Hi Steve. Love your columns. I look forward to them every week. I have a comment from last weeks episode in regards to Kelley. It’s very off putting and demeaning when she boasts about being an attorney and puts the other contestants down about their jobs. I’m a teacher and have multiple degrees. However, I don’t think I’m better than anyone else. Kelley was right disgusting in saying that and nobody cares she’s an attorney. Your career does not make you a success. Your heart and how you treat people matter. Education and degrees might make you academically smart but they don’t mean you are a kind person. Many of the teachers I worked with over the years were condescending, immature and thought they were better than me because I was a lowly substitute teacher and they had permanent positions considering most of them got their jobs through nepotism like Kelley did. Doesn’t she work for her family law firm? I think she needs to get over herself. She’s pathetic. I hope she finds some humility from this experience and gets off her high horse.
Comment: I think you’re taking the show’s edit too seriously. Kelley had A LOT of voiceovers that episode. And when there’s a ton of voiceovers, yet that edit is making the person look bad, it means that they don’t wanna show you their face saying it because it’s been frankenbitten. Just keep that in mind.
Hey Steve. I’ve always enjoyed when you analyzed the ratings for each season. How is Peter’s season doing? I had a sense that his ratings were higher for the two episodes that Hannah Brown were on, and then they dipped. If that’s true, perhaps it’s one more reason for production to bring Hannah Brown back for a 2.0. But I haven’t been paying attention to how the show is faring overall. I know the show won’t be cancelled, even if ratings are down – far from it, it seems to be procreating – but wondered how Peter was faring vs previous seasons. Thanks!
Comment: Pretty much exactly on par with Colton’s season.
Hi Steve!!
So a few weeks ago Peter was on Rachel/Becca’s podcast and they were playing a word association game and they said “Rose” and he said he couldnt answer b/c it reminded her of the person that could be at the end. WELL Madi had a necklace that said ROSE on it tonight on hometowns (her middle name) and Peter has also called her “Madi Rose” on the show before…interesting coincidence or F1 clue?!
Comment: If Madi is the one he’s with, then people can say that was him spoiling it. If she isn’t, it meant nothing. Which is basically what you can say after the fact for every clue/theory every season.
I know everyone posts stuff and they send u their two cents about the possible ending scenario of the Bachelor and I’m right there with them. I’ve been having these on my mind for several days…here’s my ideas (I’m sharing them with u to see if they are even plausible. Sorry but I have 4 of them)
The clip where Chris comes to Peter…
C: “Before u do what you’re
about to do, there is
something u should know”
P: “What?”
C: “There’s something I just
found out, all of us just
found out”
P: “Oh God!”
C: “I’m not sure how all this
ends, so I just wanted to
give u a heads up.”
P: “Oh God!”
Then we hear Peter say,
“I’m gonna pass out”
“It’s just the last thing I
needed to hear”
1. So, what if the thing they just found out about was that one of the two final girls had an emergency with a family member and had to rush home therefore leaving them to have to postpone the finale? Wasn’t it.
2. What if the news they heard had to do with Peter’s family and Chris saying he was giving him a heads up and the reason why this news could affect the ending was if Peter felt the news he received was important enough to postpone and leave immediately. Wasn’t it.
3. What if the ex girlfriend who told Peter about Victoria came to try and win him? Wasn’t it.
4. Could Victoria have come back with her family and try to get him to meet with them to persuade him into taking picking her? Wasn’t it.
Thank u for reading and Thank u for all of ur spoilers. I’m strange but I always love to know how things end, movies, books, shows etc. It never bothers me to know endings. It actually helps me to pay more attention to whatever it is without thinking, “oh my, how is this going to end” that way I just enjoy it.
So, keep the spoilers coming.
Comment: Guess you’ll be waiting on pins and needles this season.
Hey Steve,
As always, thanks for your detective work this season. There’s been a lot of interesting drama to follow because of you.
I know everyone’s response to Madison ask that Peter not sleep with the other women is “Well this is the Bachelor, what do you expect?” but if I recall correctly, didn’t Brad Womack say he only slept with Emily during his second season because he knew he was going to pick her?
It’s definitely a high bar in Bachelor Nation to expect the lead not to sleep with other people, but it’s not an impossible one. So I don’t actually blame Madison, or even Luke, for going on the show and hoping for that. If Peter knows Madison is the final one, knows how she feels about sex, but sleeps with the other two anyway, then that’s on him and she was right to decide they weren’t compatible and leave. I hope she stands her ground and doesn’t take him back.
Also, thanks for introducing me to Temptation Island. Its so, embarrassingly entertaining. Just a quick question on that – you’ve mentioned in your column and podcast that everyone’s relationship status changed between the finale and reunion, and then the reunion until now. What happened with all the couples since the reunion? What’s their current status?
Comment: None of them are together. I’ve kinda been outta that loop since last month, but, as far as I know, none of them are together except for Kate and Dave because of course.
Hi Steve,
Which 5 girls do you find the most attractive of this season? Thank you
Comment: I hate answering this because if I don’t list someone, that automatically means I must hate someone else, or if someone does make my list, people think I want to have sex with them or something. It’s ridiculous how much people read into my answers to these sometimes. So against my better judgment, I’ll answer your question. Here goes nothing:
Katrina, Sarah, Kelley, Alayah, and Madison.
Hi Steve!
Hope you’re having a good week.
Do you think it’s possible the Madi left earlier on, and in the final moment Peter is about to propose to Hannah Ann and the news Chris Harrison has is that Madi came back? Then Peter gets confused and is not sure what to do?
Comment: I don’t believe that’s it, no.
Alright my thoughts on the season. Is there a chance that Victoria and Hannah Ann lie to Madison about the fantasy suites so she will self eliminate? Then later it comes out that they lied so that’s what Chris pulls Peter aside to tell him and that is what the shocking news is?
Comment: No. That’s definitely not it.
Hey Steve,
Longtime reader, first-time emailer. You may have already come to this conclusion, but after watching hometowns I started thinking how terrible all of these girls are and that none of them would make a compelling Bachelorette. And I’ve seen your speculation that maybe ABC would bring back Hannah B. for round two, but I don’t see how she could logistically be the Bachelorette this season when she’s committed to doing the Dancing With the Stars tour? Unless they deviate from their regular production schedule (something you’ve noted many times over the years NEVER happens) she’s tied up until at least April. Like you and most everyone who’s seen Peter’s season, I don’t think any of his girls should be in the running. So realistically, who do they turn to?
Comment: Actually, she’s only been on one of the DWTS tour dates, and it was back in January in NY. As far as I know, unless she’s been added to upcoming shows, she was only slated for one show.
Hi Steve,
I was wondering if you think Victoria F. will get asked to be on bachelor in paradise after all of these negative things coming out about her? I hope not because I would hate for them to reward her for disgusting behaviour, but I’m curious to know what you think. She absolutely will and she’ll absolutely do it. It’s what she came on the show in the first place for. Build a brand. Not a doubt in my mind.
Do you think Victoria F. and her friends read your column every week? I really want them to read what you wrote yesterday since you wrote it as if she WAS reading it lol!!! Karma sucks!! I’m sure they don’t read every column word for word. But they absolutely know what I say. They’re little children. They can’t take it when someone says anything negative about her.
P.s. I direct messaged Victoria a question, nothing mean at all, and I guess she didn’t like it because she blocked me! Shocker.
Comment: Yeah, she’s totally level headed and handling all this correctly.
Hey Steve,
I know that the show made it seem like Victoria’s date was last, but as you reported, it was second. Since you reported everything about Victoria the day of her hometown, wouldn’t it be likely that Hannah Ann and Kelsey’s families saw this information prior to filming their hometowns? I would assume they did but I can’t know for sure.
I’m assuming if my family member was on the show I’d be staying up-to-date with any and all information and I would’ve seen your post about Victoria and wanted to share that information.
Would Hannah Ann and Kelsey’s family have had any time to pull either of them aside off-camera and share this information (not that it mattered much for Kelsey..)?
Comment: No. And even if they did, producers wouldn’t allow it.
Hi, Steve! First off thank you for everything you do! I have a few questions
1. I’ve never detested a contestant as much as Victoria F. It’s painful. Do you think her staying on the show was producer driven for drama, or do you think Peter just wanted to take her to the fantasy suite? The latter.
2. I think it’s admirable that you’re not releasing the women’s full stories or names, and I definitely believe all of it, but I wish they would come forward or release receipts just to shut Victoria up and shut all of her supporters up. So I’m wondering, I know you don’t release things until you’re certain of them. What were the receipts that made you 100% certain this was true? Was it text messages or DMs or something else? I’d rather not get into the details. I saw what I needed to see and heard what I needed to hear.
3. I’ve known Victoria P for a long time, and she’s always been one of the most genuinely nice people ever. I’ve always had nothing but good things to say about her. Do you think she was pushed by producers and given a bad edit? Or do you think maybe the fame and attention made her change? It also kills me that she’s aligned herself with Victoria F and Sydney, arguably the two meanest, worst contestants I’ve ever seen on this show. She’s definitely a head scratcher that’s for sure. Maybe we’ll get some answers at the WTA.
4. Speaking of, will you ever do a story on Sydney and her whole eating in the bathroom thing that was proven to be a lie? Probably not. I think if you look really hard at her social media, you can make your own decisions as to whether you think she’s lying or not.
Sorry it was so long, thanks again!
Hey Steve, not really a question but more of an observation.
Both Peter and Victoria had “ex’s” on their dates however, when Peter saw his ex it wasn’t awkward or negative between them, where as with Victoria and Chase it was (and all they did was hook up)… If I were to run into an ex or even an old “friend with benefits” my interaction would mirror Merissa and Peter. Awkward moments or situations only present themselves if you have something to hide or are embarrassed about the past/relationship. Even without the spoilers I’ve seen nothing but manipulation on Victoria’s part. I played the same games when I was a teenager and I’m not proud of it. She knows she’s not the frontrunner and is using every tool she has to destroy his relationship with others and further herself. When she identifies her competition she attacks it, had Madison been sent home instead of Victoria, I’ll bet she goes after Hannah Ann in final 2. And now that America is attacking her she’s going after Merissa and you instead of owning up to her behaviour. Someone else’s words can’t destroy a relationship, its how you handle the confrontation and communicate your defense. If she truly believes she did nothing wrong then all she had to do was communicate “her side” and it wouldn’t have been a story. Instead we see her crying and walking away, and being defensive playing victim but not explaining herself. He gave her an opportunity to tell her story and instead she threw a tantrum. Pretty telling if you ask me.
Just my 2 cents (which is nothing since we got rid of the penny up here in Canada) ?
Thanks for all you do, been a reader since before the the spoiler days.
If you ever find you don’t have enough on your plate I’d love to read a survivor recap of yours (I read Dalton Ross as well but I liked your recaps pre spoilers and would love to read your take on survivor ) I’m pro Rob Parvati Ethan alliance but unfortunately I think they are too big of threats and eventually will be targeted.
Comment: Well said on Victoria. Make no mistake, Victoria and her friends defense of what Merissa said is to name call her, put her down, and resort to mean girl tactics. That’s the sign of someone who’s guilty. It’s exactly what some of them did to me when I first posted the story. She’s not attacking what Merissa said, she’s attacking her as a person. Great. But we all know that Victoria is going to call it all lies once she speaks out when the show is over for all the reasons I laid out yesterday. She knows it’s gonna be a she said/he said between us because the women affected want nothing to do with her and aren’t going to speak out and re-live that embarrassing moment in their lives. Plus, others in their lives would be affected by bringing this up again, so I get why they’re not doing it. Victoria is beneath them. They know what she did. SHE knows what she did. She’ll just never own it unfortunately. It’s sad.
Hey Steve!
First of all, loved how you addressed Victoria in your column today. It was level headed, mature, etc. She should take your advice, but I know it’s doubtful.
Do you ever think, to change it up, they might have a final three instead of a final two? (Like they’ve done in Survivor in the past) I doubt it.
After this “unspoiled” season, do you think ABC will keep trying to hide the ending from you/us? I know we won’t really know until the bachelorette starts filming, but do you have any thoughts on the future of spoiling? You answered your own question. We can’t possibly know the answer to that until the “Bachelorette” is done filming and whether or not I spoil the ending to it. If I do, this was a one season anomaly. If I don’t, then it’d be two seasons in a row. But what if I spoil “Summer Games,” BIP, and the next “Bachelor?” You just never know. It’s a season-by-season basis.
Do you follow Barstool Sports at all? Meaning the luggage guy that took Natasha’s luggage, is from Barstool. For a past few seasons he’s been tweeting about wanting to be a luggage guy and he finally reached a producer about it. Do you think that happened because of his “brand” or could any commoner start a Twitter campaign to make it happen? I saw that story. I gotta believe it was due to his status.
Bonus question/thought: I’m born and raised in Dallas (went to the same high school as Chris Harrison, just 20 years later, ha!) and wanted to know what some of your favorite restaurants/bars/places (besides OG, cause duh) are in the Dallas area that are worth a try!
Always enjoy reading your columns! Thanks for all that you do!
Comment: Well, I don’t live downtown but I’m there a lot because I go to about 15 or so Mavericks games a year. I like Happiest Hour, Ocean Prime, House of Blues when a good performer is in town, and another restaurant I’m completely blanking on that’s in the Uptown area.
