-We start off by basically getting a 15 minute recap of what the pandemic did to this show. Yay! More reminders of how shitty 2020 has been! What, you couldn’t throw in some political debate stuff? Maybe show us footage of Karen’s in grocery stores yelling at people because she doesn’t want to wear her mask? I understand that we’re in this place now of airing this season months after it was supposed to because of the pandemic, but, it’s almost like there was too much pandemic stuff last night. I think people are over it in terms of having to see how its affected others. We know it has. It’s affected everyone in some way. But watching more and more footage of it gets old after a while. Or maybe that’s just me. Literally the first 1/8th of this show was all based in pandemic stuff, and then numerous references to it throughout the show. I’m good. Thanks.
-We got to re-live Clare telling Juan Pablo off. Something we saw just two months ago during the GOAT episode. We also got to see what Clare did during the pandemic – sleep in, walk her dogs, meditate, aaaaaaannnnnnddddd…that’s it. Yup. Pretty much what a lot of us have done. We also got to see her get the phone call from Chris Harrison telling her she’s the “Bachelorette.” That’s kinda the new thing they do. We saw it with Hannah Brown last season and now Clare. We never see them doing that with the “Bachelor.” Why? Because the guy probably won’t get emotional? It’s almost like if they show that now and the woman doesn’t get emotional, then she’d be looked at differently and compared to others. Just seems like this is unnecessary to show, especially when you don’t do it for the “Bachelor.”
-Hey, did you know that they did tons of testing at La Quinta and you couldn’t go on the show unless you were negative? Yeah, not sure if you knew that. That’s another thing that they seemingly wasted time on last night. I think it’s a fairly well educated audience that watches this show. Pretty sure we’re well aware that if you tested positive for COVID-19, you weren’t going to be allowed on a show where you interacted every day with a group of guys and got to make out with Clare. Call me crazy. But hey, here’s Chris Harrison doing his best Maury Povich impersonation showing up at Clare’s door with this announcement: “I got your final test results.” Man, the times we’re living in. Not 8 months ago if that line would’ve been delivered to someone on this show, pretty sure all of us would’ve giggled under our breath a few times.
-In replace of intro videos from the guys, we got to see the guys arriving in Palm Springs, quarantining, getting tested, and basically doing whatever it is they chose to do in their room for a week before filming began. Lets take Mike Tobin for example. He got in a bubble bath with a make shift Clare made out of soap bars and wash rags. Ben Smith meditated in his sink. Other guys worked out. I think the intro videos should’ve been shown (if any were even done) since one of the main things I noticed during limo entrances last night was that there were a ton of dudes that never said their name to Clare. At least, it wasn’t shown if they did. I’m sure intro videos were done for guys who were originally set to be on cast in March. Once filming re-started in July, I’m guessing production crews weren’t sent to hometowns to film intro packages of any new guys who weren’t in March’s cast. Either way, I don’t think many people focus on the names on the screen during limo entrances, do they? Just seemed like in years past, a priority was made to show each person out of the limo saying their name and greeting the lead. Sooooo many times last night it was skipped over and we never saw that. Just something I noticed.
-Then again, any guy who came after Dale could’ve said they were Leonardo DiCaprio and I don’t think Clare would’ve batted an eye at it. I’d say overall limo entrances this season were pretty tame compared to season’s past, but there were some doozies. Per usual, on the next page I will break down the limo entrances that stood out since I’m not about to comment on 31 guys when in reality only one really even mattered to Clare.
Limo Entrance thoughts on Page 3…