Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 16 - Tayshia

The “Bachelorette” Tayshia – Episode 7 Recap, This Week’s Podcast, Clare/Dale, & Dr. Joe Speaks

Photo Credit: ABC

-We had an actual legit group date up next as they got a date card delivered and everything. All is right in the world again. And who’s on this date? All the guys that were just on the singing date, minus Ivan. Yeah, I can’t explain that one. Just chalk it up to a COVID season. Basically this particular “week” for Tayshia consisted of 3 group dates – the wrestling group date (last week), the singing competition, and this date now which is Truth or Dare. And the last 2 dates had the same group of guys on them, except for one guy. Did Ivan get a 1-on-1? Yes, technically. But it wasn’t a true 1-on-1. I have no idea why Bennett, Demar, Kenny, Blake, Kenny, and Riley got to have two group dates on consecutive days, while the guys who were on the wrestling date sat around and did nothing. Your guess is as good as mine. Take it up with production. Is it different? Yes. Does it make sense? Not in the least bit.

-Tayshia is joined by Becca and Sydney Lotuaco. What’s funny is when Tayshia introduces Becca, she says, “This is Becca. She was actually a previous Bachelorette.” Bahahahahahahahahahaha. Was that necessary? It’s not like she was introducing Jen Scheft. Or Meredith Phillips. This was literally the Bachelorette from two seasons ago. These guys need to be told this? Then again, Joe admitted in that interview I linked to on Page 1 when Tayshia walked in the room that night, he had no clue who she was. So yeah, maybe Becca would seem “ancient” to some of these guys where you actually have to tell them who the hell she is. Then she dropped her trademark “lets do the damn thing” line and I’m sure that completely flew over these guys heads. And if BECCA has to be introduced as, “Hey, she was actually a Bachelorette,” they must’ve looked at Sydney Lotuaco as some alien from another planet. Lets face it, it’s not like Sydney was the most memorable past contestant. She was a wallflower on Colton’s season, then didn’t stir up any drama or really have much of a storyline down in Paradise. This scene was pretty comical when you think about it.

-They started off by giving the guys some “dares,” which consisted of drinking a smoothie with insects in it, getting Chris Harrison to signature Demar’s ass cheek, fake an orgasm over a loudspeaker, then eat a jalapeno and fake propose to Tayshia. But lets face it, the only thing really worth talking about here is the Blake and Kenny show. You know, when these two had to simulate orgasm sounds for everyone to hear. I just hope and pray that Kenny and Blake don’t take their show on the road for others because, well, I don’t know what the hell that was. I have a question to any woman that Kenny has possibly ever laid in bed with: exactly how in the world did you keep a straight face while this dude was banging you? The sounds that came out of Kenny’s mouth simulating sex were pretty much equivalent to sounds you’d hear from someone being murdered, not someone being pleasured. And Blake’s sounds were just downright confusing. He tells his women to “back up?” Is that what I heard him say? Let me guess, he also asks, “Can we try this again?” and “Is it in yet?” Needless to say, a very poor and embarrassing performance by both men and they should probably never show their face in public again until after the holidays.

-Weather alert! No, not on the show, but in my area. So last night here in Dallas, a few counties had tornado warnings, which then turned into severe thunderstorm warnings. It was right at this point in the show that our local ABC affiliate cut away from the “Bachelorette” and started talking about the weather, so I missed the whole group date after party. I had to sit and twiddle my thumbs while listening to Pete Delkus warn certain counties of a possible tornado that, I don’t believe, ever hit. I had some good rain in my area, but nothing that I haven’t seen 100 times before in Texas. So unfortunately, I don’t have exact details of what happened on the after party, but two things of note: Zac got the group date rose and Bennett talked about his prior engagement, confirming what I posted over a month ago. I’ve been told his ex fiancé wants nothing to do with this story and whatever Bennett shared was, clearly, his version of events. Apparently there’s much more to it and we’ll leave it at that. If Liz wants to eventually tell her side, I’m all ears.

-However, after that group date after party, Ben and Ed each had a plan to go see Tayshia. Translation: Producers told Ben and Ed they needed to go see Tayshia, they would make it happen, and one of them would be made to look a fool. Take a wild guess which one? Ben shows up at Tayshia’s door, apologizes for waiting so long to talk to her at the wrestling date after party, thus losing his chance once Noah swooped in and stole all the attention. They work things out, they kiss, they order some champagne and strawberries, and everything is in happy land with Tayshia and Ben. Ed? Oh Ed. I don’t know at what point you thought listening to production was a good idea, but man, you are a buffoon. Somebody told Ed Tayshia’s room was in a certain location, yet, it ended up being Chris Harrison’s room, who tells him Tayshia is on the other side of the property. It went about as well as you’d expect, clearly scripted, clearly Chris knew what was about to happen, and Ed comes off looking like a producer puppet. Ed didn’t get “lost” trying to see Tayshia. The whole storyline was he was never gonna get to see her in the first place, and producers made sure of it.



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