-Jed’s hometown. Yippppeeeeeee!!!!! Now lets have some fun. Luke’s been the villain all season long, but there was nothing about his hometown date that gave him a villain edit. Obviously same with Peter and Tyler. But there’s always one hometown every season where the family questions things and the date just doesn’t go all that great. That was Jed’s last night for sure. But lets get started first off with what they did during the day: created a song. You know, for a guy who initially told Hannah his reason for doing the show was because of the platform, but then reversed back saying that all changed when he met her, the number of times Jed has played his guitar this season is staggering. And he does it again as they create a song about their journey thus far and record it at a studio. I’m gonna go on record and say that song will not crack the top 4985328481 on Itunes. Just sayin’. All little pitchy, dawg.
-Jed has obviously taken a ton of heat the last few weeks after what’s been revealed. And deservedly so. But lets not mistake one major thing about the guy and that’s the criticism of his music. I don’t think that Jed’s music career isn’t gonna take off because he did the show or because of what’s come out about him recently. I think his music career isn’t gonna take off because in my opinion, he’s not that good of a singer. I know he’s a struggling musician who likes to perform at male revue shows on the side taking off most of his clothes while overheated women throw money on a stage, but I just don’t think the guy’s voice is very good. Maybe on the show he was nervous. Maybe he didn’t have the proper band around him. But from what I’ve seen and heard on the show, guys like him are a dime a dozen in Nashville. He’s gonna need to bring more to the table to make it in that industry. Maybe he’ll get better someday, I don’t know. But as of right now, I don’t think he has the chops to make it in music.
-So we meet his mom Gina, dad Jerry, and sister Lilly. One of the first things Jed tells them when they meet up is that they had their first date in Boston. Well, considering that was probably the most spoiled 1-on-1 date in real time we had all season, I’m guessing they already knew that. There isn’t a single family on this show that once their child leaves to film isn’t invested in what’s going on. They all follow along somehow, but they basically just need to play dumb on the hometown. They knew Jed had a 1-on-1 in Boston. And why is Jed still bragging about the fact he made a no-look basket from two feet away? Dude, it wasn’t that big of a deal. He’s sounding like he took Jaylen Brown to point game 1-on-1. You made a shot from literally right under the basket. I don’t care if you were looking or not. Not that big of a deal. Calm down.
-The best part of this date was Jed’s mom making a toast. “When you stick to the truth, it’s beneficial to everybody.” Here, here Mrs. Wyatt. We read ya’ loud and clear. Well, except for your son. I think he might’ve missed that message somewhere along the way from being in the Bahamas with Haley 3 weeks before filming, to texting Haley “I Love You” up until his flight left for LA, to the ghosting her when he got back. You know who else didn’t miss the clear irony in Mrs. Wyatt’s toast last night? Hannah. She was gushing with complimentary tweets on Peter and Tyler’s date. Took the hammer to Luke during his hometown, then only tweeted one time (the fewest of the four) during Jed’s hometown date. This was the tweet she sent after Jed’s moms toast:
good toast. good message. cheers! ?#TheBachlorette
— Hannah Brown (@AlabamaHannah) July 9, 2019
I can practically see the sarcasm dripping from Hannah’s tweet. It did not go unnoticed.
-Going into this date, a lot of you had asked last week about Jed’s family and did they know about Haley. Well, they certainly knew of Haley since she had mentioned in interviews and on my podcast she had met them a few times. When his mother brought up last night an ex-girlfriend he had for years, that wasn’t Haley. We know Haley was only with him in the 4 months leading up to him leaving for the show. No, that was someone else – who has chosen to remain out of the spotlight and share anything publicly. But yeah, not someone who is complimentary to say the least. Look, I totally understand parents being protective of their kids. And Jed’s parents were absolutely that last night, as was his sister. But they are also doing that I’m guessing not having ever seen or heard 98% of the stuff Jed has said and done with other women. They’ve seen the Haley stuff now which is pretty indefensible. But hell, I’ve seen more things Jed has sent to women than they have, I guarantee it. So while I get its natural to protect your son, they also don’t have the full story.
-If anything, his family last night was easily the most skeptical of the whole situation given how his mother said she didn’t think he was ready to get engaged, his dad saying “it doesn’t seem real to me, but hey, you’re livin’ it,” and even his sister seeming skeptical, although she took to IG last night saying her talk with Hannah was way more positive than they showed. Soooo yeah, looks like another family that will absolutely go scorched earth on everyone once this thing is all over. Jed is not a serial killer. Jed has not committed crimes. Jed is not a menace to society. We get that. We’re not saying that. But what we are saying is Jed’s behavior in how he treated this show, the lies that he told, and the stringing along of women was flat out wrong. Period. End of story. Don’t make this into something it isn’t. The whole “there are worse things going on in the world” argument makes me want to crush my skull with a hammer. OF COURSE THERE ARE. If we were only allowed to give opinions on the most pressing issue in the world, this would be a very boring world. We’re not arguing that. We’re talking about the here and now with THIS situation. Jed deserves the criticism he’s getting for what he did. No, not death threats and harassment to his family, but what we’re saying about him. I don’t understand how people can’t see that.
-As for the rose ceremony, make no mistake, this was all planned by production. Hannah didn’t just have some sort of epiphany right before the final rose and realize she didn’t know what to do. She’s talking with producers all day every day. They knew exactly what was going to happen heading into that rose ceremony. The contestants don’t call the shots on this show. 14 previous Bachelorettes before her all had to eliminated someone at the hometown date rose ceremony. And I’m guessing if you interviewed all 14 and asked them, “If you could’ve taken all 4 to the overnights would you have,” I’m guessing at least a few of them would’ve said yes. So why was Hannah allowed to and no one else? Answer: Because it’s season 38 and they’re looking to have a new “first” every season. I don’t know what next seasons “first” is going to be, but I guarantee we’ll get one. Seems like we’ve had 4 or 5 seasons in a row now where there’s been something we’ve never seen before. That’s why they have story editors on this show. This stuff is created behind the scenes long before you see it play out. So on to Greece we go with 4 guys as the sh** will completely hit the fan next week as Luke and Hannah’s conversation will be the water cooler talk for the next couple weeks. Get ready. It’s coming. And there isn’t anything I’m dreading more.
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