Before we get started, a few charts to look at from our friend over at @BachelorData on IG. Seems like it’s a good thing to have your overnight date shown last, as 5 of the last 10 women who’ve had the third overnight date have gone on to win before last night. Make that 6 out of the last 11 now:
Also, here is your 1 week IG growth from the WTA episode last week heading into tonight. 5 women total over 200k followers with Rachael still kinda running away with the lead here:
-Before any of the dates started last night, we got a very uncomfortable conversation shown last night between Matt and his dad. Leading into this, I had spoiled a while ago that this convo happened, but I didn’t know if it was something that was sprung on Matt or it was planned and he knew about it. Judging by last night, he definitely knew about it. Although, my guess is it was still forced on him. And when I say forced I mean, do we honestly think he wanted to have this conversation on TV for all of America to see? Me neither. But somehow they convinced him they should, or more than likely, it’d look great for the show and help their relationship. Total bomb. Matt even took to Twitter last night to share his thoughts on it:
Tonight’s convo with my dad was hard to experience, and it’s just as hard to watch all this time later, especially knowing the world is watching with me.
— Matt James (@mattjames919) March 9, 2021
-This was just too personal of a conversation to be having on national television, not to mention how much it played into stereotypes. So again, what was their goal here? Do you really think production really cared if Matt and his dad bonded? Please. This was a TV opportunity if I ever saw one. Black father abandoned his son early, wasn’t there for him, thus subsequently scarring Matt for all future relationships. Did people not see something majorly wrong with that? I have no problem with that conversation happening. But it did NOT need to be shown to us. It was exploitative at the very least. I think Rachel Lindsay did an excellent job explaining why showing that conversation was so problematic on many levels. I agree with all of this. If you’re like, “What’s the big deal? It was a touching moment to see him with his dad,” please take the time to listen to the podcast she did after the show last night with Juliet Litman and maybe it’ll give you a better understanding. You can listen to it here.
The show was not out to protect Matt in this situation, and yet again, they drop another huge ball when it comes to race on this show. Matt and Meghan Markle sure have a lot in common right now. What? Their biggest mistake was believing those around them were looking out for their best interests and to protect them. One thing Rachel said in that podcast that really stuck out to me was, “Trust me when I say this: Matt was not happy about this.” I mean, it’s clear Rachel spoke to Matt and that’s what led her to say that, I don’t think that’s a secret. So look, if Matt himself is admitting he wasn’t happy about that conversation happening on TV, then yes, the show absolutely failed him and didn’t have his best interests at heart. Period. This show has failed so many times this season on race related issues, I’m beginning to lose track. And still, nothing but crickets coming from anyone in a higher up position.