What does this mean going forward? We don’t know who the next “Bachelorette” is going to be. It hasn’t been announced yet obviously, and, we don’t know when that announcement is even coming. After watching last night, I think it was pretty clear at the time of this taping, Feb. 4th, that Katie’s hot seat absolutely set her up for next “Bachelorette.” But with everything that’s happened, it’s not going to be her anymore. You see Abigail, Pieper, and Serena P. up there in the hot seat last night, and yeah, I could see any of them as our “Bachelorette.” I have no idea who it’s going to be, but as soon as I hear something, I’ll let you know. For those unfamiliar with Emmanuel’s work, he hosts a daily show on FS1 called “Speak For Yourself.” So I don’t see how he becomes the next host of the “Bachelorette.” He can’t just take 2 months off from SFY to sit in New Mexico on a show where they give him 2 minutes of air time a week. I just don’t see how or why he would become the full time host of this show.
Everyone that is throwing out names of the next host, Michael Strahan, Robin Roberts, etc. aren’t taking into account that these people already have full time jobs. Not to mention those two have to be in NY 5 days a week. Any TV vet worth a damn seemingly already has a job, so I can’t think of any who 1) need the work and 2) would take this job. And not because it’s a bad gig, I mean, who wouldn’t want to get 3 paid vacations a year to do basically nothing. But that’s the thing. TV hosts are used to doing more on whatever show they’re on than Chris Harrison does for this one. So does the next host agree to do it under the conditions that the host needs to start playing a bigger role than Chris did? And if they do, does NZK oblige? I absolutely think if they bring in a new host, along with other changes to make, I think they really need to let the host have a little more camera time. That’s why I keep leaning to someone from the franchise. Because most of them HAVE the time to head to New Mexico for 6 weeks and lounge around, and, they’re already familiar with the process and know what to do. Considering filming for “Bachelorette” starts in less than a month, this stuff needs to be decided on fairly soon you’d think.
The executive producers of this show finally decided yesterday to release a statement in regards to the bullying Rachel Lindsay has received since her interview with Chris:
— Bachelor Nation (@bachnation) March 1, 2021
Nice statement. Glad they have Rachel’s back. Here’s the problem. Rachel’s interview with Chris was Feb. 9th. That was three weeks ago today. Rachel has been harassed since the day that interview came out. So while it’s great they stuck up for her, I’m sorry, I don’t believe they actually do care or believe what they said. I know plenty of you have been harping on when statements and/or apologies are made, and yeah, I absolutely think it’s relevant. Tons of people from the franchise have denounced the hate and vitriol Rachel has been getting for the last 3 weeks. Why does it take a whole franchise 3 weeks to say, “Yeah, bullying sucks and Rachel shouldn’t receive death threats?” There was nothing nuanced about what’s happening with Rachel whatsoever. Pretty cut and dry. Yet, it took 3 weeks to put THAT statement together? Kinda makes you scratch your head. I’m sure Rachel appreciates it, but also, ummmmm, where was this earlier?
One announcement made last night in Canada was that they are going to have their first “Bachelor in Paradise” season. It was made on Rogers PR Twitter account:
Bachelor in Paradise Canada is coming to @City_tv??? Get your swimsuits & happy juice ready because Canadians can apply NOW on https://t.co/ZyRBHVquWt??
Check out what @KiSS925‘s @deepaprashad1 & @DarynJones had to say?@BachParadiseCA | #BachelorInParadiseCA | #TheBachelor pic.twitter.com/XHEBZbCYyi
— Rogers Sports & Media PR (@RogersMediaPR) March 2, 2021
They said that it will be open to fans, and that they will pull contestants from previous “Bachelor: Canada” and “Bachelorette: Canada,” AND that they would also pull from the US show. Interesting. Because I would think most US contestants would want to be on the US version of BIP. So I’m curious which ones decide to do BIP: Canada. The rejects? The ones that US BIP doesn’t want? Are they only going to take contestants from the US version that LIVE in Canada? I assume this show starts filming somewhat soon up there. Any US contestant would have to quarantine for 2 weeks right? It’s the whole reason why “Bachelorette” moved from Canada to New Mexico. The restrictions were very strict up there. Be real curious to see which US contestants end up going on BIP: Canada. My guess is any US ones are probably not gonna be any of your bigger names. But I guess we’ll see.
By the way, thank you to everyone who joined my 6 ½ hour Clubhouse chat last Thursday. Never thought we’d go that long, but hey, there was some interesting convo happening. I get that it’s impossible for someone to stick through that the whole 6 ½ hrs, but if you did, you get a medal. We had Juan Pablo’s mom drop in for 45 minutes, which was for sure interesting. TI host Mark Walberg joined in the beginning because he wants to get his own Temptation Island Clubhouse chat going and wanted to see how it worked. I will no doubt join any TI Clubhouse chat going on for sure. It’s a really great networking app and I’m looking in to doing a weekly Clubhouse, but would definitely restrict to maybe 90 min max. With so many people having the ability to talk, and not wanting to shut people’s mics off, yeah, you really lose track of time on that thing. The first time I noticed how long we were going we were 4 hrs in. Time goes by really fast in that thing. It’s only on IPhone right now, but I heard soon they will be adding Android so stay tuned. And no, the episodes aren’t recorded. They are live chats, so, unfortunately if you miss one, there’s no way to go back and listen.