And we’re baaaaaaaaaaaack! Three months off the grid for the most part, but here we go again. Assuming the “Bachelor” gets picked up for 2022 and airs in it’s normal spot (first Monday in January 2022) you realize we have 9 straight months of Bachelor Nation programming, don’t you? Katie’s season started last night. We already know that BIP premieres on Aug. 16th, which means if it sticks to its 6 week airing schedule that it has for their first 6 seasons, it’ll finish right around Sept. 20th. Last year, Clare’s season started airing first or second week of October, which is when I expect Michelle’s season to start airing. That’ll take us to the second to last week of December, then right into “Bachelor” season, which runs til mid March. So yep, while there may not have been much activity on this site since Matt’s finale (like there hasn’t been for the last 3 years in the offseason), you are now basically looking at 9 straight months of stuff to cover. Recaps on Tuesdays, “Reader Emails” on Wednesdays, and podcasts on Thursdays. We have a lot to go over on these first couple pages before getting to last night’s recap, so bear with me. Announcements to make, spoilers to go over, and just general talk about this show.
Get your “Reader Emails” in today to have them for tomorrow’s column. Obviously I haven’t had many emails sent in the last few months, and most wouldn’t be relevant to what’s happening now. I know some may have questions regarding everything that happened a couple months ago, but I feel I addressed that in my column and podcast back on 4/29 and in the column and podcast on 5/27. I’ve said what I’ve said on the matter, I’m going to be better moving forward, so continuously talking about it makes it seem like I’m going backwards. Everything’s been addressed and I feel like I’ve done some things and will continue to do some things differently moving forward. I’ve learned from what happened, I’ve reached out to those who I affected, and I believe I’ve made the changes necessary to better. That’s all I can do. I hope you understand.
Since COVID wiped it out last year and we had a waiting list to attend, I’ve decided that we are bringing the Reality Steve Fan Appreciation Party back later this summer. It’s going to take place Friday, Aug. 27th at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. If you were set to come last year, unfortunately, there is no guarantee this year. I have to open it up to everyone again since it’s impossible to know if the ones confirmed for the party in June of 2020 that got canceled because of COVID can all make it this year. It’s first come first serve starting today. HOWEVER, there will be one major change to being able to attend this year. You will need to show proof of vaccination to me via email. I understand this may upset some of you, but, I don’t know what else to tell you. I’m sure there are vaccinated people that want to attend that may still not be comfortable being around unvaccinated people. That’s who this is for. Personally for me, I’m fine either way. But if I’m going to hold a party like this, I want everyone in attendance to know that everyone else there is vaccinated. It’s my party and this is how I’m choosing to do it this year. Please don’t email me with your displeasure, or saying it’s not fair, or send me some links to anything. For me, this is the safest way to hold the party this year. 1) There will be another party next year where I highly doubt I’ll ask for vaccination proof. 2) It’s just a party. This isn’t a huge deal if you can’t make it bc you’re not vaccinated. It’s ok. Just please let me choose to handle my party as I choose for this one year.
So first come, first serve. There is no cost to attend my party. However this year I’d like just a little help if you’d be so kind. All I’m asking is any donation you can make to the Reality Steve Fan Appreciation Party where, as you’ll see, all donations will go towards the Genesis Women’s Shelter and Support in Dallas. This is not to cover any costs of the party. It would mean a lot if any of you attending, or even ones that can’t attend, would donate something to help those women in need here locally. I’ve never asked for money to attend my party, but this year I wanted to reach out and help an organization in conjunction with my party, so this is how I chose to do it. You don’t have to donate anything if you don’t want. And not donating will not prevent attendance into the party. It’s just something I want to add to the party this year and in the years going forward. I appreciate any donations any of you may make. Thanks.
So, your confirmation into the party is (if you’re flying in), a flight itinerary and a screenshot of your vaccination card. You maybe black out any info you don’t want me to see on the vaccination card. People who are locals or are close enough to drive to Vegas and aren’t flying in, I’ve set aside x amount of spots for you, but you have to let me know ASAP if you’re interested, as there’s no guarantee I’ll be able to get you on the list. Out of towners who are flying in get first priority since they’re spending money on a ticket. If they’re willing to do that, they get entrance into the party. However, there is a limited number of spaces, so depending on how many people respond, we’ll see how quickly it fills up. Last year, it was filled up within 2 weeks and there was a waiting list of people who weren’t quick enough to email me. I can only take a certain amount, so like I said, it’s first come first serve, especially to those flying in. Unfortunately, I’m telling you right now not everyone that responds I’ll have room for. I’m sorry, but I only have a certain amount of people I can allow. So email me at to let me know if you’re interested, if you’re flying in, your flight confirmation, and your proof of vaccination. Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.
Breaking news just this morning as, according to reports, Chris Harrison is leaving the Bachelor franchise for good. I guess we can expect a formal announcement later today, and maybe we’ll get a statement from him at some point. I guess I’m a little surprised since I assumed he would be back for the next “Bachelor” season around January of 2022. But I guess that’s not happening. So yeah, I’m surprised. I knew he wouldn’t be on Katie’s season or BIP, that was too early to be brought back. Then I didn’t think he’d be on Michelle’s season either. “Bachelor” made the most sense. And the last we heard from Chris, he was on GMA saying he wanted to be back and expected to be back. So this was clearly not his decision and he was forced out. Did I think at the time he should’ve been held accountable? Absolutely. I also thought he’d eventually get brought back. Maybe there’s more to the story here than we know right now, but it’s definitely a little surprising he’s never coming back. I’ll live, and I think the franchise will live as well. While he was the face of it, he didn’t have a major on air role ever. This franchise can succeed without him. However, they still need to make changes with how this show is cast and produced for it to continue to thrive. Chris wasn’t/isn’t their biggest issue. If Chris came back, I would’ve been fine with it. Now that he’s not, I’m still fine with it. He just wasn’t that big of deal to me either way. My job is to cover and spoil the show as long as it’s on air, regardless of who’s hosting it.
There are spoilers to get to on Page 2 regarding Katie’s season, and all the early intel I have on “Bachelor in Paradise.”