-The overnight dates started and Michelle was up first. It was time to get down and dirty, literally, as they had a spa day with some oatmeal and milk. No, they didn’t get served a bowl of oatmeal with a glass of milk while they got pampered. They literally put their feet in oatmeal, got a milk bath, and rubbed butter all over each other. Ummmmm, no thanks. Well, unless that oatmeal was Quaker’s Apples and Cinnamon, I’m out. I’m sure there was some method to this madness, but good Lord, rubbing butter all over each other is not what I would call romantic. I’m not a huge butter guy to eat to begin with. Now you want it all over my body? What the hell is happening here?
-So I have something for you here where I’m legitimately confused. If I’m wrong, I’ll own it. But this is what’s driving me nuts now about this franchise. You can’t have ANY opinion on ANYTHING without someone taking it out of context, someone looking to shit on you, or someone calling it bullying. I didn’t think my comment last night was either of those, but there were some who came after me after one of my tweets. Here’s what I said:
Michelle’s young students are watching their teacher get rubbed down in a milk bath tonight? Uhhhhh, do your homework kids. Stay in school. Don’t do drugs. And oh yeah, don’t watch the Bachelor. Miss Michelle would like you to close your eyes.
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) March 9, 2021
And because yesterday was International Woman’s Day, or they thought it was misogynistic, I was called out for it. It was a joke made because we know that Michelle teaches young kids. What, second graders? Third graders? That was the only reason I made the joke. If she taught in high school, I wouldn’t have said anything. The whole point was, the date was kinda sexual, she teaches young kids, and if they were watching, I was telling them to close their eyes and/or don’t watch this show. And then throwing in all the sayings the adults told us when we were little – stay in school, don’t do drugs, do your homework, etc. Please, if I’m missing something here let me know. But I never thought for a second that tweet was offensive in any way or taking some shot Michelle being a teacher. I had people telling me, “What, teachers aren’t allowed to have a sex life? Being a teacher does not define her?” Huh? What? Where did I ever say that? I made a silly joke about how her second graders need to cover their eyes if they’re actually watching Miss Michelle last night. I looked at my tweet 50 times and I couldn’t see where these people were coming from. But maybe I’m in the wrong here. I’d like to know if I was.
-The other most notable thing from their overnight date was Michelle telling him, while in bed, “I’m in love with you,” and Matt immediately following that with “thanks for sharing that.” Yeah, Michelle should’ve known at that point where she stood. Not that she knew what he was telling other women, but a couple days later, he’s telling Rachael he’s fallen in love with her. So if Michelle had any inkling he was telling Rachael that, she wouldn’t be the least bit surprised when he chose Rachael in the end. But I’ve heard Michelle is definitely upset by Matt not choosing her and really took it hard. So that’s kinda the weird part of this show. And we’ve heard plenty of contestants say this after the fact. That when they were there, they totally thought the lead was into them and they were shocked when they were eliminated, but then when they watched it back, they understood. And they all basically say the same thing which is, “Yeah, watching him with so-and-so, I could see it on screen.”
-On Bri’s date, the sexual innuendos were flying all around. Well, one sexual innuendo that was repeated what seemed like 100 times. How many references could Matt have made to him pitching a tent? The fact we saw it earlier in the season when he was in the hot tub with Serena P and he specifically didn’t want to get out because he had one, it was brought up again on the date with Bri. But it was still bizarre to hear him say it as much as he did so casually without seemingly realizing what he was saying. And oh yeah, because they knew Bri was going home, they really gave her the shittiest date. While getting soaked with butter maybe not have been her choice either, going camping in what looked like not the greatest weather probably wasn’t at the top of her list. Can we help a girl out here? I know she’s headed home, but at least let her go out in style, right? I believe Taylor Swift said that once.