-Luke’s hometown is next and they first meet with his bible study group. I think that’s who it was. Something church related. What did we learn here? That Luke chased sex in college. He was caught up in sin. Then we hear for the third time this season about God handing him the soap in the shower and telling him to chill. Or something like that. This is the part of the episode where some people begin to get uncomfortable. Because if you don’t believe what Luke believes, then you don’t see the point to all this and many will think it’s crazy nonsense. I’m not a very religious person at all. I have my beliefs and my morals and that’s what I stick by. I don’t care what Luke’s beliefs are or how strong of a Christian he is. It has no bearing on my life whatsoever. He can do and say what he wants. I just don’t quite get all the hate it’s bringing out in some people. If you don’t believe what Luke believes or you think it’s ridiculous that’s fine. I just don’t see the point of making it so publicly known you’re against it. Who cares? How is that affecting you? Bizarre.
-We meet Luke’s dad Mike, mom Elizabeth, brother Mike, sister in law Hannah, and his grandma and great grandma. I think one thing you can take from Luke’s hometown date is for 7 episodes, a lot of people feel like they’re watching this horrible monster. This episode humanized him. And all these guys for that matter. Very easy to get caught up in the drama of everything, and just blasting the guys for everything they say and do. Then you see an episodes like this and you realize Luke is a son, he’s a brother, he has close friends at home that care about him, and you can see he’s a good guy at heart. He might’ve f***ed up numerous times on a television show, but when you watched him last night, did he sound like he has in any of the previous 7 episodes? I’d say no. I just try and keep that in mind. I will never stop criticizing someone for their actions on the show if warranted. And some of the things Luke has said and done have absolutely warranted him being criticized. But just like Jed’s family should be off limits of death threats and harassment, it’s ok to criticize Luke for how you’ve seen him on the show, but the extreme that some people have taken it to is pretty ridiculous. However, I can say that til I’m blue in the face and nothing will change. Just like Corinne got a ton of it. Then it was Krystal on Arie’s season. Then it’s Luke this season. Then whoever the villain is on the next “Bachelor” they’ll take some. That’s why I will always say this show is not for everyone, and I’m talking about the contestants. I don’t think Luke was ready for this show and probably shouldn’t have gone on.
-Luke goes out and talks to his dad, and his dad gave a line that made me cringe and also gave a line that summed up why Hannah has kept him around this long. First he said, “I hate to think of people being critical of you.” Ouch. His dad has had 2 months of America being critical of his son, so I’m curious how he’s handling that. And I’m not just talking regular critical. I’m talking OVERLY critical where they will tell you every single thought in their head about his son. However, on the flip side, his dad also mentioned the fact that Hannah and Luke have a “spiritual connection,” and for everyone that has whined all season how and why she’s kept him around, there’s your answer. Granted, we haven’t seen it from Hannah’s end and only from Luke, but that’s obviously the reason he’s still there. Of the four guys left, he’s closest to her in faith and I believe she keeps going back to that and wants to be right about him. He was her first impression rose. She’s done nothing but fight and stick up for him all season by continuing to give him roses even though she’s cancelled three cocktail parties because of him and had numerous frustrating conversations with him. It’s clear she kept seeing how strong he was in his faith that kept her drawn to him.
-When Luke and Hannah were outside after the date, Luke apologizes to her for putting her through a struggle all season. You could say that again. I think this episode gave people a glimpse of a guy we’ve rarely got to see all season. Totally out of his element, had a whole house of guys that didn’t like him, isolated, can’t speak with anyone, had a producer who was clearly leading him in a direction to say and do things that he was completely clueless as to how it would come off on television, etc. So you watch THAT Luke last night and you realize he’s not a bad guy at heart. I’m sure many will disagree with that as I’ve seen what people have said all season. And that’s fine if you feel that way, I just think it’s pretty extreme. He’s screwed up a lot this season. Said and done things that warrants criticism. But I think there’s a point in which it gets to be a bit severe in terms of what people are characterizing him as. He’s someone I’d absolutely love to talk to when this is over to see where his mind was at during filming. Not sure how or if that can happen, but he’s the one guy this season I’d like to talk to more than anyone else.
-While all that was airing last night, Hannah sure was having a field day on Twitter last night. She was very complimentary live tweeting her dates with Peter and Tyler. Then it got down to Luke and this is what she tweeted:
God bless this mess. #TheBachelorette
— Hannah Brown (@AlabamaHannah) July 9, 2019
have you ever told an entire family that nobody like’s their son? I have. ???? #TheBachelorette
— Hannah Brown (@AlabamaHannah) July 9, 2019
ughhhhh. I was on meds. I was sick. I went to the urgent care. I do not know the things I said while in georgia. #TheBachelorette
— Hannah Brown (@AlabamaHannah) July 9, 2019
these must be the tracks we are back on. #TheBachelorette pic.twitter.com/vwDK5JYL1y
— Hannah Brown (@AlabamaHannah) July 9, 2019
Not sure what Hannah’s motivation was in sending that all out last night. I disagree on that tactic. Seems like a low blow. YOU were the one that kept him around all season. If it was as bad as you’re saying it was, then you should’ve let him go early. I’ve been pro-Hannah all season because she’s given us things we’ve never seen before. But I don’t understand this snark from last night. It’s a bad look. It’s very “hindsight is 20/20.” She should’ve just not said anything. Or kept it to one tweet like Jed’s hometown date. Going all in 4 times seems a bit excessive.