Lets catch up and see how that Cam and Caelynn relationship is developing. When we last saw them, Cam is giving her the rose at the last rose ceremony. Now, Cam pulls her aside because he has something to share with her. A letter. A letter that, still to this morning, I don’t quite understand. I think it might’ve been better if he told her that stuff rather than read it off paper. And it’s safe to say Caelynn’s reaction was that of Ross after Rachel gave him an 18 page letter…FRONT AND BACK!!!
Yeah, that letter didn’t go over so well if you ask me. I mean, there were already people calling out Caelynn last episode for making out with Cam just so she could get a rose, so this was just painful to watch.
Time for a new entry into the show, and it’s Mike. When Mike walked onto the beach, I think it would’ve been more appropriate if the guy just announced “I’m here for my Bachelor audition everyone!” Which inevitably I’m sure will lead to me getting emails, DM’s, IG messages and what not today asking, “Do you think after Mike’s appearance on BIP it will help him to get the Bachelor gig?” After I pluck all my eyebrows out by hand bang my shins against the wall, I will answer that I don’t know. I still think it will be Peter if you ask me today, but I’m basing that on nothing whatsoever other than I know he’s a candidate. You listen to any Chris Harrison interviews and he’s not saying they’re any closer to naming someone either. They will wait until Paradise plays out then name it at the end of August or beginning of September. I think Peter has a better narrative than Mike, so I guess that’s why I’d go with him. They’re looking for who will make better television, not who they care about finding a wife more. But it’s all subjective. People will complain regardless.
And you notice how the Tyler/Gigi stuff has gone completely silent for the last week. I say that today if you ask me, I think it will be Peter, but that’s assuming Tyler is out of the running. If Tyler is a possibility and he and Gigi are over, and he and Hannah are over (which they are), then of course Tyler will always be a possibility. The show would be dumb not to capitalize on the most popular contestant this show has ever had. The Gigi stuff may have set him back and a bit, and hey, maybe Tyler doesn’t even want to do it. Maybe he would just rather date whoever he wants rather than a hand picked 30 women from a casting department. That’s entirely possible. I don’t think any of us know exactly what Tyler wants because of all of Hannah’s final four men, he’s spoken the least since the season ended. Maybe the Gigi thing was a short little fling and nothing more. But if Tyler ever declared the “Bachelor” was something he was interested in and would love to be in that role, there’s no doubt in my mind he’d get it. I’m just not getting much sense that he is.
Wills and Katie had an interesting conversation when he pulled her aside for some alone time. Wills wanted to let Katie know how great and amazing she was and he was really looking forward to what they could be, and Katie…ummmm….you ever pressed the mute button on your remote when the TV was on over and over again? That’s what I thought was happening with my TV last night. Katie was in that choked up, can’t-breathe-but-trying-to-talk cry where we couldn’t really understand what the hell she was saying. Neither could Wills. Once Katie was done gasping for air, she was somewhat coherently able to spit out she just didn’t see anything happening between them, immediately was pulled aside by Chris, and those two start their relationship at that point. As for what I said about Annaliese earlier, you can probably same the same for Wills. This show just isn’t for him. I’d try different avenues because I don’t think his personality meshes with this show at all.
Then we end the show with one of the more awkward dates you’ll ever see. Hannah is in a love triangle with Blake and Dylan. Dylan doesn’t understand why she’s so into him after hearing everything he’s done. He’ll get those answers tonight when Blake’s trip to Alabama a week before filming gets brought up. But as of last night, he didn’t know. Blake stole Hannah to take a walk on the beach, yet in full sight of everyone else when they start making out. Dylan just sits there and watches them as this continues, while people tell him to go interrupt. He does, and major awkward sauce ensues. Blake had a point when he was telling Dylan he’d been with her all day. From what we saw, he had. And Blake waited for his time. It was clear Dylan was coming over to stop her from making out with Blake. He kept saying all he needed was 5 minutes, but it was obvious what was going on. His ego needed reassurance. Hannah certainly didn’t do him any favors by making out on the beach in full view. We get that in Paradise you’re going to date multiple people and even make out with multiple people. But I think Hannah could’ve been a little more discreet about it with Blake for sure. They could’ve gone anywhere, but she chose stand in full view of everyone. That was…odd. But again, knowing how this whole thing ends, does it even matter now? Obviously they moved past it.
Tonight we get the return of Dean, something named Christian Estrada who was on Becca’s season for a hot minute enters and fights with Jordan, and we get deeper into the Blake/Hannah relationship. Hopefully we’ll get a rose ceremony at the end of tonight, but I won’t hold my breath.
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