You might be wondering why there was no column yesterday. Two reasons actually. 1) I’m pretty much over Paradise. There’s nothing remotely interesting going on anymore, the pre-planned storylines and horribly scripted scenes are insulting our intelligence Derek and I was basically half paying attention to the show while the Saints/Texans was on. And 2) I was still recovering from 4 days in Vegas. But not like you would think. I didn’t drink much, I wasn’t out in clubs at all, nor was I even out late. But 4 days in Vegas is my max, and just being there for that long, pretty much inside the whole time, totally on sensory overload, it just usually takes me a couple days to get back into the swing of things. I’m fine now, but the rest of Monday and all day yesterday was kind of me just doing nothing whatsoever. Lets just say I’ve had better weekends out there at the tables. Remember how I said to wish me luck last Thursday before I left? Well apparently none of you did since I didn’t really have any. Thanks a lot. I’ll just blame it on you. Fun weekend as always out there, but yeah, would’ve liked to have better luck at the tables. It happens. I’m sure I’ll bounce back at some point.
So yesterday a lot of johnny-come-lately IG accounts started posting some of the women for Peter’s season. I was notified of this because anytime anything is posted about this show that I haven’t written about, I get immersed in emails about it. So while looking at some of these accounts, I just shake my head sometimes and wonder where and how some people get the information that they do. And when they do get it, exactly what type of vetting out process do they use to determine what to post? Judging by what I saw yesterday, there is none apparently. They just throw a bunch of shit at a wall and hope some of it sticks. Here’s what I’ll say: I currently have 16 of the women that I’m sure will be on the show next season. I will release them next week after they leave for filming. Some of the names out there are on that list, some aren’t. But I will post them next week because I’ve never really been too keen on posting them before they leave and here’s why: too many things can happen, and the second I post someone who doesn’t end up being cast, even if they get cut last minute, I immediately get “I thought you said so-and-so was on the show,” and I’d rather not deal with that. Sure, one might still get eliminated late, but I do my best to make sure those I post end up on the show. What I will say is unless they’re all just highly photogenic, this is one of the best looking cast of women I’ve ever seen, and I have an early favorite just based off her photos and overall resume. I’ll tell you which one it is next week when I release them, but I’d be stunned if this one doesn’t at least get to final 4, and if she doesn’t win, I gotta imagine she’s an instant front runner for the “Bachelorette.” And I’m basing it really on nothing. I don’t know anything about her outside of what I’ve found online. She could end up being a huge bitch and the villain of the season for all I know. I’d doubt it, but I guess you never know. But on paper, she’s got the look and the resume of someone I could totally see Peter picking or she ends up the “Bachelorette.”
Also I tweeted out last week that the “Bachelor” has already sent out emails to their “invited guest list” of people for upcoming dates on Peter’s season, which will be public dates seen by fans. Those dates are:
Tuesday, Sept. 24th
Thursday, Sept. 26th
Friday, Sept. 27th
Saturday, Sept. 28th
They’ll all be daytime dates. So knowing that women leave for filming next week, and knowing their schedule in season’s past, that means that filming will begin next Friday, Sept 20th. The 21st will be a day off for move-in day, then dates will begin on the 22nd. So 22nd, 23rd, and 24th will be episode 2’s dates (the 24th being a public date), 25th will be rose ceremony #2. Then Episode 3’s dates (the 26th, 27th, and 28th) will all be public dates, so every one of those will be spoiled. Rose ceremony #3 will be on the 29th. Now, from that point, they’ll either stay in LA for episode 4, or go to some other US city, before traveling internationally for episodes 5-7. I have the 3 locations internationally they’re going before hometowns in episode 8, I just don’t have the order yet. I’ll tell you those locations next week.
In Paradise news, Blake has pretty much stayed off the radar since the Caelynn stuff went down, but after he left the show Monday, he re-appeared on IG to have his say on what went down this season:
I think next week on the reunion show, Blake is gonna take some heat from the cast because a lot of them didn’t agree with him posting Caelynn’s text messages. I personally didn’t have a problem with it for reasons I’ve gone over numerous times, but I figured those on the cast would. And they let him have it. Once next week is over, I’m sure Blake will be making the podcast rounds to explain things in more detail. Will be interesting to hear what he has to say about all this because as I’ve said throughout the course of the season, the dude just seemed miserable out there.
And finally, even though we’re a month away from the premiere, I have your first exclusive clip from the “Temptation Island” season 2 premiere. Here it is:
The show premieres on Oct. 10th, however, they are going to be doing a casting special show a week earlier on the 3rd, so be on the lookout for that. Really looking forward to this season. I heard it’s just as good as season 1. I haven’t seen a screener yet, but I should be seeing the first couple episodes by next week. I won’t be spoiling anything but I can at least give you an idea of what to expect. Also, once the season gets rolling, we’re trying to figure out now exactly who I’m gonna have as a guest on the podcast. Do I want one of the contestants to come on every week like last season with Kaci? Or do we spread it out this year and have every one of the 8 contestants who are part of the main couples get their own time. We’re still trying to determine how I’m gonna do that for the upcoming season. I will say though that I’m sure I’ll bring Kaci back at some point to give her thoughts on the season as well. Very much looking forward to TI 2 being back on our TV’s in less than a month.