Here is 15 guys you can expect to see on Hannah’s season which begins filming Thursday. Yes, there is a chance that someone could get cut at the last minute, but I’m pretty secure you’ll see these guys on it. We’ll know more as the season goes on. Also, their Facebook and Instagram statuses are all active as of this posting unless otherwise noted. It’s why it’s sometimes easy to see who’s eliminated when because these people inevitably spoil their own narrative by turning on their phones and jumping on social media when they get back. It’s the oldest trick in the book since social media became so powerful on this show. Just remember, social is never 100% accurate all the time. And production knows people track all this stuff and will screw with it to throw people off. But here you go with pretty much 60% of Hannah’s cast before they even begin filming. Let the pre-judging before you know anything about them begin! (The first 3 guys were ones I gave away two weeks ago in a tweet when I took pics from their eyes up): ORIGINALLY HAD 15 GUYS, BUT SAMMY MANISCALCO DECIDED AT THE LAST MINUTE HE DIDN’T WANT TO DO IT, SO HE’S NO LONGER ON THE SHOW. HE’S BEEN REMOVED. ALSO, MATT DIONE WAS ELIMINATED BEFORE FILMING BEGAN. HE WAS REMOVED FROM THIS LIST.
1. Tyler Cameron: 26, Jupiter, FL. Played college football at Wake Forest as the backup QB for 2 years, then transferred to Florida Atlantic University and played wide receiver for 2 years. Male model
and also works in construction.
Facebook – Tyler Cameron
Instagram – tylercameron3
Modeling Site – Tyler Cameron
2. Cameron (Cam) Ayala: 30, Austin, TX. Graduated from Texas A&M and currently works at Tableau in computer software sales. Suffers from lymphedema. Here’s how he explains it in an IG post from Christmas of last year:
“Okay, long post here. This is something that I have never been public about because I never wanted sympathy or for people to feel sorry for me. In 2002 I was officially diagnosed with #lymphedema a non-curable condition that is often misdiagnosed and completely understudied by medical professionals across the ? I was told by dozens of doctors and “Specialists” that I would never be able to play competitive sports, and that I would have to manage this condition for the rest of my life. Receiving that news as a 12 year old boy was devastating because all I wanted to do was play ? ?? and ? with my friends. After visiting over 20 clinics, I was finally given some treatment options. Through manual lymphatic drainage massage, leg pumps, and custom compression garments, I was given a second chance to live a “normal” life again. This didn’t come with countless nights of excruciating pain, swelling, and mental agony. Through the support of my family, friends, and music, I stopped focusing on my misfortunes and started prioritizing the blessings that I often took for granted. Fast forward to 2014, I experienced my first “episode” of infection in my right knee. The past 4 years brought me to the top medical hospitals in Houston, Los Angeles, and Phoenix. After enduring 13 surgical procedures, the only consensus that the doctors came to was….amputation. The thought of losing my leg gave me crippling fear and anxiety. How would I ever be able to dance with my future wife, play sports with my future kids, and maintain a healthy lifestyle? As fate would have it, the experts at Boston Children’s Hospital performed a diagnostic procedure that saved my leg from being amputated in Dec. 2016. What I learned from my experience is that you HAVE TO
1) stay vigilant in your journey for treatment and answers.
2) Empathy and Sympathy are great but you ARE NOT entitled to them
3) “Pain is temporary, love is necessary” – Lil Wayne
4) There are support groups and resources available IF you seek them out
5) NEVER be ashamed of your story, it’s yours, and not everyone will understand nor is it your obligation to make them”
Facebook – Cameron Ayala
Twitter – @CamRonAyala
Instagram – camronayala (private as of 3/12)
LinkedIn – Cameron Ayala (currently de-activated)
3. Tyler Gwozdz: 28, Nashville, TN. Currently a Regional Sales Manager who’s selling Spiked Seltzer. Has spent most of his time in NY, CT, and Nashville. But according to that article, had moved to Austin in 2017.
Facebook – Tyler Gwozdz
Instagram – tygwozdz
LinkedIn – Tyler Gwozdz
4. Luke Parker: 24, Gainesville, GA. Played college baseball at Faulkner University in Alabama. Grew up in Florida, also attended High Point University and played baseball there as well. Listed as an entrepreneur, so your guess is as good as mine as to what he does. Besides Crossfit.
Facebook – Luke Parker
Instagram – luke_parker777 (set to private as of 3/12)
LinkedIn – Luke Parker