I know I write to you a lot, but I’m retired, so shoot me. After nearly 45 years in television, I can tell you that the decision to start early this year is a decision based on the current May ratings book, or sweeps period. By moving the show, they’re giving affiliates two weeks of The Bachelorette IN THE SWEEPS, which they assume will mean better ratings in these markets. The problem, however, is that they’re forcing the show to run against some normally VERY strong competition from the networks who are also trying to boost ratings during sweeps. Monday night is SUCH an important night, because conventional wisdom is you want their TVs tuned into your channel when they go to bed. In this light, I think the program did VERY well against stiff competition and may set a precedent for future programs during the month of May.
Comment: Yeah, we’ll see in future seasons if it starts beginning of May like this season or end of May. Or if this was just a one off thing. As mentioned on the previous page, the overnight ratings are down a tad in overall viewers, but right around the same pace in the Women 18-54 demo, which is what’s most important to them. That hasn’t slipped at all.
Not to mention, with all the streaming nowadays and DVR +3, we don’t even see those numbers. Short answer: the show is fine and isn’t going anywhere.
Did you Colton’s tweet regarding DWTS and how he can’t wait to watch?? Is he going to be on it or somebody from the bachelor franchise. I’m ready for his 5 minutes of fame to be over but yet also want him and Cassie to succeed and nobody ever survives that show as a couple. Besides Sean L of course.
Comment: I don’t remember his tweet. I haven’t heard anything in regards to him being on DWTS, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been contacted. I have no idea.
I know it’s way too early to think about the next bachelor or even talk about it. However, many people want it to be Peter or Mike. Do you think Mike has a chance though? He placed the same as Hannah did. Do you think Bachelor will have a black male lead? He seems very liked. Even though we only seen one episode.(2 by the time this is answered.) Robert Mills and Chris Harrison are have really positive things to say about him. I feel like the season would be very interesting if he was. Like Rachel, do you believe they will announce it earlier like they did with her? If he goes on paradise and gets dump, he will have a greater story coming on to the bachelor. Diversity is needed in the franchise. I feel like it will boost ratings in some way. Also besides having a lead of a different race, what other changes do you think the show needs to keep going?
Sorry for all the questions.
Comment: Impossible to answer any of those questions. They haven’t even started filming BIP. The “Bachelor” isn’t even something they’re concerned with yet. It doesn’t film for another 3 ½ months. A lot can happen. We know who the candidates are for the most part. But to say this guy has a lead over this guy, you can’t say that. We’re two episodes in to the season. A lot can change. The second they chose Nick and then Arie in back-to-back seasons, basically you can throw any theories out the window in regards to what their thinking is for “Bachelor.” Nobody knows and won’t know until we get closer to Hannah’s finale and BIP airs.
Question about Paradise Hotel
Is everything shot in real time? Like is everything shot one day, then edited and then shown on TV. I’m confused on how everything works on this show. Can you explain how Paradise Hotel works? How is the winner determined? Do a couple win or is one person? Do we vote for the winner?
Comment: Well, since you sent this email, “Paradise Hotel” has basically been cancelled. It was airing Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and was going to until the first week of June. Now they’ve decided it’s only going to air 3 more episodes. Tomorrow night and the next two Thursdays will be 2 hour shows, and that’s it. I believe the finale is Thursday, June 6th.
But yes, it’s filmed very similar timing-wise to “Big Brother.” When it was airing 3 days a week, what you were seeing on TV was only about 2 days behind it actually happening. Then when they did the live segment at the end of the episode bringing new people on, the next episode shown is everything that happened from that point forward.
In terms of how you win, you got me there. All they’ve said is the final couple standing, but I don’t know how we get to that point since in the four episodes we have seen, I don’t think it’s been explained how we will get down to one couple. The reason I don’t watch “Big Brother” is because it’s too much of a time commitment for me. I can’t dedicate 3 nights a week to a show. So I’m actually glad PH is down to one night. Three more two-hour episodes is fine by me.
Any thoughts on the Survivor season/finale? I was kind of bored this season until Devens came back, hard not to root for him!
Comment: You’ll hear all my thoughts at the end of tomorrow’s podcast with Stephen Fishbach. With that said, I had no problem with Chris winning. If I was on that jury, and those were my three choices, I would’ve voted for Chris. I felt he had more on his resume in the 5 days that he returned to the game than Gavin and Julie had on their in the combined 78 days they played.
But Devens was one of the most polarizing players this show has ever seen. If he would’ve gotten to the finals over Chris by winning the fire challenge, good chance he would’ve won the vote 13-0. We will absolutely see that guy play again.
Hello Steve,
Thanks for all you do! Enjoy your insights and spoilers!
Have an issue with Bachelor/Bachelorette and hope you can help by getting the word out – what happened to the on-screen graphics that show contestants’ names, age, occupation and hometown? They used to keep them up for an extended period of time throughout each show, especially for the first several episodes while viewers were getting to know the contestants. Now they may FLASH it sporadically & intermittently. IT IS EXTREMELY ANNOYING since it is gone so fast, I cannot read it.
For those of us who don’t use FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc., we stay in the dark, confused about who’s who and it really makes watching the show LESS enjoyable! It is also hard to tell whom you are referring to in your stories, another disappointment.
Any advice?
Comment: I don’t even notice, but then again, I’m not looking for it. I know you said you aren’t a social media person, but since I have no control over the show and how they choose to show their graphics, your best bet is just going on and just skim through the cast list so you get a better idea of their names and occupations. There’s really no other way. Embrace social media. It’s your friend. At times. Other times it’s the worst invention ever.
Hi Steve,
After watching several of the press pieces Hannah has done and Chris Harrison’s interview for ET, it sure sounds like Hannah does not get engaged. When asked if she’s engaged and in love, her responses are “I came out alive” and “I’m stronger after this journey”. Again, I don’t pay much attention to her answers to questions in the media because she’s coached and told to say certain things.
Chris told Lauren Zima that because of the “man-drama” he doesn’t think Hannah will be able to get there and doesn’t know if there will be a proposal. Chris also mentioned that she’s really into someone that is causing the drama, but she of course doesn’t see the interactions between the men so she doesn’t know what to believe. From the clips and what you’ve spoiled, this all leads to conjecture that Hannah was really into Luke P. and he was the front-runner up until the overnight date when something happened and she sent him home.
After the guy you were really invested in leaves, do you commit to a backup? Perhaps she continued on with the process and decided just to date her final choice, like Colton did. Is this what you’re hearing?
Comment: Oh woops. This email was sent before I posted the episode-by-episode spoilers. Hence the reason I don’t really care what Hannah says in interviews since most of the time they’re used as a diversion tactic.
Hi Steve,
Reader email question for you. Can you rank the final three in terms of the bad behavior / stories you’ve heard about them i.e. 1-3 (best behavior -> worst behavior) without telling us what they did? Curious to know if any of them is worse / better than the others.
Comment: Even something as simple as doing that will completely get blown out of proportion, so I’d rather not. Maybe none of them have any stories. Or maybe all of them do. In due time you’ll know whether they do or not.
Hello Steve,
Thank you for all your hard work, I really appreciate it.
Regarding Luke P, after Hannah sent him home, did he show up later at the rose ceremony to talk to her? Do you have any insights on how that went down?
And I have a question regarding MTA, I know the final two have to show up at the ATFR as it is in their contract. Do you know if F3-F4 have to show up if invited to MTA?
Thanks for all the spoilers!
Comment: All I know is Luke talks to her at the final 3 rose ceremony but obviously nothing changes because he still goes home.
We’ve had instances in the past (those exact instances are escaping me), but it’s definitely happened where a final 3/4 guy didn’t show up to the MTA. But it’s very rare. I know Wes Hayden didn’t, and he finished 4th. That’s one.
I just watched nick v’s insta story because he’s doing a Bach q and a and someone asked his top 3. And he gives who the top 3 are acting like he doesn’t actually know but you know he reads your site. Just like everyone else. I had to laugh.
Comment: It’s what they do. I expect it at this point.