-The underlying theme on all of Matt’s overnights last night was him telling all three women that he spoke to his dad, and it was an important conversation, and what he took from it was that he’s not his dad. He had all these insecurities about opening up and committing to someone but got a sense of clarity after talking to his dad. Which is reeeeeeeeeallly ironic considering that at the end of this thing, he couldn’t commit anything to Rachael. He basically said, “Yeah, I pick you and lets date.” So all that rhetoric he was running last night felt quite hollow knowing how this season plays out. How could it not? He made SUCH a big deal out of really getting clarity from his dad, yet, didn’t really follow up with that this season, did he?
-Bri asked him during their dinner portion how he felt about an engagement. Matt did his best Fred Astaire and danced around that question like Ginger Rogers was his partner. I know, really cool, hip reference Steve. Maybe I should’ve said Alan and Hannah Brown. Or Kaitlyn and Artev? Is that better? Do the millennials get that reference? Good. The point being Matt threw a word hodge podge together that sounded something like, “relationship with my dad…got intense…him not being ready…affected all of us…I’m my own man…” Great Matt. How about you actually answer her question about how you feel towards an engagement? Then again, I guess we did, since his non-answer was an answer. And that answer was “Absolutely not.” Nobody should be the least bit surprised by what happened at the end of this season. I wasn’t calling him Clout James all the way back last May for no reason.
-I think that’s something that might be getting lost on people. Remember, when Matt was going through this filming from Oct. 10th – Nov. 23rd or so, he knew NOTHING about Rachael’s past or social media activity. So that’s why when we’re judging his actions on the show and his choice on how to end the season the way he did, you have to eliminate everything that’s happened post-show because he had no idea. So before any of this Rachael stuff came to light, Matt is telling everyone how he’s not his dad, he doesn’t want to be like him, he wants to be married and have kids and actually be there for his kids, etc. Then he got to the end and basically couldn’t commit anything to Rachael other than pick her over Michelle. I don’t think it’s much of a surprise to say the guy didn’t really take much about this season seriously, nor does he really care even now. The day after the ATFR taping on Friday, the guy was in Idaho skiing on Saturday. I’m not saying the guy can’t enjoy life, but, he’s been traveling basically every week since filming ended. He realizes we’re still in a pandemic, right? There’s light at the end of the tunnel now, but still, how about you just chill and not post from 8 different states or however many it’s been for you since November.
-I thoroughly enjoyed his date with Rachael. Why? Because it involved ceramics and I’m sure everyone’s thoughts turned to Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore. How could it not? Sam Wheat and Molly Jensen doing it while making ceramics. Iconic movie scene. I totally thought that was the route we were headed with Matt and Rachael last night. But then Willie Lopez would come in and try and screw things up because Carl hired him to. That was a hell of a plot twist wasn’t it? And kind of sick. Sam’s best friend hired a hit man to kill him because he wanted to bang Molly that bad. Some crazy stuff I tell ya. Molly, you in danger girl. That movie kinda freaked me out for a while after seeing it. That one and “Flatliners.” Kinda made you think, “Wait, is this really what happens when you die?” I’m sure some people believe it does, but even the exaggerated movie version makes you think.
-Rachael was the girl this season who is shown as the one who can’t handle him being with other girls. She arrived for their date seemingly like someone just murdered her dog. She basically didn’t even want to take part in Ceramics 101 because she had his first two overnight dates on her mind. Matt essentially gave her the assurance she needed by telling her he’s fallen in love with her. Considering he was nowhere close to saying that to Bri and Michelle while in bed with them, even if you didn’t know the spoiler, this episode should’ve given it away to you. Although Matt did have one funny, and ironic, line when he said, “What would life be like without Rachael?” I don’t know Matt. You tell us. Because right now, that is your life. Sometimes this show just writes itself.
Finale is next week and it couldn’t get here any sooner. Hopefully I’ll find out some details regarding the ATFR taping. If/When I do, I’ll be sure to pass those along.
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