A lot of stuff to get to today before we dive into the last “Reader Emails” of the season before the “Bachelorette” starts back up. Speaking of that, did you hear the announcement that Hannah’s season begins airing on May 13th? That’s about two weeks earlier than the “Bachelorette” normally starts. Filming still lasts the same amount of time, they’re just starting airing it earlier. Could mean they’re gonna give more episodes to Paradise on the back end, since that show starts immediately after “Bachelorette” ends airing. They’re also doing a 2 hr special the week before on May 6th to celebrate 15 seasons of the “Bachelorette.” Even though no specific details have been given out about what’s gonna be on the show, you can probably guess. Former contestants, clips of all the seasons, Chris Harrison visiting fan parties, etc. So mark that on your calendars. It’s officially being called “Bachelorette Reunion: The Biggest Bachelorette Reunion in Bachelor History Ever!” Yes, that’s the working title they’re going with. Someone in marketing or PR should be fired over that title. How about just “The Bachelorette at 15?” Is that too hard? You repeat “Bachelorette Reunion” twice in the same sentence. But hey, who am I to start naming their shows? So expect a two hour trip down memory lane with some of our favorite “Bachelorettes” from the past.
And a correction that I made on Twitter last night to share with you guys. Originally Hannah’s season was set to start on Thursday, but now it’s starting on Saturday. Doesn’t really change anything as the season will no doubt end filming around the first week of May like every “Bachelorette” season does. All it means is that there will be a much shorter turnaround from the time Hannah’s season stops filming to the first episode airing. Roughly around 5 days. Hell, on May 6th when the “Bachelorette Reunion: The Bachelorette Reunion of all Bachelorette Reunions” airs, Hannah will probably still be in the last days of production. But her season starts filming this Saturday, meaning the two public group dates will be the two group dates in episode 2. Saturday is the meet-and-greet, Sunday will be the off day that the guys move into the mansion, Monday group date #1, Tuesday 1-on-1, Wednesday group date #2, rose ceremony #2 on Thursday, and so on and so forth.
Can I just tell you how giddy I am to Colton’s season being over, we’re on to a new season, and March Madness starts next week? Best time of year for me. Although since Hannah’s season will already be in episodes 2 & 3 while I’m plopped at the Venetian sportsbook next Thurs-Sun, I’m sure I’ll be able to give you updates on anything that comes through. I just want to fast forward a week and be there now. Best time of year for me. I know I go out for first weekend of NFL every season, but nothing beats March Madness. I can’t believe this is only the 3rd year in a row I’m doing it. I’d never been for March Madness before two years ago, which is insane. You can have your Super Bowl, or NBA Finals, or World Series, but for my money, being in Vegas for opening weekend of March Madness can’t be beat. I’ve been buried deep in my lab the last two weeks consuming as much college basketball as possible. I’m ready to go. Last year was the most profitable tournament I ever had. Lets see if I can approach that this year. Looking forward to it.
Ratings are in from Monday night and Colton’s finale did really well: 8.0 million viewers and a 2.2 rating, both season highs. In comparison, Arie’s Monday finale did 7.8 million and a 2.2 rating. And how many people screamed from the rooftops when Colton was named the “Bachelor” that they weren’t watching? That’s what I thought. It’s such a tired take, just like it will be for all the people that hate Hannah as the “Bachelorette.” No one cares you don’t like her because millions of people will still watch. And you probably will as well because you want to be informed in the conversation. More on Hannah in a bit…
Our Nell Kalter has your “Temptation Island” episode 9 recap now up for your reading pleasure. There’s only two episodes left. They haven’t been released to the media yet, so I haven’t seen the two-part finale. Supposed to be released later this week. All I know is that next week’s episode will be the final bonfire for two couples, then the following week is the other two couples. There will not be a reunion episode, but I know we’ll be getting updates on each of the couples post-show during these final two episodes. I don’t know which couples are on each episode, but I should by the end of the week. This is going to be interesting for sure.
I’m not going to recap detail for detail what we saw last night. I’m just going to address the things that came up most that were tweeted at me or emailed. Not to mention, I wanna talk about all the stuff we DIDN’T see this season. Look, you know where I stand on finale day. Go back over my site since September and you’ll see every spoiler I gave was correct outside of Colton going to CA to visit Cassie, when it all went down in Portugal. Now, I even had people questioning that last night saying I might’ve been right and it looked C&C filming in Portugal could’ve happened well after they came back from CA. I’m here to tell you that didn’t happen. And that’s coming from me, the guy who literally had one thing wrong this season, and now people are telling that one thing I had wrong may be right, and I’m STILL telling you, no it wasn’t. They never went back to CA and filmed and then went back to Portugal. Trust me, I’d be the first to tell you if they did. They didn’t. That conversation with Cassie was like 1-2 days later after dumping Hannah. Yes, he got a haircut. Guys haircuts take like 10 minutes. I don’t think that is some sort of giveaway a bunch of time elapsed. So just wanted to correct everyone, since that was the #1 thing I got sent to me last night, that people weren’t convinced C&C’s reconciliation happened so quickly. It did. The End. (Now, is it possible when my source emailed me they filmed C&C in California, they were talking about the Happy Couple visits and I misinterpreted it? Possible, but I’m not gonna die on that hill. Bottom line is he didn’t chase her back to CA, which is what the spoiler said. That was wrong).
With that said, all this running of the mouth Colton did this season first tweeting “Wrong” before wiping out all his tweets before the season started, to then going on Kaitlyn’s podcast a few weeks ago and specifically saying the “spoilers were wrong” makes him look like a buffoon. Really? Because from my vantage point Colton, absolutely nothing I posted was different than what we saw over the last two nights. Fence jump? Correct. Going on an overnight with Tayshia, then Cassie, then not going on one with Hannah and dumping both her and Tayshia to pursue Cassie? Bingo. Dating but not engaged to Cassie? As you say, “Nailed it.” Yet you wanna stick to the “Bbbb…but you said I went to CA to chase her” narrative? Please. You tried to call me out and discredit what I spoiled and it backfired. I can’t believe how idiotic he made himself seem by going on Kaitlyn’s podcast and saying the spoilers were wrong. The thing is, now that he’s said it, anyone else who says it in the future no one will believe them either. You’re a trailblazer, Colton! You’ve been on our TV for three consecutive seasons in this franchise, something that’s never happened ever in this franchise. Time for you to go away.