a start. Lets hope his actions back it up.
What are your thoughts on how Becca and Garrett addressed the IG issue? Personally, I agreed with what Becca said about how the most one can ask of someone is that they recognize their mistakes and strive to be better. Couldn’t agree more. Only time will tell on that.
Lastly, what do contestants do when they are not on a date? Do they stay in their hotels or go outside? Are their producers “assigned” to contestants?
Thank you so much for your insight on this season and I’m looking forward to reading about next season!
Comment: They are confined to their hotels. Very little sighseeing, if any. And yes, you have your own producer essentially once it’s whittled down to fewer people.
Good morning Steve,
Just wanted to take a moment and congratulate you on yet another successful season of spoilers. As always I am an avid reader (and now listener) of yours.
Love the info you are able to get to us readers. Honestly I think you are a big reason I still watch the show. Always entertaining.
Hope things are well with you!
Comment: Thanks. Always good to get a nice, short email like this saying thank you. I appreciate you reading and listening.
Hi Steve!
So on Twitter last night, the ring Garrett chose for Becca got a lot of hate. A lot of people think it’s not pretty. So my question is, does the bachelorette get to approve the rings that Neil Lane shows the guys? Or is she just as surprised as anyone with what they pick?
Comment: Well, hate fuels the internet so it doesn’t surprise me. I know nothing about rings in general, so I can’t really speak on it. Looked a bit clumpy to me, but what do I know? Neil makes up rings they think fit the “Bachelorette,” so yeah, she does have some sort of say.
Excellent work again this season.
Just figured out the pretty in pink reference with the music in your podcast.
Comment: Yup. “Positively Lost Me” by the Rave-Ups. The Rave-Ups are playing it during one of the top scenes in “Pretty in Pink” where Andie takes Blaine into the bar and Duckie is all butt hurt. Classic scene.
Trivia: Did you know that Molly Ringwald’s sister was married to the lead singer of the Rave-Ups, Jimmer Podrasky? That’s how they got the gig pretty much. And in an early scene of “Sixteen Candles,” you can see Molly Ringwald’s notebook that she’s carrying in the hallway has “Rave-Ups” written on it.
I’m a total nerd, I know.
Do you read Rachel Lindsay’s recaps on Us Weekly? You can read it here. I’ve kinda picked up in some of her other recaps that she doesn’t have the best feelings toward the Bachelor franchise, but damn did she lay into them in that one! I’m guessing they aren’t too pleased with her being so critical of them? And there’s not a big chance of her getting a televised wedding?
Thanks for another great season!
Comment: While the stuff she factually pointed out was true (her having to sit there for the 3 hr live show when Becca only had to come out for the end), I didn’t really understand Rachel’s motivations. I mean, it’s her blog, she can say whatever she wants. I thought it was just an odd rant to go on.
And basically moving forward, her disdain for how her season went down kinda falls on deaf ears to me. Did they spend more time on the Peter breakup than her engagement? Absolutely. Talked about that the day after her finale. However, I’ll take a wait-and-see approach with this one. Because if Rachel does end up getting a televised wedding, then obviously she’s not THAT mad at them as she appeared in the column. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard contestants trash the franchise to me then jump right back in bed with them. So her frustration and anger that clearly showed in her column kinda means nothing if she continues to do any sort of work with them. If she would’ve followed that rant up with, “I’m done with these people and I never want to be a part of anything they do ever again,” then I think that would’ve been more powerful. But when she ended it with “they owe us a wedding?” Yeah, didn’t get that. They don’t owe you anything. Or anyone else for that matter. And I’ve praised Rachel all season for her blogs. Just that one was kind of a head scratcher.
I just binged seasons 3 and 4 of UnReal, which I’d forgotten about until you said the last season was up on Hulu (thanks for that!)
My favorite minor plot line throughout the entire series is how the producers, especially Quinn, can’t stand the host Graham and all his cringeworthy lines. Pretty sure there’s a comment about it in every episode. Graham writes his own lines and is off on his own a lot. The show makes it look like Graham has no interaction with the producers and is never really consulted or included by them.
My question is, how closely does this reflect the Bachelor producers’ relationship with Chris Harrison?
Thanks for the years of entertainment, wishing you continued success (so that we can all keep enjoying your writing and podcasts)!
Comment: I think it’s pretty exaggerated. Especially considering Chris Harrison has an executive producer title with the show now I believe. But is he a major one making the decisions on next leads and edits and storylines? No.
Becca and Garrett – will they last ?
I agree with you that their underlying viewpoints may not be resolved even though they seem to be working on his ‘likes’ of bigoted posts.
I heard two things during AFTR that also makes my wonder about their durability.
1. ‘Moving to California for 2 years’
Becca stated that was their plan – so are they star-struck and chasing fame? Or am I reading too much into this? We don’t really know why they want to go there for two years. That kinda came out of nowhere and she didn’t say why they wanted to. But in the past has moving to LA when neither of you originally lived there been a good idea? No.
2. Becca also stated ‘Four corgis and they will sleep in the bed’. As Chris said – ‘run!’.
Ok, Becca has a good sense of humor – what do you think Steve?
Comment: Probably an exaggeration. She’s got one already, so maybe she really does want three more.