One thing that I’ve never done on this site in the 15 years it’s been in existence is any giveaways. I’ve never really had any reason to, no one’s really ever approached me about it, and it’s just not something I’ve thought of until recently. That’s because at my Fan Appreciation Party next month, I’m forgoing the annual trivia contest I’ve done the first four years, and just gonna do a straight raffle. There will be money prizes, gift cards to Vegas restaurants, etc but then I also thought why not contact some Bachelor Nation contestants who want to promote something and see if they’re willing to donate something to the party to be raffled off. So that’s what I did and I’m in the process of securing a few of those that I’ll tell you about in the next week or so. However, why stop there? If anyone who has a business and wants to donate something you think bachelor fans would be interested in to be raffled off at the party, contact me immediately and hopefully we can arrange it. In return, your product will get mentioned and linked to on the site before the party to let people know you were a donor. Then going forward, since most of you reading AREN’T attending the party and have no chance to win anything, I think it’ll be possible to do some giveaways to readers in some way as long as companies are willing to donate. The Fan Appreciation Party is a way to give back for all the support you guys give me year round, but obviously I know most of you cannot make that trip once a year. So I’m gonna work on doing some giveaways for you readers and listeners to the podcast. Stay tuned.
It’s been quite the busy last 24-48 hrs, and not necessarily for what you might think. Yes, I’m fully aware of the Jed & Tyler follows from last night a lot of you notified me when it happened. “Hannah’s mom followed Jed on IG, he must win!” “Wait, now she’s following Tyler! I guess maybe it’s not Jed.” “Jed & Peter IG’s are public now but Tyler’s is still private, he must win then!” Soooo, which one is it? Because it can’t be both. I know a lot of you like to get caught up in who follows who and when, but honestly, I will never base a spoiler off that. Especially the season ending spoiler of who Hannah is with. It’s irrelevant to me when it comes to spoiling. When I hear from the sources I need to hear from regarding the ending, you will know. We’re close. I’ve heard rumblings. The final rose ceremony isn’t even a week old. Just trying to lock it down. And lets face it, anyone saying “She’s with Jed” or “She’s with Tyler,” well, you have a 50/50 shot of being right at this point, so it’s a pretty easy claim to make. It’s just a guess. If I guessed every season, I wouldn’t be in business.
However, just in the last 48 hrs, I’ve been working on 4 different stories that you will see upcoming on the site, not to mention lining up podcast guests, and getting ready for the party next month. This season is a shit show. Total and utter shit show. And not the greatest group of guys unfortunately. But it’s gonna take a little time to put all these stories together, get the details right, and report them properly. Some are probably more important than others. But as I said yesterday, if people want their story out there, as long as they’re willing to put their name behind it and provide evidence, I will give them an outlet. Some directly affect the show. Some almost affected the show. I don’t play favorites. I don’t kiss ass like other outlets do. Sure there are some people I like more than others, but if it’s a story worth covering, I don’t care who it’s about. So keep it right here in the following weeks as I will have some tea regarding the show and some of it’s contestants.
Ratings are in from Monday night and the overall viewership was down from last season’s premiere, while the rating dropped by .1. It’s one episode and we’ll see how it plays out over a full season because starting two weeks earlier than normal I think had a negative effect on the premiere’s ratings.
In kinda alluding to what I said earlier, Chris Harrison did an interview with E! Online talking about the drama this season. This quote was pretty telling:
“There’s gonna be villains, and it’s not your typical villain,” he says. “It’s not the typical bad guy that’s like a flash in the pan and goes away—although there are those too…What really creates the drama, what really drives this entire season and may dictate how this ends for Hannah and kind of reflects and affects the rest of her life is the drama lasts, and it’s about people she cares about. It’s not just oh here’s the bad guy, he’s gone. This thing festers and has to deal with the entire kind of undertone to the season. So that’s what’s really going to shape the season, and what I think people are going to take away.”
For those that don’t know, that quote is all about Luke P. That’s who he’s referring to. You’ve seen the promos for the season. It’s not gonna be happy happy joy joy fun times for Luke this season. Now, this narrative Chris keeps pushing of will she even get engaged, seems like just a misdirection from him. Do we really think they’ll go back-to-back seasons without an engagement? I guess anything is possible, but I’d be pretty shocked if we saw that. Basically it would have to be Hannah directly rejecting a proposal since you know they want the final guys to at least present it to her.
“Reader Emails” begin on Page 2…