Derek & Tayshia
Last week, Tayshia was intrigued by JPJ, they spent a lot of time making out, and seemed headed towards a relationship. Well, whatever that means when JPJ is involved. But seemingly out of nowhere, Tayshia is just having a random conversation with I can’t remember who, and that person asks her who else she might be interested in and she says Derek. So when she’s talking to JPJ, she tells him that more women are probably coming and she just wants him to be happy, so if he wants to go on a date he should. Translation: I’m gonna move on over to Derek now if you don’t mind. And that’s exactly what JPJ did as he had two dates with Tahz and Haley this episode. Derek and Tayshia make out at the cocktail party before the rose ceremony, and Derek is asked first before JPJ to give out his rose and he gives it to Tayshia, which meant JPJ was only deciding between Tahz and Haley. How convenient they let Derek go first. Then tonight, this will culminate in an argument during Chris & Krystal’s wedding. Fun times.
This was weird. I’m still not really sure what in the world happened here, but Blake told Caitlin he was set to give her his rose. Kristina comes and talks to him, basically tells him, “Hey, if you give her your rose, you’re gonna give her false hope that there could be something between you two, so think about that and then give me your rose,” and that’s exactly what Blake does. Kristina wants to stick around clearly, and unless Blake plans marriage to someone there, she feels they should just keep giving each other roses til a better option shows up in Mexico. Ultimately this is on Blake. Yet another question to hopefully ask him someday and that’s did Kristina’s conversation with him really make him change his mind? And why? Who else exactly was he waiting for to come in to Mexico? I don’t know how serious Blake was about Caitlin, but she seemingly got the short end of the stick on this one.
We really didn’t see anything happen with these three until the end of the episode at the cocktail party. Jen pulled Chris aside first, Chris tells her she’s more of a risk than Katie, but that he’s a gambler. Then Katie talks to him, tells him how she really feels, and he says he doesn’t know if he’s there with her yet. Which, of course anyone unspoiled would immediately think he’s giving his rose to Jen over Katie based on those back-to-back conversations we just saw. And just like clockwork, it went the complete opposite. The show knew who Chris was gonna give his rose to but tried the misdirection to fool their audience. I’m not sure Chris was ever going to stray from Katie, but the show just wanted to make it seem like he was going to. Oh, those tricky editors. I guess they realized this was a bigger storyline to them after the fact since as you saw on page 1, Chris didn’t give out the final rose of that ceremony.
Rose ceremony time and Chris Harrison announces the world is changing as we know. Things are getting shaken up. Oh my God! What is it? Uhhhh, nothing. Just that Demi will be giving out the first rose, because in case you didn’t know, we have our first same sex couple in this show’s history. Weren’t aware if you knew that or not. Anyway, the roses were as follows:
Demi to Kristian
Dylan to Hannah
Clay to Nicole
Mike to Sydney
Dean to Caelynn
Blake to Kristina
Derek to Tayshia
JPJ to Haley
Chris to Katie
Afterwards, we end with Dean pulling Caelynn aside down to the beach and a “To Be Continued…” Tonight you’ll see Dean tell her he doesn’t see anything post-show, and leaves. Caelynn stays, she’s heartbroken, and then in a couple episodes Dean comes back, says he had an epiphany or something, and leaves with Caelynn and they’ve been dating ever since then post-show. Kinda hard to take Dean seriously based on his past and his self-admittance that he sucks at dating and wants to just travel everywhere, and lets face it, if Caelynn is really being honest with herself, Dean is not really the type of guy she wants to be with. But she just turned 24, she just moved to LA, she has no clue what she really wants to do with her life, she wants a relationship so bad, and this just sounds good in the moment. Will she look back on this in the future and be like “What the hell was I thinking?” Of course. But right now in this moment, there’s no reaching her. Only a matter of time.
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