Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 16 - Tayshia

The “Bachelorette” Tayshia – Episode 7 Recap, This Week’s Podcast, Clare/Dale, & Dr. Joe Speaks

Photo Credit: ABC

Is Thanksgiving overrated, underrated, or not rated? I like the holiday. I do. I like food, so naturally, a holiday that gives me turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, stuffing, and some other side dishes I ignore pretty much will always be a good time. But people really love to chime in on this holiday and rating it versus others. Not sure I understand that one. Like, does it matter? One of the most memorable Thanksgivings I ever had was back in 2001. I working in LA sports radio, I was basically a fill-in guy, so naturally on Thanksgiving day, they gave me and A Martinez (still on in LA radio by the way, so shout out to my boy A. “Choco cake, choco cake, eat so much get a tummy ache”) the 3-7 pm shift that night. On Thanksgiving Day. So I missed all festivities with family and ended up ordering from Boston Market on the way home. You know what? Not too shabby. Then again, I’ve always loved Boston Market anyway, but talk about a T-Day I’ll never forget. A had me on his show a couple years ago and we still talk about that to this day. Who is listening to sports radio on drive time on Thanksgiving night. We were basically just talking to ourselves I think. I can’t even remember what we filled 4 hours of programming with, but somehow we made it through. Good times.

After running this site for coming up on 18 years now, one thing that I’ve absolutely taken notice of is you really need to beat people over the head with something to get some sort of action/reaction. Case in point: Yesterday in my column, the very first two paragraphs were about how this week’s podcast I was opening up to the listeners. Explained Yappa, how it worked, how you could leave an audio comment on yesterday’s post, and it would then be part of tomorrow’s podcast (which I’ll actually probably post late tonight). Anyway, after that column went up yesterday, it was crickets. 3 hours later, no one had left a single audio message. I found that kinda weird. So I tweeted something out, along with posting it on my IG asking for audio questions, and within the first hour, I had about 7 or 8. Now we’re at 15. So why did it take a tweet and IG story to get people moving? Some things just can never be explained. Any one of you can go listen to the questions people submitted yesterday by just clicking on their default pic. I’ve uploaded all of them, I just haven’t listened to all of them yet. Nor have I begun to answer. I’ll do that today. But if you still have a question you want answered, by all means, submit it on either yesterday’s post or today’s post, and as long as it’s within the next few hours, good chance it’ll get on the podcast.

Anybody been keeping up with Clare & Dale on IG stories. They’re down in San Diego right now and he’s been with her for the last week. Which is kinda hilarious if you ask me since SO MANY people were convinced Dale was cheating, Dale was with other women, because of bogus, unsubstantiated rumors that IG pages decided to float out there. So basically what you’re telling me (if you are to believe that stuff) is that Dale took Clare to South Dakota 3 weekends ago where she met his family. Then 2 weeks ago, he’s all over NYC, kissing other women, on “dates” with people that aren’t Clare, and basically being called a player. But then for the last week, he’s BACK with Clare for a whole week and now spending Thanksgiving together.

So you really, truly, honestly think that in between two weekends of her meeting his family in South Dakota and them spending the holidays together, he had no problem being seen out with other women he was “dating” or “kissing?” If that is what happened, Dale might be the biggest player known to mankind. Of course, a rational person would realize that nothing ever posted 2 weekends ago was proof of anything, yet was taken as fact. Do I know if Dale and Clare will get married, have babies, and stay married until one of them dies? No. None of us do. Time will tell. But what I do know is all that garbage that was posted 2 weekends ago when he was home in NY was based on nothing, and I said it at the time. Look no further than the two bookend weekends surrounding that and I think you’ll have an idea why.

Ooooohhhh, here’s another bit of “tea” that went absolutely nowhere, and that’s TikTok girl who clearly thought she stumbled on something major when the whole “Tayshia’s ex husbands name showed up in the closed caption, he MUST be on her season.” Uhhhh, no he’s not. I told you that once the TikTok went viral and hundreds of people sent it to me. It was later addressed by Tayshia on her IG story last weekend. And now Chris Harrison says, yeah no, not happening. He doesn’t know how her ex’s name appeared in the closed caption, it wasn’t on the network level, and her ex-husband has nothing to do with this season. Can’t wait for the next TikTok news to break. Seemingly happens every season now.

ABC really changing things up this season by letting some of the current contestants do podcasts while still on the show, and now, even letting the eliminated contestants do interviews. This used to be a weekly thing, but then they stopped it a few seasons ago. Well, it’s back, since America’s favorite eliminated contestant, Joe, is starting to make the rounds. He’s on that one guy’s podcast who knows everything about everything, and also did this interview with Holy crap, this dude does NOT belong in the Bachelor world. What a breath of fresh air. I really hope this show doesn’t corrupt him and he becomes a giant dbag. That’s one of the better interviews I’ve ever read post-show from a contestant on this show. Talk about perspective. We need more people like Joe and less people like, oh I don’t know, just name anyone else ever from this franchise pretty much. It’s a great read.

Ratings are in from last night, and the show dropped slightly from last week. Last night pulled in 4.25 million viewers with a 1.2 rating, compared to last week’s 4.4 million and 1.3 rating. Not earth shattering, but, can pretty much put a sock into the mouths of people who somehow thought ratings would skyrocket once Clare was gone and Tayshia took over. Again, she’s not there to save the show. These are pretty much the standard numbers that Clare was getting for her first few episodes. The 4th and 5th episodes saw an uptick because that was the engagement/Tayshia’s first episode, but since then once her season has settled in, it’s back down to roughly the exact numbers Clare got in her first three episodes. Neither one is better than the other is what I’m saying. However for some people, that’s just impossible for them to accept.

Recap begins on Page 2…



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