Hey guess what? The live that Ashley and I did last night saved! All is right in the world again. So go check that out in case you missed it. Tuesdays are back to normal again and you’ll hear us every Tuesday night live at 8ET/5PT on my Instagram. Now, for the last few weeks, Barb Weber aka “Sweetnums” seems to hold hers at the same time. I’m not sure who has more followers during their show because, well, we’re unable to see it while we’re doing ours. Ashley and I get between 2000-2500 viewers during the course of the 60-90 minutes we do our show. Whatever the case, fun times as we basically go over everything in Bachelor world over the previous week. I know some people were upset it didn’t save last week, and my apologies, but I don’t know what caused it. It’s very easy to just watch us on your phone, so I’m not sure about changing the platform anytime soon. And if you can’t watch live, outside of 2 or 3, they’re all saved on my IGTV on Instagram. Go to my account, and click on the little TV icon to watch any past episode you may have missed. Last night, we were both wearing black. It was not coordinated ahead of time. Believe it or not, we don’t ask each other what the other is wearing before our show.
The big thing to come down yesterday is that I was able to find out that next “Bachelorette” NOT be filming in Canada any longer. The newest quarantine restrictions that came down at the end of last week I heard are the reason why. It just became too much to overcome with travel and quarantining. So I’ve been told they’re looking at US resorts now but are still looking at cold weather places. When I hear something, I will pass it along.
Ratings are in from Monday night, and you know how much people hate this season, hate the bullying, can’t stand the cast, and vow to never watch this show ever again? Yeah, Monday’s episode was the highest rated of the season drawing 5.25 million viewers and a 1.4 rating. I feel like a broken record saying this, almost weekly, season after season after season. No one cares if you say you aren’t gonna watch the show. Because millions of others still will. And that’s been proven over time that a show on the air for 18 years and 41 seasons is still destroying the Women 18-49 demo for 2 hours every Monday night. It’s kinda unreal when you think about it.
What a giant letdown the Dylan/Jed stuff ended up being, huh? Dylan spoke out yesterday as to why he went on a Twitter rampage Saturday night, seemingly out of nowhere. All his tweets have since been deleted, so clearly someone in production got to him to basically say, “Dude, what the hell are you doing?” Then again, nothing he said was really all that earth shattering. It’s stuff you’ve heard for years by me and by former contestants in numerous interviews or podcasts. As for Jed, he promised a YouTube video Sunday night exposing everything. Nothing. Then he changed that to a podcast coming Tuesday. Nothing. Who knows if we’ll even get something from him, and if so, what it could possibly be about. Dude, it was 18 months ago, Hannah has a new boyfriend, you have a new girlfriend – just let it go. Are people really dying to hear what this is? Is there some major online petition going around asking, “Hey, what really happened with Jed and Hannah” that I don’t know about? Just seems so random for him to want to do this a year and a half later when each party involved, and all the fans, aren’t even talking about this.
Matt Matt spoke with ET yesterday and, well, answered questions exactly how you’d expect him to. In regards to him listening to Rachael’s Spotify list, he claims he also listened to Michelle and Kit’s. Uh huh. Sure you didn’t. I’ve already been told Michelle doesn’t even have one. But good cover. I also love the “I haven’t spoken to anyone since the season has ended.” Uh huh. Keep the lies coming. As for the Rachael allegations of questionable social media behavior, he was very careful about how he approached that and you can tell was coached. I don’t know who’s coaching Rachael, but Ashley and I both agree she needs to speak before the season ends. What we don’t know is if she hasn’t because she doesn’t want to, or isn’t allowed to. But now that it’s hit the mainstream outlets, she should address it and apologize, assuming she is sorry for being associated with likeness and images like that. We don’t know why she hasn’t spoken out yet. I have a feeling it’s because the show is muzzling her, which is wrong if they are. We need to hear from her.
“Reader Emails” begins on Page 2…