Episode 8: Hometowns (4 to 3)
Madison Prewett Auburn, AL. (Filmed Saturday, Oct 26th)
With Madison’s dad being assistant coach with the Auburn men’s basketball team, they went to the arena, met head coach Bruce Pearl, and shot around with the players. I also heard the dinner portion at night was at Coach Pearl’s house. During this hometown date, Madison’s dad did not give Peter his blessing to marry his daughter.
Fans waiting outside Auburn Arena for Peter and Madison to show up together pic.twitter.com/7oiLLJMUCw
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 26, 2019
Peter and Madison meeting in Samford Hall on Auburn campus pic.twitter.com/4L5rs0lWBG
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 26, 2019
(VIDEO): Peter and Madison meeting in Samford Hall. I already like Madison for the sole reason that she may have jumped into his arms, but she DID NOT wrap her legs around him. I think that’s a first. pic.twitter.com/mEVjKe0a5U
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 26, 2019
(VIDEO): More of Peter and Madison when they met today on campus (Part 1)… pic.twitter.com/BtrsaRzxyB
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 26, 2019
(VIDEO): More of Peter and Madison when they met today on campus (Part 2)… pic.twitter.com/TSYVNC79b8
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 26, 2019
Peter and Madison arriving at Auburn Arena pic.twitter.com/tHGJuf0Ocw
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 26, 2019
(VIDEO): Four videos from inside Auburn Arena yesterday with Peter and Madison… pic.twitter.com/MpZQ3zN5Hz
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 27, 2019
(VIDEO): Peter & Madison in Auburn Arena #2… pic.twitter.com/o9pGDfhkuj
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 27, 2019
(VIDEO): Peter & Madison in Auburn Arena #3… pic.twitter.com/S5MkUUWkOH
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 27, 2019
(VIDEO): Peter & Madison in Auburn Arena #4… pic.twitter.com/Cqc2XgEYGs
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 27, 2019
Victoria Fuller Virginia Beach, VA (Filmed Monday, Oct. 28th)
If you are just tuning in and have heard all this talk about Victoria Fuller, and being the villain, and what’s the dirt behind her, it was all posted on this site the day of her hometown date, which you can read by clicking here. The Victoria expose is on page 2 of that post.
(VIDEO): Peter and Victoria arriving pic.twitter.com/R4kQ2pV5Gt
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 28, 2019
(VIDEO): Peter and Victoria doing the jump-and-hug-and-kiss pic.twitter.com/5s1FWZd6Ps
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 28, 2019
(VIDEO): More Peter and Victoria pic.twitter.com/IpQyS4EIbA
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 28, 2019
(VIDEO): Peter and Victoria (Part 2) pic.twitter.com/wGiU6JPUgh
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 28, 2019
(VIDEO): Peter and Victoria (Part 3) pic.twitter.com/pt57SGgTxG
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 28, 2019
The woman who was talking to Peter after he and Victoria were done with the concert was Merissa Pence. She dated him briefly years ago, she’s a VB local, and she was there to warn him about Victoria bc she knows all about her past. I will fill you in tmrw on what went down. pic.twitter.com/WNthCf0nZb
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) October 29, 2019
For more details on the background of Merissa and what we down between them, you can read that clicking here.
Also, I reported recently that Peter and Victoria actually broke up after they left the day portion of that date. He never met her parents. At some point between that concert and her parents place (I think it’s when they got dropped off and just talked in the street before they were supposed to go in), Peter broke it off with Victoria. You see in the season preview a clip of Victoria walking in the streets with a white jacket on telling the camera to get out of her face. Pretty sure this is right after her and Peter break up on her street before meeting her parents.
However, the next day before Peter leaves to head to TN for Hannah Ann’s hometown, Victoria goes to his hotel room, and clearly they patch things up because she is part of the hometown date rose ceremony and we know she made it through to overnights.
Hannah Ann Sluss Knoxville, TN (Filmed Wednesday, Oct. 30th)
No pictures or videos came through from her hometown, but they went to the Smoky Mountain Axe House in Alcoa, TN where they played games against other couples. Then they went to her parents house for dinner in Powell, TN.
Kelsey Weier Des Moines, IA (Filmed Friday, Nov. 1st)
(SPOILER): Peter and Kelsey in Des Moines now by the state capital shooting separate interviews. pic.twitter.com/YRQQ8DkWKt
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) November 1, 2019
(VIDEO): Kelsey. Walking. pic.twitter.com/aIYrQUqJuq
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) November 1, 2019
(PHOTO): Peter & Kelsey after dinner last night.
(UPDATE): That was not her mom & step dads house last night. It was a house production rented for the night. Happens often on hometowns. pic.twitter.com/NaBvx411vG
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) November 2, 2019
Mentioned their might be drama before this date came about, but it never materialized. Kelsey and her sisters have a very contentious relationship with their father, and I was told production was trying to get the father to show up for the hometown date. I’m sure if the family caught wind of it and shut it down, or production couldn’t get a hold of him, but from everything I’ve heard, it would’ve been a disaster if he showed up. Hence the reason production was trying to get him. If you look hard enough, you can find on the internet exactly what went down years ago that caused this.
>Rose Ceremony Elimination: Kelsey Weier.
Episode 9: Overnights Australia (3 to 2)
I’m starting to hear more and more things about what went down once we got to the final 3, and then subsequently the final 2. What I do know for sure is Victoria was eliminated after overnights and she is not part of any of the equation when it comes to the finale. Kinda like Hannah Brown, just cross her off your list of possibilities for “well, I don’t know, maaaaybe he’s still in love with Victoria and…” – nope. Didn’t happen and isn’t happening. Victoria was eliminated at 3, had to stick around in Australia like every final 3 person does until filming was over, and she was out of there right when filming was over. I know she was the last of the women to turn her IG back to public, but trust me, that didn’t mean anything. She has nothing to do with the finale.
Rose Ceremony Elimination: Victoria Fuller.
Episode 10: Women Tell All
Episode 11: Finale (Hannah Ann vs Madison)
I will fill this part in with information over the next few months. You will be updated either in the column, IG, or my podcast (most likely all 3), anytime there’s any new information for me to report. For the time being, the last update on what I know about the finale was Thursday, Jan 2nd in my podcast and column, and you can read that all by clicking here.
I think I’m gonna have some more info for you next week as I’m close to confirming something pretty big that went down towards the end of the season. I’ll keep you updated.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you next week.